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Gastroprotective and microbiome-modulating effects of ubiquinol in rats with radiation-induced enteropathy. Animal microbiome Radiation enteritis is a frequently encountered issue for patients receiving radiotherapy and has a significant impact on cancer patients' quality of life. The gut microbiota plays a pivotal role in intestinal function, yet the impact of irradiation on gut microorganisms is not fully understood. This study explores the gastroprotective effect and gut microbiome-modulating potential of ubiquinol (Ubq), the reduced form of the powerful antioxidant CoQ-10. For this purpose, male albino rats were randomly assigned to four groups: Control, IRR (acute 7 Gy γ-radiation), Ubq_Post (Ubq for 7 days post-irradiation), and Ubq_Pre/Post (Ubq for 7 days pre and 7 days post-irradiation). The fecal microbiomes of all groups were profiled by 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing followed by bioinformatics and statistical analysis. Histopathological examination of intestinal tissue indicated severe damage in the irradiated group, which was mitigated by ubiquinol with enhanced regeneration, goblet cells, and intestinal alkaline phosphatase expression. Compared to the irradiated group, the Ubq-treated groups had a significant recovery of intestinal interleukin-1β, caspase-3, nitric oxide metabolites, and thio-barbituric reactive substances to near-healthy levels. Ubq_Pre/Post group displayed elevated peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR-γ) level, suggesting heightened benefits. Serum insulin reduction in irradiated rats improved post-Ubq treatment, with a possible anti-inflammatory effect on the pancreatic tissue. Fecal microbiota profiling revealed a dysbiosis state with a reduction of bacterial diversity post-irradiation, which was re-modulated in the Ubq treated groups to profiles that are indistinguishable from the control group. These findings underscore Ubq's gastroprotective effects against radiation-induced enteritis and its potential in restoring the gut microbiota's diversity and balance. 10.1186/s42523-024-00320-9
The microbiome in prostate inflammation and prostate cancer. Porter Corey M,Shrestha Eva,Peiffer Lauren B,Sfanos Karen S Prostate cancer and prostatic diseases BACKGROUND:The human microbiome may influence prostate cancer initiation and/or progression through both direct and indirect interactions. To date, the majority of studies have focused on direct interactions including the influence of prostate infections on prostate cancer risk and, more recently, on the composition of the urinary microbiome in relation to prostate cancer. Less well understood are indirect interactions of the microbiome with prostate cancer, such as the influence of the gastrointestinal or oral microbiota on pro- or anti-carcinogenic xenobiotic metabolism, and treatment response. METHODS:We review the literature to date on direct and indirect interactions of the microbiome with prostate inflammation and prostate cancer. RESULTS:Emerging studies indicate that the microbiome can influence prostate inflammation in relation to benign prostate conditions such as prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome and benign prostatic hyperplasia, as well as in prostate cancer. We provide evidence that the human microbiome present at multiple anatomic sites (urinary tract, gastrointestinal tract, oral cavity, etc.) may play an important role in prostate health and disease. CONCLUSIONS:In health, the microbiome encourages homeostasis and helps educate the immune system. In dysbiosis, a systemic inflammatory state may be induced, predisposing remote anatomical sites to disease, including cancer. The microbiome's ability to affect systemic hormone levels may also be important, particularly in a disease such as prostate cancer that is dually affected by estrogen and androgen levels. Due to the complexity of the potential interconnectedness between prostate cancer and the microbiome, it is vital to further explore and understand the relationships that are involved. 10.1038/s41391-018-0041-1
The Role of the Microbiome in Cancer and Therapy Efficacy: Focus on Lung Cancer. Halley Adrienne,Leonetti Alessandro,Gregori Alessandro,Tiseo Marcello,Deng Dong Mei,Giovannetti Elisa,Peters Godefridus J Anticancer research The microbiome is extremely important for human health; more recently its role in the context of cancer became clear. Microbial effects range from enhancing cancer immunity and cancer therapy efficacy, to promoting cancer progression and inhibiting treatment efficacy. These broad implications led researchers to investigate these specific interactions, as well as how modification of the microbiome can improve cancer survival and treatment efficacy. While these interactions are better established for cancers such as gastric cancer, they are far less understood in others. As non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) makes up the majority of lung cancer cases, and is among the top causes of cancer deaths worldwide, understanding the mechanisms by which the microbiome may impact progression and treatment is crucial to improve patient survival and treatment response. A literature review was conducted to reveal the crosslink between human microbiome and lung cancer. This includes immune priming, induction of pro- or anti-tumor response, and the local effects of intra-tumoral microbiota. Overall, this is a complex multifactorial relationship, and there are broad implications as to how this knowledge can improve cancer treatment. Solutions include manipulation of the microbiome using probiotics, bacterial vaccines and antibiotics. Bacteria biomarkers may also be used as a diagnostic tool. 10.21873/anticanres.14484
Role of the gut microbiota in anticancer therapy: from molecular mechanisms to clinical applications. Signal transduction and targeted therapy In the past period, due to the rapid development of next-generation sequencing technology, accumulating evidence has clarified the complex role of the human microbiota in the development of cancer and the therapeutic response. More importantly, available evidence seems to indicate that modulating the composition of the gut microbiota to improve the efficacy of anti-cancer drugs may be feasible. However, intricate complexities exist, and a deep and comprehensive understanding of how the human microbiota interacts with cancer is critical to realize its full potential in cancer treatment. The purpose of this review is to summarize the initial clues on molecular mechanisms regarding the mutual effects between the gut microbiota and cancer development, and to highlight the relationship between gut microbes and the efficacy of immunotherapy, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and cancer surgery, which may provide insights into the formulation of individualized therapeutic strategies for cancer management. In addition, the current and emerging microbial interventions for cancer therapy as well as their clinical applications are summarized. Although many challenges remain for now, the great importance and full potential of the gut microbiota cannot be overstated for the development of individualized anti-cancer strategies, and it is necessary to explore a holistic approach that incorporates microbial modulation therapy in cancer. 10.1038/s41392-023-01406-7
The critical role of tumor microbiome in cancer immunotherapy. Cancer biology & therapy In recent years, the microbiome has shown an integral role in cancer immunotherapy and has become a prominent and widely studied topic. A full understanding of the interactions between the tumor microbiome and various immunotherapies offers opportunities for immunotherapy of cancer. This review scrutinizes the composition of the tumor microbiome, the mechanism of microbial immune regulation, the influence of tumor microorganisms on tumor metastasis, and the interaction between tumor microorganisms and immunotherapy. In addition, this review also summarizes the challenges and opportunities of immunotherapy through tumor microbes, as well as the prospects and directions for future related research. In conclusion, the potential of microbial immunotherapy to enhance treatment outcomes for cancer patients should not be underestimated. Through this review, it is hoped that more research on tumor microbial immunotherapy will be done to better solve the treatment problems of cancer patients. 10.1080/15384047.2024.2301801
Role of the microbiome in occurrence, development and treatment of pancreatic cancer. Molecular cancer Pancreatic cancer is one of the most lethal malignancies. Recent studies indicated that development of pancreatic cancer may be intimately connected with the microbiome. In this review, we discuss the mechanisms through which microbiomes affect the development of pancreatic cancer, including inflammation and immunomodulation. Potential therapeutic and diagnostic applications of microbiomes are also discussed. For example, microbiomes may serve as diagnostic markers for pancreatic cancer, and may also play an important role in determining the efficacies of treatments such as chemo- and immunotherapies. Future studies will provide additional insights into the various roles of microbiomes in pancreatic cancer. 10.1186/s12943-019-1103-2
Exploring the role of respiratory microbiome in lung cancer: A systematic review. Perrone Fabiana,Belluomini Lorenzo,Mazzotta Marco,Bianconi Maristella,Di Noia Vincenzo,Meacci Fiammetta,Montrone Michele,Pignataro Daniele,Prelaj Arsela,Rinaldi Silvia,Russano Marco,Sartori Giulia,Bironzo Paolo,Facchinetti Francesco,Menis Jessica,Tiseo Marcello,Galetta Domenico,Novello Silvia,Pilotto Sara Critical reviews in oncology/hematology Giving the potential contribute in cancer initiation and progression, lung microbiota represents a promising topic in cancer research, although still unexplored. We performed a systematic literature search to identify clinical studies evaluating lung microbiota composition, its correlation with lung cancer patients' clinico-pathological features and prognosis. Of the identified 370 studies, 21 were eligible and included. Although studies were heterogeneous, lung cancer resulted to be enriched in peculiar microbial communities, with differences in composition and diversity according to clinico-pathological parameters. Few studies explored how lung microbiota influences cancer outcome. In light of these findings and borrowing the suggestions coming from gut microbiota, we speculate that respiratory microbiome may influence pathogenesis, progression and outcome of lung cancer. Taking advantage of the experience of chronical lung diseases, prospective studies should be designed to evaluate lung microbiota changes throughout any phase of lung cancer course, particularly with the advent of immunotherapy as pivotal treatment. 10.1016/j.critrevonc.2021.103404
The Role of the Gut Microbiome in Cancer: A Review, With Special Focus on Colorectal Neoplasia and Clostridioides difficile. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America The gut microbiome has coevolved with humans to aid in physiologic functions and prevent disease. An increasing prevalence of gut dysbiosis in modern society exists and has strong linkages to multiple disease processes common in the developed world. Mechanisms for microbiome-human interactions that impact host homeostasis include bacterial metabolite/toxin production, biofilm formation with mucous layer infiltration, and host immune system modulation. Most of this crosstalk occurs at the epithelial layer of the gut, and as such the role of these interactions in the induction of colorectal cancer-a highly prevalent disease globally and one undergoing significant epidemiologic shifts-is under increasing scrutiny. Although multiple individual gut bacteria have been hypothesized as possible driver organisms in the oncogenic process, no bacterium has been definitively identified as a causal agent of colorectal cancer, suggesting that host lifestyle factors, microbiome community interactions, and the mucosal and/or systemic immune response may play a critical role in the process. Recent evidence has emerged implicating the ubiquitous human pathogen Clostridioides difficile as a possible promoter of colorectal cancer through chronic toxin-mediated cellular changes. Although much remains to be defined regarding the natural history of infections caused by this pathogen and its potential for oncogenesis, it provides a strong model for the role of both individual bacteria and of the gut microbial community as a whole in the development of colorectal cancer. 10.1093/cid/ciad640
Microbiome and spatially resolved metabolomics analysis reveal the anticancer role of gut Akkermansia muciniphila by crosstalk with intratumoral microbiota and reprogramming tumoral metabolism in mice. Gut microbes Although gut microbiota has been linked to cancer, little is known about the crosstalk between gut- and intratumoral-microbiomes. The goal of this study was to determine whether gut Akkermansia muciniphila (Akk) is involved in the regulation of intratumoral microbiome and metabolic contexture, leading to an anticancer effect on lung cancer. We evaluated the effects of gut endogenous or gavaged exogenous Akk on the tumorigenesis using the Lewis lung cancer mouse model. Feces, blood, and tumor tissue samples were collected for 16S rDNA sequencing. We then conducted spatially resolved metabolomics profiling to discover cancer metabolites in situ directly and to characterize the overall Akk-regulated metabolic features, followed by the correlation analysis of intratumoral bacteria with metabolic network. Our results showed that both endogenous and exogenous gavaged Akk significantly inhibited tumorigenesis. Moreover, we detected increased Akk abundance in blood circulation or tumor tissue by 16S rDNA sequencing in the Akk gavaged mice, compared with the control mice. Of great interest, gavaged Akk may migrate into tumor tissue and influence the composition of intratumoral microbiome. Spatially resolved metabolomics analysis revealed that the gut-derived Akk was able to regulate tumor metabolic pathways, from metabolites to enzymes. Finally, our study identified a significant correlation between the gut Akk-regulated intratumoral bacteria and metabolic network. Together, gut-derived Akk may migrate into blood circulation, and subsequently colonize into lung cancer tissue, which contributes to the suppression of tumorigenesis by influencing tumoral symbiotic microbiome and reprogramming tumoral metabolism, although more studies are needed. 10.1080/19490976.2023.2166700
The role of the microbiome in cancer development and therapy. CA: a cancer journal for clinicians Answer questions and earn CME/CNE The human body harbors enormous numbers of microbiota that influence cancer susceptibility, in part through their prodigious metabolic capacity and their profound influence on immune cell function. Microbial pathogens drive tumorigenesis in 15% to 20% of cancer cases. Even larger numbers of malignancies are associated with an altered composition of commensal microbiota (dysbiosis) based on microbiome studies using metagenomic sequencing. Although association studies cannot distinguish whether changes in microbiota are causes or effects of cancer, a causative role is supported by rigorously controlled preclinical studies using gnotobiotic mouse models colonized with one or more specific bacteria. These studies demonstrate that microbiota can alter cancer susceptibility and progression by diverse mechanisms, such as modulating inflammation, inducing DNA damage, and producing metabolites involved in oncogenesis or tumor suppression. Evidence is emerging that microbiota can be manipulated for improving cancer treatment. By incorporating probiotics as adjuvants for checkpoint immunotherapy or by designing small molecules that target microbial enzymes, microbiota can be harnessed to improve cancer care. CA Cancer J Clin 2017;67:326-344. © 2017 American Cancer Society. 10.3322/caac.21398
The microbiome and gynaecological cancer development, prevention and therapy. Nature reviews. Urology The female reproductive tract (FRT), similar to other mucosal sites, harbours a site-specific microbiome, which has an essential role in maintaining health and homeostasis. In the majority of women of reproductive age, the microbiota of the lower FRT (vagina and cervix) microenvironment is dominated by Lactobacillus species, which benefit the host through symbiotic relationships. By contrast, the upper FRT (uterus, Fallopian tubes and ovaries) might be sterile in healthy individuals or contain a low-biomass microbiome with a diverse mixture of microorganisms. When dysbiosis occurs, altered immune and metabolic signalling can affect hallmarks of cancer, including chronic inflammation, epithelial barrier breach, changes in cellular proliferation and apoptosis, genome instability, angiogenesis and metabolic dysregulation. These pathophysiological changes might lead to gynaecological cancer. Emerging evidence shows that genital dysbiosis and/or specific bacteria might have an active role in the development and/or progression and metastasis of gynaecological malignancies, such as cervical, endometrial and ovarian cancers, through direct and indirect mechanisms, including modulation of oestrogen metabolism. Cancer therapies might also alter microbiota at sites throughout the body. Reciprocally, microbiota composition can influence the efficacy and toxic effects of cancer therapies, as well as quality of life following cancer treatment. Modulation of the microbiome via probiotics or microbiota transplant might prove useful in improving responsiveness to cancer treatment and quality of life. Elucidating these complex host-microbiome interactions, including the crosstalk between distal and local sites, will translate into interventions for prevention, therapeutic efficacy and toxic effects to enhance health outcomes for women with gynaecological cancers. 10.1038/s41585-020-0286-z
The Influence of the Gut Microbiome on Cancer, Immunity, and Cancer Immunotherapy. Gopalakrishnan Vancheswaran,Helmink Beth A,Spencer Christine N,Reuben Alexandre,Wargo Jennifer A Cancer cell The microbiome is receiving significant attention given its influence on a host of human diseases including cancer. Its role in response to cancer treatment is becoming increasingly apparent, with evidence suggesting that modulating the gut microbiome may affect responses to numerous forms of cancer therapy. A working knowledge of the microbiome is vital as we move forward in this age of precision medicine, and an understanding of the microbiome's influence on immune responses and cancer is key. It is also important to understand factors influencing the gut microbiome and strategies to manipulate the microbiome to augment therapeutic responses. 10.1016/j.ccell.2018.03.015
The Role of the Microbiome in the Etiopathogenesis of Colon Cancer. Annual review of physiology Studies in preclinical models support that the gut microbiota play a critical role in the development and progression of colorectal cancer (CRC). Specific microbial species and their corresponding virulence factors or associated small molecules can contribute to CRC development and progression either via direct effects on the neoplastic transformation of epithelial cells or through interactions with the host immune system. Induction of DNA damage, activation of Wnt/β-catenin and NF-κB proinflammatory pathways, and alteration of the nutrient's availability and the metabolic activity of cancer cells are the main mechanisms by which the microbiota contribute to CRC. Within the tumor microenvironment, the gut microbiota alter the recruitment, activation, and function of various immune cells, such as T cells, macrophages, and dendritic cells. Additionally, the microbiota shape the function and composition of cancer-associated fibroblasts and extracellular matrix components, fashioning an immunosuppressive and pro-tumorigenic niche for CRC. Understanding the complex interplay between gut microbiota and tumorigenesis can provide therapeutic opportunities for the prevention and treatment of CRC. 10.1146/annurev-physiol-042022-025619
Role of the microbiota in response to and recovery from cancer therapy. Nature reviews. Immunology Our understanding of how the microbiota affects the balance between response to and failure of cancer treatment by modulating the tumour microenvironment and systemic immune system has advanced rapidly in recent years. Microbiota-targeting interventions in patients with cancer are an area of intensive investigation. Promisingly, phase I-II clinical trials have shown that interventions such as faecal microbiota transplantation can overcome resistance to immune checkpoint blockade in patients with melanoma, improve therapeutic outcomes in treatment-naive patients and reduce therapy-induced immunotoxicities. Here, we synthesize the evidence showing that the microbiota is an important determinant of both cancer treatment efficacy and treatment-induced acute and long-term toxicity, and we discuss the complex and inter-related mechanisms involved. We also assess the potential of microbiota-targeting interventions, including bacterial engineering and phage therapy, to optimize the response to and recovery from cancer therapy. 10.1038/s41577-023-00951-0
The role of the gut microbiota in gastric cancer: the immunoregulation and immunotherapy. Frontiers in immunology Gastric cancer (GC) is one of the most common cancers, leading to the deaths of millions of people worldwide. Therefore, early detection and effective therapeutic strategies are of great value for decreasing the occurrence of advanced GC. The human microbiota is involved not only in the maintenance of physiological conditions, but also in human diseases such as obesity, diabetes, allergic and atopic diseases, and cancer. Currently, the composition of the bacteria in the host, their functions, and their influence on disease progression and treatment are being discussed. Previous studies on the gut microbiome have mostly focused on owing to its significant role in the development of GC. Nevertheless, the enrichment and diversity of other bacteria that can modulate the tumor microenvironment are involved in the progression of GC and the efficacy of immunotherapy. This review provides systematic insight into the components of the gut microbiota and their application in GC, including the specific bacteria of GC, their immunoregulatory effect, and their diagnostic value. Furthermore, we discuss the relationship between the metabolism of microbes and their potential applications, which may serve as a new approach for the diagnosis and treatment of GC. 10.3389/fimmu.2023.1183331
The role of the bacterial microbiome in the treatment of cancer. Yu Zi-Kun,Xie Rui-Ling,You Rui,Liu You-Ping,Chen Xu-Yin,Chen Ming-Yuan,Huang Pei-Yu BMC cancer The human microbiome is defined as the microorganisms that reside in or on the human body, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa, and their genomes. The human microbiome participates in the modulation of human metabolism by influencing several intricate pathways. The association between specific bacteria or viruses and the efficacy of cancer treatments and the occurrence of treatment-related toxicity in cancer patients has been reported. However, the understanding of the interaction between the host microbiome and the cancer treatment response is limited, and the microbiome potentially plays a greater role in the treatment of cancer than reported to date. Here, we provide a thorough review of the potential role of the gut and locally resident bacterial microbiota in modulating responses to different cancer therapeutics to demonstrate the association between the gut or locally resident bacterial microbiota and cancer therapy. Probable mechanisms, such as metabolism, the immune response and the translocation of microbiome constituents, are discussed to promote future research into the association between the microbiome and other types of cancer. We conclude that the interaction between the host immune system and the microbiome may be the basis of the role of the microbiome in cancer therapies. Future research on the association between host immunity and the microbiome may improve the efficacy of several cancer treatments and provide insights into the cause of treatment-related side effects. 10.1186/s12885-021-08664-0
The role of gut microbiota in cancer treatment: friend or foe? Cheng Wing Yin,Wu Chun-Ying,Yu Jun Gut The gut microbiota has been implicated in cancer and shown to modulate anticancer drug efficacy. Altered gut microbiota is associated with resistance to chemo drugs or immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs), whereas supplementation of distinct bacterial species restores responses to the anticancer drugs. Accumulating evidence has revealed the potential of modulating the gut microbiota to enhance the efficacy of anticancer drugs. Regardless of the valuable findings by preclinical models and clinical data of patients with cancer, a more thorough understanding of the interactions of the microbiota with cancer therapy helps researchers identify novel strategy for cancer prevention, stratify patients for more effective treatment and reduce treatment complication. In this review, we discuss the scientific evidence on the role of gut microbiota in cancer treatment, and highlight the latest knowledge and technologies leveraged to target specific bacteria that contribute to tumourigenesis. First, we provide an overview of the role of the gut microbiota in cancer, establishing the links between bacteria, inflammation and cancer treatment. Second, we highlight the mechanisms used by distinct bacterial species to modulate cancer growth, immune responses, as well as the efficacy of chemotherapeutic drugs and ICIs. Third, we demonstrate various approaches to modulate the gut microbiota and their potential in translational research. Finally, we discuss the limitations of current microbiome research in the context of cancer treatment, ongoing efforts to overcome these challenges and future perspectives. 10.1136/gutjnl-2020-321153
Unexpected guests in the tumor microenvironment: microbiome in cancer. Wong-Rolle Abigail,Wei Haohan Karen,Zhao Chen,Jin Chengcheng Protein & cell Although intestinal microbiome have been established as an important biomarker and regulator of cancer development and therapeutic response, less is known about the role of microbiome at other body sites in cancer. Emerging evidence has revealed that the local microbiota make up an important part of the tumor microenvironment across many types of cancer, especially in cancers arising from mucosal sites, including the lung, skin and gastrointestinal tract. The populations of bacteria that reside specifically within tumors have been found to be tumor-type specific, and mechanistic studies have demonstrated that tumor-associated microbiota may directly regulate cancer initiation, progression and responses to chemo- or immuno-therapies. This review aims to provide a comprehensive review of the important literature on the microbiota in the cancerous tissue, and their function and mechanism of action in cancer development and treatment. 10.1007/s13238-020-00813-8
The Role of Microbiota in the Immunopathogenesis of Endometrial Cancer. International journal of molecular sciences The female reproductive tract hosts a specific microbiome, which plays a crucial role in sustaining equilibrium and good health. In the majority of reproductive women, the microbiota (all bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other single-celled organisms within the human body) of the vaginal and cervical microenvironment are dominated by species, which benefit the host through symbiotic relationships, in comparison to the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries, which may contain a low-biomass microbiome with a diverse mixture of microorganisms. Although disruption to the balance of the microbiota develops, the altered immune and metabolic signaling may cause an impact on diseases such as cancer. These pathophysiological modifications in the gut-uterus axis may spark gynecological cancers. New information displays that gynecological and gastrointestinal tract dysbiosis (disruption of the microbiota homeostasis) can play an active role in the advancement and metastasis of gynecological neoplasms, such as cervical, endometrial, and ovarian cancers. Understanding the relationship between microbiota and endometrial cancer is critical for prognosis, diagnosis, prevention, and the development of innovative treatments. Identifying a specific microbiome may become an effective method for characterization of the specific microbiota involved in endometrial carcinogenesis. The aim of this study was to summarize the current state of knowledge that describes the correlation of microbiota with endometrial cancer with regard to the formation of immunological pathologies. 10.3390/ijms23105756