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Examining emotional functioning in misophonia: The role of affective instability and difficulties with emotion regulation. PloS one Misophonia is a newly described condition characterized by sensory and emotional reactivity (e.g., anxiety, anger, disgust) to repetitive, pattern-based sounds (e.g., throat clearing, chewing, slurping). Individuals with misophonia report significant functional impairment and interpersonal distress. Growing research indicates ineffective coping and emotional functioning broadly (e.g., affective lability, difficulties with emotion regulation) are central to the clinical presentation and severity of misophonia. Preliminary evidence suggests an association between negative emotionality and deficits in emotion regulation in misophonia. Still, little is known about (a) the relationships among specific components of emotional functioning (e.g., emotion regulation, affective lability) with misophonia, and (b) which component(s) of misophonia (e.g., noise frequency, emotional and behavioral responses, impairment) are associated with emotional functioning. Further, despite evidence that mood and anxiety disorders co-occur with misophonia, investigation thus far has not controlled for depression and anxiety symptoms. Examination of these relationships will help inform treatment development for misophonia. The present study begins to disambiguate the relationships among affective lability, difficulties with emotion regulation, and components of misophonia. A sample of 297 participants completed questionnaires assessing misophonia, emotional functioning, depression, anxiety, and COVID-19 impact. Findings indicated that misophonia severity was positively associated with each of these constructs with small to medium effect sizes. When controlling for depression, anxiety, and COVID-19 impact, results from this preliminary study suggest that (a) difficulties with emotion regulation may be correlated with misophonia severity, and (b) misophonic responses, not number of triggers or perceived severity, are associated with difficulties with emotion regulation. Overall, these findings begin to suggest that emotion regulation is important to our understanding the risk factors and treatment targets for misophonia. 10.1371/journal.pone.0263230
PID-5 Trait Indicators of Emotional Instability and Childhood Adversity Antecedents. King Alan R Psychological reports Personality traits provide natural mechanisms through which childhood maltreatment may translate into psychiatric symptomatology. The PID-5 has provided a DSM-supported exemplar for canvassing traits that may contribute to the developmental trajectories of many personality and mood disorders. This general population survey ( = 2,430) examined associations between adverse childhood experiences (ACE questionnaire) and selected PID-5 trait indicators of emotional well-being (Depressivity, Anxiousness, and Emotional Lability). These associations were contrasted with others derived from traditional dimensional measures of childhood maltreatment. ACE counts and all six of the dimensional maltreatment indicators were linked to the three trait scores. Family emotional abuse and ACE counts provided equally strong correlates of Depressivity and Anxiousness. ACE counts and childhood sexual abuse were especially strong in their associations with all three traits. Graded relationships were found in these trait-adversity relationships with polyvictimized respondents generating the highest personality maladjustment. The odds of a trait score elevation (>1 ) were raised substantially (two to five fold) by singular adversity exposures, and the co-occurrence of only two different forms of adversity maximized odds of extreme trait expression. These results contribute to an evidentiary base suggesting steeper developmental trajectories for personality maladjustment among maltreated youth. 10.1177/0033294120973940
Instability of emotional relationships and suicide among youth: a qualitative study. BMC psychiatry BACKGROUND:Interpersonal problems are one of the factors for understanding the complex issues that result in suicide attempts and self-injury by poisoning. The quality of familial relationships is a predictor of the occurrence and outcome of suicide attempts. This study aimed to explore motives for self-poisoning suicide attempts amongst young adults. METHOD:This research was a qualitative study conducted using semi-structured interviews in 2019 in Kermanshah Province, Iran. Eighteen participants who had attempted suicide by self-poisoning were interviewed, and information was collected until data saturation was achieved. The interviews were recorded and transcribed, and the data were analyzed through content analysis. RESULTS:The results included the category of instability in emotional relationships with the three sub-categories of 1- Emotional failure, 2- Emotional trauma, and 3- Loss of emotional resilience (caused by emotional failure and emotional trauma within the previous few months). Instability in emotional relationships creates feelings of disgrace, humiliation, burdensomeness, worthlessness, and insignificance, which increases the chances of attempting suicide. CONCLUSION:The study results provided an in-depth understanding of romantic, and unstable familial relationships as a significant factor in suicide attempts, demonstrating the role of emotional stress in attempting suicide. The present study provided information on the risk factors and warning signs for psychiatrists and nurses dealing with suicidal patients to take effective measures to prevent suicide through social support. 10.1186/s12888-023-04534-0