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The eggshell technique for prevention of cement leakage during kyphoplasty. Greene David L,Isaac Roman,Neuwirth Michael,Bitan Fabien D Journal of spinal disorders & techniques Cement extravasation during kyphoplasty occurs between 4% and 9%, a much lower incidence than with vertebroplasty. However, because of the potential complications of cement in and around the spinal canal, any egress of cement outside the vertebral body is extremely concerning. Aborting the procedure will cease the extraosseous leakage and minimize potential immediate complications. However, the cavity will remain unfilled and the fracture unstable. Rather than aborting, we have devised a technique, called the eggshell technique, to manage the patient's fracture once extravasation is noted so that the procedure can be safely completed. 10.1097/01.bsd.0000211276.76024.30