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High-throughput automated organoid culture via stem-cell aggregation in microcavity arrays. Brandenberg Nathalie,Hoehnel Sylke,Kuttler Fabien,Homicsko Krisztian,Ceroni Camilla,Ringel Till,Gjorevski Nikolce,Schwank Gerald,Coukos George,Turcatti Gerardo,Lutolf Matthias P Nature biomedical engineering Stem-cell-derived epithelial organoids are routinely used for the biological and biomedical modelling of tissues. However, the complexity, lack of standardization and quality control of stem cell culture in solid extracellular matrices hampers the routine use of the organoids at the industrial scale. Here, we report the fabrication of microengineered cell culture devices and scalable and automated methods for suspension culture and real-time analysis of thousands of individual gastrointestinal organoids trapped in microcavity arrays within a polymer-hydrogel substrate. The absence of a solid matrix substantially reduces organoid heterogeneity, which we show for mouse and human gastrointestinal organoids. We use the devices to screen for anticancer drug candidates with patient-derived colorectal cancer organoids, and apply high-content image-based phenotypic analyses to reveal insights into mechanisms of drug action. The scalable organoid-culture technology should facilitate the use of organoids in drug development and diagnostics. 10.1038/s41551-020-0565-2
Self-organization and symmetry breaking in intestinal organoid development. Nature Intestinal organoids are complex three-dimensional structures that mimic the cell-type composition and tissue organization of the intestine by recapitulating the self-organizing ability of cell populations derived from a single intestinal stem cell. Crucial in this process is a first symmetry-breaking event, in which only a fraction of identical cells in a symmetrical sphere differentiate into Paneth cells, which generate the stem-cell niche and lead to asymmetric structures such as the crypts and villi. Here we combine single-cell quantitative genomic and imaging approaches to characterize the development of intestinal organoids from single cells. We show that their development follows a regeneration process that is driven by transient activation of the transcriptional regulator YAP1. Cell-to-cell variability in YAP1, emerging in symmetrical spheres, initiates Notch and DLL1 activation, and drives the symmetry-breaking event and formation of the first Paneth cell. Our findings reveal how single cells exposed to a uniform growth-promoting environment have the intrinsic ability to generate emergent, self-organized behaviour that results in the formation of complex multicellular asymmetric structures. 10.1038/s41586-019-1146-y
Mouse organoids as an in vitro tool to study the in vivo intestinal response to cytotoxicants. Archives of toxicology Cross-species comparison of drug responses at the organoid level could help to determine the human relevance of findings from animal studies. To this end, we first need to evaluate the in vitro to in vivo translatability of preclinical organoids. Here, we used 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) as an exemplar drug to test whether the in vivo gut response to this cytotoxicant was preserved in murine intestinal organoids. Mice treated with 5-FU at 20 or 50 mg/kg IV (low and high dose, respectively) displayed diarrhea at clinically relevant exposures. 5-FU also induced intestinal lesions, increased epithelial apoptosis, and decreased proliferation in a dose-dependent manner. To enable comparison between the in vitro and in vivo response, top nominal in vitro drug concentrations that caused significant cytotoxicity were chosen (dose range 1-1000 µM). The inferred intracellular concentration in organoids at 1000 µM was within the tissue exposure range related to intestinal toxicity in vivo. 5-FU at ≥ 100 µM decreased ATP levels and increased Caspase-3 activity in intestinal organoids. In keeping with the in vivo findings, 5-FU increased the percentage of Caspase-3-positive cells and reduced Ki67 staining. At the transcriptome level, there was an overlap in the activity of pathways related to 5-FU's mode of action, lipid and cholesterol metabolism and integrin signaling across in vivo gut and organoids. The predicted activity state of upstream regulators was generally well preserved between setups. Collectively, our results suggest that despite their inherent limitations, organoids represent an adequate tool to explore the intestinal response to cytotoxicants. 10.1007/s00204-022-03374-3
Interleukin-22 promotes intestinal-stem-cell-mediated epithelial regeneration. Nature Epithelial regeneration is critical for barrier maintenance and organ function after intestinal injury. The intestinal stem cell (ISC) niche provides Wnt, Notch and epidermal growth factor (EGF) signals supporting Lgr5(+) crypt base columnar ISCs for normal epithelial maintenance. However, little is known about the regulation of the ISC compartment after tissue damage. Using ex vivo organoid cultures, here we show that innate lymphoid cells (ILCs), potent producers of interleukin-22 (IL-22) after intestinal injury, increase the growth of mouse small intestine organoids in an IL-22-dependent fashion. Recombinant IL-22 directly targeted ISCs, augmenting the growth of both mouse and human intestinal organoids, increasing proliferation and promoting ISC expansion. IL-22 induced STAT3 phosphorylation in Lgr5(+) ISCs, and STAT3 was crucial for both organoid formation and IL-22-mediated regeneration. Treatment with IL-22 in vivo after mouse allogeneic bone marrow transplantation enhanced the recovery of ISCs, increased epithelial regeneration and reduced intestinal pathology and mortality from graft-versus-host disease. ATOH1-deficient organoid culture demonstrated that IL-22 induced epithelial regeneration independently of the Paneth cell niche. Our findings reveal a fundamental mechanism by which the immune system is able to support the intestinal epithelium, activating ISCs to promote regeneration. 10.1038/nature16460
NF-κB Signaling in Ex-Vivo Mouse Intestinal Organoids. Shostak Kateryna,Wathieu Caroline,Tielens Sylvia,Chariot Alain Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) We describe here a protocol to assess NF-κB activation in ex-vivo organoids generated from mouse intestinal crypts. These structures are maintained in culture as crypt-villus forming organoids. These ex-vivo organoids maintain both self-renewal and multilineage differentiation overtime. We also describe the generation of ex-vivo organoids from Apc-mutated mouse intestinal crypts. Both wild-type and Apc-mutated organoids respond very well to NF-κB-activating signals such as TNFα but not to LPS. The kinetic of NF-κB activation in response to these signals in ex-vivo intestinal organoids is very similar to what we see in 2D cell lines. This protocol provides investigators a powerful tool to assess NF-κB activation in both healthy and transformed intestinal epitheliums maintained in culture as 3D structures. 10.1007/978-1-0716-1669-7_17
Single Lgr5 stem cells build crypt-villus structures in vitro without a mesenchymal niche. Sato Toshiro,Vries Robert G,Snippert Hugo J,van de Wetering Marc,Barker Nick,Stange Daniel E,van Es Johan H,Abo Arie,Kujala Pekka,Peters Peter J,Clevers Hans Nature The intestinal epithelium is the most rapidly self-renewing tissue in adult mammals. We have recently demonstrated the presence of about six cycling Lgr5(+) stem cells at the bottoms of small-intestinal crypts. Here we describe the establishment of long-term culture conditions under which single crypts undergo multiple crypt fission events, while simultanously generating villus-like epithelial domains in which all differentiated cell types are present. Single sorted Lgr5(+) stem cells can also initiate these cryptvillus organoids. Tracing experiments indicate that the Lgr5(+) stem-cell hierarchy is maintained in organoids. We conclude that intestinal cryptvillus units are self-organizing structures, which can be built from a single stem cell in the absence of a non-epithelial cellular niche. 10.1038/nature07935
Intestinal stem cells and intestinal organoids. Zhao Qian,Guan Jiawei,Wang Xia Journal of genetics and genomics = Yi chuan xue bao The intestinal epithelium is one of the most rapidly renewing tissues, which is fueled by stem cells at the base of the crypts. Strategies of genetic lineage tracing and organoids, which capture major features of original tissues, are powerful avenues for exploring the biology of intestinal stem cells in vivo and in vitro, respectively. The combination of intestinal organoid-culturing system and genetic modification approaches provides an attractive platform to uncover the mechanism of colorectal cancer and genetic disorders in the human minigut. Here, we will provide a comprehensive overview of studies on intestinal epithelium and intestinal stem cells. We will also review the applications of organoids and genetic markers in intestinal research studies. Furthermore, we will discuss the advantages and drawbacks of organoids as disease models compared with mice models and cell lines. 10.1016/j.jgg.2020.06.005
Directed Differentiation of Murine and Human Small Intestinal Organoids Toward All Mature Lineages. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) Intestinal organoids are three-dimensional structures derived from tissue-resident adult stem cells. These organoids recapitulate key aspects of epithelial biology and can be used to study homeostatic turnover of the corresponding tissue. Organoids can be enriched for the various mature lineages which allows studies of the respective differentiation processes and of the diverse cellular functions. Here we describe mechanisms of intestinal fate specification and how these can be exploited to drive mouse and human small intestinal organoids into each of the functionally mature lineages. 10.1007/978-1-0716-3076-1_9
Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 Regulates Genes Necessary for Intestinal Microfold Cell (M Cell) Development. George Joel Johnson,Oittinen Mikko,Martin-Diaz Laura,Zapilko Veronika,Iqbal Sharif,Rintakangas Terhi,Arrojo Martins Fábio Tadeu,Niskanen Henri,Katajisto Pekka,Kaikkonen Minna U,Viiri Keijo Cellular and molecular gastroenterology and hepatology BACKGROUND & AIMS:Microfold cells (M cells) are immunosurveillance epithelial cells located in the Peyer's patches (PPs) in the intestine and are responsible for monitoring and transcytosis of antigens, microorganisms, and pathogens. Mature M cells use the receptor glycoprotein 2 (GP2) to aid in transcytosis. Recent studies have shown transcription factors, Spi-B and SRY-Box Transcription Factor 8 (Sox8). are necessary for M-cell differentiation, but not sufficient. An exhaustive set of factors sufficient for differentiation and development of a mature GP2+ M cell remains elusive. Our aim was to understand the role of polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2) as an epigenetic regulator of M-cell development. Estrogen-related-receptor γ (Esrrg), identified as a PRC2-regulated gene, was studied in depth, in addition to its relationship with Spi-B and Sox8. METHODS:Comparative chromatin immunoprecipitation and global run-on sequencing analysis of mouse intestinal organoids were performed in stem condition, enterocyte conditions, and receptor activator of nuclear factor κ B ligand-induced M-cell condition. Esrrg, which was identified as one of the PRC2-regulated transcription factors, was studied in wild-type mice and knocked out in intestinal organoids using guide RNA's. Sox8 null mice were used to study Esrrg and its relation to Sox8. RESULTS:chromatin immunoprecipitation and global run-on sequencing analysis showed 12 novel PRC2 regulated transcription factors, PRC2-regulated Esrrg is a novel M-cell-specific transcription factor acting on a receptor activator of nuclear factor κB ligand-receptor activator of nuclear factor κB-induced nuclear factor-κB pathway, upstream of Sox8, and necessary but not sufficient for a mature M-cell marker of Gp2 expression. CONCLUSIONS:PRC2 regulates a significant set of genes in M cells including Esrrg, which is critical for M-cell development and differentiation. Loss of Esrrg led to an immature M-cell phenotype lacking in Sox8 and Gp2 expression. Transcript profiling: the data have been deposited in the NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus database (GSE157629). 10.1016/j.jcmgh.2021.05.014
Mitochondrial impairment drives intestinal stem cell transition into dysfunctional Paneth cells predicting Crohn's disease recurrence. Khaloian Sevana,Rath Eva,Hammoudi Nassim,Gleisinger Elisabeth,Blutke Andreas,Giesbertz Pieter,Berger Emanuel,Metwaly Amira,Waldschmitt Nadine,Allez Matthieu,Haller Dirk Gut OBJECTIVE:Reduced Paneth cell (PC) numbers are observed in inflammatory bowel diseases and impaired PC function contributes to the ileal pathogenesis of Crohn's disease (CD). PCs reside in proximity to Lgr5 intestinal stem cells (ISC) and mitochondria are critical for ISC-renewal and differentiation. Here, we characterise ISC and PC appearance under inflammatory conditions and describe the role of mitochondrial function for ISC niche-maintenance. DESIGN:Ileal tissue samples from patients with CD, mouse models for mitochondrial dysfunction (Hsp60) and CD-like ileitis (TNF), and intestinal organoids were used to characterise PCs and ISCs in relation to mitochondrial function. RESULTS:In patients with CD and TNF mice, inflammation correlated with reduced numbers of Lysozyme-positive granules in PCs and decreased expression in crypt regions. Disease-associated changes in PC and ISC appearance persisted in non-inflamed tissue regions of patients with CD and predicted the risk of disease recurrence after surgical resection. ISC-specific deletion of Hsp60 and inhibition of mitochondrial respiration linked mitochondrial function to the aberrant PC phenotype. Consistent with reduced stemness in vivo, crypts from inflamed TNF mice fail to grow into organoids ex vivo. Dichloroacetate-mediated inhibition of glycolysis, forcing cells to shift to mitochondrial respiration, improved ISC niche function and rescued the ability of TNF mice-derived crypts to form organoids. CONCLUSION:We provide evidence that inflammation-associated mitochondrial dysfunction in the intestinal epithelium triggers a metabolic imbalance, causing reduced stemness and acquisition of a dysfunctional PC phenotype. Blocking glycolysis might be a novel drug target to antagonise PC dysfunction in the pathogenesis of CD. 10.1136/gutjnl-2019-319514
ISX-9 manipulates endocrine progenitor fate revealing conserved intestinal lineages in mouse and human organoids. Tsakmaki Anastasia,Fonseca Pedro Patricia,Pavlidis Polychronis,Hayee Bu'Hussain,Bewick Gavin A Molecular metabolism OBJECTIVE:Enteroendocrine cells (EECs) survey the gut luminal environment and coordinate hormonal, immune and neuronal responses to it. They exhibit well-characterised physiological roles ranging from the control of local gut function to whole body metabolism, but little is known regarding the regulatory networks controlling their differentiation, especially in the human gut. The small molecule isoxazole-9 (ISX-9) has been shown to stimulate neuronal and pancreatic beta-cell differentiation, both closely related to EEC differentiation. Our aim was to use ISX-9 as a tool to explore EEC differentiation. METHODS:We investigated the effects of ISX-9 on EEC differentiation in mouse and human intestinal organoids, using real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR), fluorescent-activated cell sorting, immunostaining and single-cell RNA sequencing. RESULTS:ISX-9 increased the number of neurogenin3-RFP (Ngn3)-positive endocrine progenitor cells and upregulated NeuroD1 and Pax4, transcription factors that play roles in mouse EEC specification. Single-cell analysis showed induction of Pax4 expression in a developmentally late Ngn3+ population of cells and potentiation of genes associated with progenitors biased toward serotonin-producing enterochromaffin (EC) cells. Further, we observed enrichment of organoids with functional EC cells that was partly dependent on stimulation of calcium signalling in a population of cells residing outside the crypt base. Inducible Pax4 overexpression, in ileal organoids, uncovered its importance as a component of early human endocrine specification and highlighted the potential existence of two major endocrine lineages, the early appearing enterochromaffin lineage and the later developing peptidergic lineage which contains classical gut hormone cell types. CONCLUSION:Our data provide proof-of-concept for the controlled manipulation of specific endocrine lineages with small molecules, whilst also shedding new light on human EEC differentiation and its similarity to the mouse. Given their diverse roles, understanding endocrine lineage plasticity and its control could have multiple therapeutic implications. 10.1016/j.molmet.2020.01.012
IKKα is required in the intestinal epithelial cells for tumour stemness. Colomer Carlota,Margalef Pol,Gonzalez Jessica,Vert Anna,Bigas Anna,Espinosa Lluis British journal of cancer BACKGROUND:Colorectal cancer is a common cause of death in developed countries. Progression from adenoma to invasive carcinoma requires accumulation of mutations starting with the Adenomatous Polyposis Coli (Apc) gene. NF-κB signalling is a key element in cancer, mainly related to the activity of IKKβ. IKKα kinase also participates in this process by mechanisms that are primarily unknown. METHODS:We generated a compound mouse model with mutation in Apc and lacking intestinal epithelial IKKα, produced intestinal organoids and tumour spheroids with different genetic backgrounds, and performed immunohistochemistry and RNA-seq analysis. RESULTS:Deficiency of IKKα prevents adenoma formation, with adenomas lacking IKKα showing reduced proliferation. In contrast, IKKα status did not affect normal intestinal function. The same divergent phenotype was found in the organoid-spheroid model. We also found that epithelial IKKα controls stemness, proliferation and apoptosis-related expression. CONCLUSIONS:IKKα is a potential therapeutic target for Apc mutant colorectal cancer patients. 10.1038/bjc.2017.459
Self-assembled complete hair follicle organoids by coculture of neonatal mouse epidermal cells and dermal cells in Matrigel. Annals of translational medicine Background:3D organoid cultures of hair follicles (HFs) are powerful models that mimic native HF for both in-depth study of HF disease and precision therapy. However, few studies have investigated the complete structure and properties of HF organoids. To investigate and characterize the complete HF organoids self-assembled by coculture of neonatal mouse epidermal cells (MECs) and dermal cells in Matrigel. Methods:Fresh epidermal and dermal cells from newborn mice (n=4) were isolated, and cocultured (1:1 ratio) in Matrigel using DMEM/F12 medium for 1 week. During the culture, an inverted microscope was used to observe the morphology of the 3D constructs. After 1 week, hematoxylin-eosin (HE) and immunofluorescence (IF) staining of HF-related markers (K5, K73, AE13, and K10), HF stem cell markers (K15, CD34, CD49f), skin-derived precursor-related marker (Nestin), and dermal papillae (DP)-specific markers (SOX2 and ALP) was performed in the harvested constructs to identify the HF organoids. Results:Epidermal and dermal cells self-assembled into HF organoids comprising an infundibular cyst-like structure, a lower segment-like structure, and a bulb-like structure from tail to root. The HF organoid had multiple, well-defined compartments similar to native anagen HF. Of the three segments, K73 was expressed in the inner root sheath-like layer, AE13 was localized in the hair shaft-like structure, K5, K15, CD34, and CD49f were present in the outer root sheath-like layer, Nestin labeled the connective tissue sheath-like layer, and SOX2 and ALP were expressed in the DP-like structure. Furthermore, K10 and K73 were expressed in the infundibular cyst-like structure. The expression of these molecular proteins was consistent with native anagen HF. Conclusions:The complete HF organoid regenerated in Matrigel has specific compartments and is an excellent model to study HF disease and precision therapy. 10.21037/atm-22-3252
A simple and efficient cryopreservation method for mouse small intestinal and colon organoids for regenerative medicine. Lee Bo Eun,Lee Beom Jae,Lee Kyung Jin,Lee Manhee,Lim Yun Jeong,Choi Jung Kyu,Keum Bora Biochemical and biophysical research communications Organoid cryopreservation method is one of key step in the organoid culture. We aimed to establish a simple and efficient cryopreservation method for mouse small intestinal organoids (MIOs) and colon organoids (MCOs) using various concentrations of cryoprotectant. Based on the theoretical simulation, we optimized the dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) concentration by pretreating the organoids with 5, 7.5, and 10% DMSO for 30 min at 4 °C to allow penetration into the organoids and evaluated their viability, proliferation, and function after cryopreservation. Gene expression in the MIOs and staining of lineage markers were examined real-time PCR. The organoids in the DMSO-treated groups as well as the control, expressed ChrgA, Ecad, Muc2, Lyz, villin, and Lgr5, and there are no significant. A forskolin-induced swelling assay for MIOs was performed to confirm normal cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) activity. Similar forskolin-induced swelling was observed in the DMSO-treated groups and the control. In addition, MCOs were transplanted into mouse colon for confirmation of regeneration therapy efficacy. Thawing organoids were cultured for two and four sequential passages after cryopreservation with 5% DMSO to confirm any changes in the gene expression of lineage markers after subculture. We developed a simple and efficient organoid freezing method using 5% DMSO with low potential toxicity and validated our findings with theoretical simulation. 10.1016/j.bbrc.2021.12.021
Modeling Development and Disease with Organoids. Clevers Hans Cell Recent advances in 3D culture technology allow embryonic and adult mammalian stem cells to exhibit their remarkable self-organizing properties, and the resulting organoids reflect key structural and functional properties of organs such as kidney, lung, gut, brain and retina. Organoid technology can therefore be used to model human organ development and various human pathologies 'in a dish." Additionally, patient-derived organoids hold promise to predict drug response in a personalized fashion. Organoids open up new avenues for regenerative medicine and, in combination with editing technology, for gene therapy. The many potential applications of this technology are only beginning to be explored. 10.1016/j.cell.2016.05.082
Systematic evaluation of colorectal cancer organoid system by single-cell RNA-Seq analysis. Genome biology BACKGROUND:Patient-derived organoid culture is a powerful system for studying the molecular mechanisms of cancers, especially colorectal cancer (CRC), one of the most prevalent cancers worldwide. There are two main types of 3D culture methods for colonic cells, but the similarities and differences between gene expression patterns in different culture media remain largely unexplored. RESULTS:Here, we establish patient-derived organoids from colorectal cancer patients and perform single-cell RNA-Seq for pairwise samples from seven patients for both organoids and their corresponding tumor and normal tissues in vivo. We find that organoids derived from tumor tissues faithfully recapitulate the main gene expression signatures of cancer cells in vivo. On the other hand, organoids derived from normal tissues exhibited some tumor-like features at the whole transcriptome level but retained normal genomic features, such as CNVs, point mutations, and normal global DNA methylation levels, for both cultural media. More importantly, we show that conditioned medium outperforms chemical-defined medium in long-term culture of tumor epithelial cells. Finally, we mutually exchange the culture medium for the organoids and find that after interchanging the medium, the organoid cells basically maintain the transcriptome characteristics of the original medium. CONCLUSIONS:Our work gives a thorough evaluation of both the cultural conditions and the biological features of organoids of CRC patients. 10.1186/s13059-022-02673-3
The Organoid Cell Atlas. Bock Christoph,Boutros Michael,Camp J Gray,Clarke Laura,Clevers Hans,Knoblich Juergen A,Liberali Prisca,Regev Aviv,Rios Anne C,Stegle Oliver,Stunnenberg Hendrik G,Teichmann Sarah A,Treutlein Barbara,Vries Robert G J, Nature biotechnology 10.1038/s41587-020-00762-x
Xenograft and organoid model systems in cancer research. Bleijs Margit,van de Wetering Marc,Clevers Hans,Drost Jarno The EMBO journal Patient-derived tumour xenografts and tumour organoids have become important preclinical model systems for cancer research. Both models maintain key features from their parental tumours, such as genetic and phenotypic heterogeneity, which allows them to be used for a wide spectrum of applications. In contrast to patient-derived xenografts, organoids can be established and expanded with high efficiency from primary patient material. On the other hand, xenografts retain tumour-stroma interactions, which are known to contribute to tumorigenesis. In this review, we discuss recent advances in patient-derived tumour xenograft and tumour organoid model systems and compare their promises and challenges as preclinical models in cancer research. 10.15252/embj.2019101654
Organoid assessment technologies. Clinical and translational medicine Despite enormous advances in the generation of organoids, robust and stable protocols of organoids are still a major challenge to researchers. Research for assessing structures of organoids and the evaluations of their functions on in vitro or in vivo is often limited by precision strategies. A growing interest in assessing organoids has arisen, aimed at standardizing the process of obtaining organoids to accurately resemble human-derived tissue. The complex microenvironment of organoids, intricate cellular crosstalk, organ-specific architectures and further complicate functions urgently quest for high-through schemes. By utilizing multi-omics analysis and single-cell analysis, cell-cell interaction mechanisms can be deciphered, and their structures can be investigated in a detailed view by histological analysis. In this review, we will conclude the novel approaches to study the molecular mechanism and cell heterogeneity of organoids and discuss the histological and morphological similarity of organoids in comparison to the human body. Future perspectives on functional analysis will be developed and the organoids will become mature models. 10.1002/ctm2.1499
Disease Modeling in Stem Cell-Derived 3D Organoid Systems. Dutta Devanjali,Heo Inha,Clevers Hans Trends in molecular medicine Organoids are 3D in vitro culture systems derived from self-organizing stem cells. They can recapitulate the in vivo architecture, functionality, and genetic signature of original tissues. Thus, organoid technology has been rapidly applied to understanding stem cell biology, organogenesis, and various human pathologies. The recent development of human patient-derived organoids has enabled disease modeling with precision, highlighting their great potential in biomedical applications, translational medicine, and personalized therapy. In light of recent breakthroughs using organoids, it is only apt that we appreciate the advantages and shortcomings of this technology to exploit its full potential. We discuss recent advances in the application of organoids in studying cancer and hereditary diseases, as well as in the examination of host cell-microorganism interactions. 10.1016/j.molmed.2017.02.007