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Discovery of a Fungal P450 with an Unusual Two-Step Mechanism for Constructing a Bicyclo[3.2.2]nonane Skeleton. Journal of the American Chemical Society The successful biomimetic or chemoenzymatic synthesis of target natural products (NPs) and their derivatives relies on enzyme discovery. Herein, we discover a fungal P450 BTG5 that can catalyze the formation of a bicyclo[3.2.2]nonane structure through an unusual two-step mechanism of dimerization and cyclization in the biosynthesis of beticolin 1, whose bicyclo[3.2.2]nonane skeleton connects an anthraquinone moiety and a xanthone moiety. Further investigation reveals that BTG5-T318 not only determines the substrate selectivity but also alters the catalytic reactions, which allows the separation of the reaction to two individual steps, thereby understanding its catalytic mechanism. It reveals that the first heterodimerization undergoes the common oxidation process for P450s, while the second uncommon formal redox-neutral cyclization step is proved as a redox-mediated reaction, which has never been reported. Therefore, this work advances our understanding of P450-catalyzed reactions and paves the way for expansion of the diversity of this class of NPs through synthetic biology. 10.1021/jacs.4c01284
Early and Late Steps of Quinine Biosynthesis. Trenti Francesco,Yamamoto Kotaro,Hong Benke,Paetz Christian,Nakamura Yoko,O'Connor Sarah E Organic letters The enzymatic basis for quinine biosynthesis was investigated. Transcriptomic data from the producing plant led to the discovery of three enzymes involved in the early and late steps of the pathway. A medium-chain alcohol dehydrogenase (CpDCS) and an esterase (CpDCE) yielded the biosynthetic intermediate dihydrocorynantheal from strictosidine aglycone . Additionally, the discovery of an -methyltransferase specific for 6'-hydroxycinchoninone suggested the final step order to be cinchoninone hydroxylation, methylation, and keto-reduction. 10.1021/acs.orglett.1c00206
Late-Stage Diversification of Natural Products. Hong Benke,Luo Tuoping,Lei Xiaoguang ACS central science Late-stage diversification of natural products is an efficient way to generate natural product derivatives for drug discovery and chemical biology. Benefiting from the development of site-selective synthetic methodologies, late-stage diversification of natural products has achieved notable success. This outlook will outline selected examples of novel methodologies for site-selective transformations of reactive functional groups and inert C-H bonds that enable late-stage diversification of complex natural products. Accordingly, late-stage diversification provides an opportunity to rapidly access various derivatives for modifying lead compounds, identifying cellular targets, probing protein-protein interactions, and elucidating natural product biosynthetic relationships. 10.1021/acscentsci.9b00916
biosynthesis of diverse plant-derived styrylpyrones in . Wu Yinan,Chen Maple N,Li Sijin Metabolic engineering communications Plant styrylpyrones exerting well-established neuroprotective properties have attracted increasing attention in recent years. The ability to synthesize each individual styrylpyrone in engineered microorganisms is important to understanding the biological activity of medicinal plants and the complex mixtures they produce. Microbial biomanufacturing of diverse plant-derived styrylpyrones also provides a sustainable and efficient approach for the production of valuable plant styrylpyrones as daily supplements or potential drugs complementary to the prevalent agriculture-based approach. In this study, we firstly demonstrated the heterogenous biosynthesis of two 7,8-saturated styrylpyrones (7,8-dihydro-5,6-dehydrokavain (DDK) and 7,8-dihydroyangonin (DHY)) and two 7,8-unsaturated styrylpyrones (desmethoxyyangonin (DMY) and yangonin (Y)), in . Although plant styrylpyrone biosynthetic pathways have not been fully elucidated, we functionally reconstructed the recently discovered kava styrylpyrone biosynthetic pathway that has high substrate promiscuity in yeast, and combined it with upstream hydroxycinnamic acid biosynthetic pathways to produce diverse plant-derived styrylpyrones without the native plant enzymes. We optimized the pathways by engineering yeast endogenous aromatic amino acid metabolism and endogenous double bond reductases and by CRISPR-mediated -integration to overexpress the rate-limiting pathway genes. These combinatorial engineering efforts led to the first three yeast strains that can produce diverse plant-derived styrylpyrones , with the titers of DDK, DMY and Y at 4.40 μM, 1.28 μM and 0.10 μM, respectively. This work has laid the foundation for larger-scale styrylpyrone biomanufacturing and the complete biosynthesis of more complicated plant styrylpyrones. 10.1016/j.mec.2022.e00195
The biosynthesis of papaverine proceeds via (S)-reticuline. Han Xu,Lamshöft Marc,Grobe Nadja,Ren Xuan,Fist Anthony J,Kutchan Toni M,Spiteller Michael,Zenk Meinhart H Phytochemistry Papaverine is one of the earliest opium alkaloids for which a biosynthetic hypothesis was developed on theoretical grounds. Norlaudanosoline (=tetrahydropapaveroline) was claimed as the immediate precursor alkaloid for a multitude of nitrogen containing plant metabolites. This tetrahydroxylated compound was proposed to be fully O-methylated. The resulting tetrahydropapaverine should then aromatize to papaverine. In view of experimental data, this pathway has to be revised. Precursor administration to 8-day-old seedlings of Papaver followed by direct examination of the metabolic fate of the stable-isotope-labeled precursors in the total plant extract, without further purification of the metabolites, led to elucidation of the papaverine pathway in vivo. The central and earliest benzylisoquinoline alkaloid is not the tetraoxygenated norlaudanosoline, but instead the trihydroxylated norcoclaurine that is further converted into (S)-reticuline, the established precursor for poppy alkaloids. The papaverine pathway is opened by the methylation of (S)-reticuline to generate (S)-laudanine. A second methylation at the 3' position of laudanine leads to laudanosine, both known alkaloids from the opium poppy. Subsequent N-demethylation of laudanosine yields the known precursor of papaverine: tetrahydropapaverine. Inspection of the subsequent aromatization reaction established the presence of an intermediate, 1,2-dihydropapaverine, which has been characterized. The final step to papaverine is dehydrogenation of the 1,2-bond, yielding the target compound papaverine. We conclusively show herein that the previously claimed norreticuline does not play a role in the biosynthesis of papaverine. 10.1016/j.phytochem.2010.04.022
Biosynthesis of strychnine. Nature Strychnine is a natural product that, through isolation, structural elucidation and synthetic efforts, shaped the field of organic chemistry. Currently, strychnine is used as a pesticide to control rodents because of its potent neurotoxicity. The polycyclic architecture of strychnine has inspired chemists to develop new synthetic transformations and strategies to access this molecular scaffold, yet it is still unknown how plants create this complex structure. Here we report the biosynthetic pathway of strychnine, along with the related molecules brucine and diaboline. Moreover, we successfully recapitulate strychnine, brucine and diaboline biosynthesis in Nicotiana benthamiana from an upstream intermediate, thus demonstrating that this complex, pharmacologically active class of compounds can now be harnessed through metabolic engineering approaches. 10.1038/s41586-022-04950-4