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Effect of the size and location of osteochondral defects in degenerative arthritis. A finite element simulation. Peña Estefanía,Calvo Begoña,Martínez Miguel Angel,Doblaré Manuel Computers in biology and medicine Physiological studies have shown that focal articular surface defects in the human knee may progress to degenerative arthritis. Although the risk of this evolutive process is multifactorial, defect size is one of the most important factors. In order to determine the influence of osteochondral defect size and location on the stress and strain concentrations around the defect rim, a finite element model of the human knee was developed. From our results, it became clear that the size and location of cartilage defects drastically affect to those variables. No stress concentration appeared around the rim of small defects, being the stress distribution mainly controlled by the meniscus contact. On the contrary, important rim stress concentration was found for large osteochondral defects. This alteration of the stress distribution has important clinical implications regarding the long-term integrity of the cartilage adjacent to osteochondral defects. 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2006.04.004
Differences in Clinical and Functional Outcomes Between Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation and Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation for the Treatment of Focal Articular Cartilage Defects. Orthopaedic journal of sports medicine BACKGROUND:Articular cartilage pathology can result from a spectrum of origins, including trauma, osteochondritis dissecans, avascular necrosis, or degenerative joint disease. PURPOSE:To compare the differences in clinical and patient-reported outcomes after autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI) versus osteochondral allograft transplantation (OCA) in patients with focal articular cartilage defects without underlying bone loss. STUDY DESIGN:Cohort study; Level of evidence, 3. METHODS:A retrospective review identified patients who underwent ACI or OCA between 2008 and 2016 for isolated grades 3 and 4 articular cartilage defects without underlying bone loss. Outcome measures included the Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score for Joint Replacement (KOOS JR), International Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC) evaluation, and 12-Item Short Form Health Survey-Physical Component (SF-12-P) scores. Defect location, size, complications, and rate of subsequent surgery were determined. RESULTS:Overall, 148 patients were included: 82 (55%) underwent ACI and 66 (45%) underwent OCA. The mean age at the time of surgery was 31.2 years within the ACI cohort and 37.7 years within the OCA cohort ( < .001); the mean follow-up for both cohorts was 6.7 years ( = .902). Within the ACI group, 28 (34%) patients had multifocal defects, 21 (26%) had defects confined to the femoral condyles, and 33 (40%) had defects in the patellofemoral region. Within the OCA group, 23 (35%) patients had multifocal defects, 30 (46%) had confined femoral condyle lesions, and 13 (20%) had patellofemoral defects. When comparing by lesion location, there were no significant differences in KOOS JR, and IKDC scores between the ACI and OCA cohorts ( < .05). There was, however, a significant difference for SF-12-P scores for FDD trochlear lesions. In both cohorts, traumatic patellofemoral pathology demonstrated lower patient-reported outcomes and higher failure rates than degenerative lesions. The overall rate of failure, defined as graft failure with revision surgery and/or conversion to arthroplasty, was significantly greater in the OCA group (21% vs 4%; = .002). CONCLUSION:Study results indicated that ACI provides similar outcomes to OCA with or without concomitant procedures for the treatment of symptomatic articular cartilage defects in all lesion locations and may have a lower revision rate for multifocal and condylar lesions. 10.1177/23259671211058425
A musculoskeletal finite element model of rat knee joint for evaluating cartilage biomechanics during gait. PLoS computational biology Abnormal loading of the knee due to injuries or obesity is thought to contribute to the development of osteoarthritis (OA). Small animal models have been used for studying OA progression mechanisms. However, numerical models to study cartilage responses under dynamic loading in preclinical animal models have not been developed. Here we present a musculoskeletal finite element model of a rat knee joint to evaluate cartilage biomechanical responses during a gait cycle. The rat knee joint geometries were obtained from a 3-D MRI dataset and the boundary conditions regarding loading in the joint were extracted from a musculoskeletal model of the rat hindlimb. The fibril-reinforced poroelastic (FRPE) properties of the rat cartilage were derived from data of mechanical indentation tests. Our numerical results showed the relevance of simulating anatomical and locomotion characteristics in the rat knee joint for estimating tissue responses such as contact pressures, stresses, strains, and fluid pressures. We found that the contact pressure and maximum principal strain were virtually constant in the medial compartment whereas they showed the highest values at the beginning of the gait cycle in the lateral compartment. Furthermore, we found that the maximum principal stress increased during the stance phase of gait, with the greatest values at midstance. We anticipate that our approach serves as a first step towards investigating the effects of gait abnormalities on the adaptation and degeneration of rat knee joint tissues and could be used to evaluate biomechanically-driven mechanisms of the progression of OA as a consequence of joint injury or obesity. 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1009398
A Finite Element Model to Investigate the Stability of Osteochondral Grafts Within a Human Tibiofemoral Joint. Annals of biomedical engineering Osteochondral grafting has demonstrated positive outcomes for treating articular cartilage defects by replacing the damaged region with a cylindrical graft consisting of bone with a layer of cartilage. However, factors that cause graft subsidence are not well understood. The aim of this study was to develop finite element (FE) models of osteochondral grafts within a tibiofemoral joint, suitable for an investigation of parameters affecting graft stability. Cadaveric femurs were used to experimentally calibrate the bone properties and graft-bone frictional forces for use in corresponding image-based FE models, generated from µCT scan data. Effects of cartilage defects and osteochondral graft repair were measured by examining contact pressure changes using further in vitro tests. Here, six defects were created in the femoral condyles, which were subsequently treated with osteochondral autografts or metal pins. Matching image-based FE models were created, and the contact patches were compared. The bone material properties and graft-bone frictional forces were successfully calibrated from the initial tests with good resulting levels of agreement (CCC = 0.87). The tibiofemoral joint experiment provided a range of cases that were accurately described in the resultant pressure maps and were well represented in the FE models. Cartilage defects and repair quality were experimentally measurable with good agreement in the FE model pressure maps. Model confidence was built through extensive validation and sensitivity testing. It was found that specimen-specific properties were required to accurately represent graft behaviour. The final models produced are suitable for a range of parametric testing to investigate immediate graft stability. 10.1007/s10439-024-03464-6
Deformation of the distal femur: a contribution towards the pathogenesis of osteochondrosis dissecans in the knee joint. Nambu T,Gasser B,Schneider E,Bandi W,Perren S M Journal of biomechanics Osteochondrosis dissecans (OD) is a process of subchondral bone necrosis occurring predominantly in young individuals at specific sites. The aetiology of this disease remains controversial with mechanical processes due to trauma and/or ischaemic factors being proposed. This study aims at explaining the aetiology of OD in the knee joint as a result of the particular deformation of the condyles. A finite element analysis of the distal third of the femur was performed. A three-dimensional model was developed based on computed tomography scans of a normal femur, consisting of cortical bone, cancellous bone and articular cartilage. This model was subjected to physiological loads at 0, 30, 60 and 90 degrees of knee flexion. A complex deformation was found within each condyle as well as between the two condyles. Both medial and lateral condyles are deformed in the medio-lateral direction and at the same time compressed between the patella and the tibia in the antero-posterior direction. This effect is highest at 60 degrees of knee flexion. In both planes, the medial condyle is distorted more than the lateral one. Strain concentration in the subchondral bone facing the patella varies with flexion, especially for angles exceeding 60 degrees. The deformation of the femur in the predominant locus of OD in the medial condyle exceeds that of the lateral condyle considerably. The analysis shows that repeated vigorous exercise including extreme knee flexion may produce rapidly changing strains which in turn could ultimately be responsible for local subchondral bone collapse.
Finite element analysis of a healthy knee joint at deep squatting for the study of tibiofemoral and patellofemoral contact. Journal of orthopaedics Background:In non-western countries, deep squatting is a daily activity, and prolonged deep squatting is common among occupational squatters. Household tasks, taking a bath, socializing, using toilets, and performing religious acts are among the activities frequently carried out while squatting by the Asian population. High knee loading is responsible for a knee injury and osteoarthritis. Finite element analysis is an effective tool to determine stresses on the knee joint. Methods:Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Computed Tomographic (CT) images were acquired of one adult without knee injuries. The CT images were acquired at the fully extended knee and one more set of images was acquired with the knee at a deeply flexed knee position. The MRI was acquired with the fully extended knee. 3-Dimensional models of bones were created using CT and soft tissue using MRI with the help of 3D Slicer software. Kinematics and finite element analysis of the knee was performed for standing and deep squatting posture using Ansys Workbench 2022. Results:High peak stresses were observed at deep squatting compared to standing along with the reduction in the contact area. Peak von Mises stresses on femoral cartilage, tibial cartilage, patellar cartilage, and meniscus were increased from 3.3 MPa to 19.9 MPa, 2.9 MPa to 12.4 MPa, 1.5 MPa to 16.7 MPa and 15.8 MPa to 32.8 MPa respectively during deep squatting. Posterior translation of 7.01 mm, and 12.58 mm was observed for medial and lateral femoral condyle respectively from full extension to 153° knee flexion. Conclusions:Increased stresses in the knee joint at deep squat posture may cause cartilage damage. A sustained deep squat posture should be avoided for healthy knee joints. More posterior translations of the medial femoral condyle at higher knee flexion angle warrant further investigation. 10.1016/j.jor.2023.04.016
Role of the proximal tibiofibular joint on the biomechanics of the knee joint: A three-dimensional finite element analysis. Injury PURPOSE:The proximal tibiofibular joint (PTFJ) is easily ignored, although many diseases of the knee are caused by PTFJ injuries. Therefore, studying PTFJ biomechanics is very important. The effects of PTFJ injury on ankle function have been reported. However, few studies have assessed the effects of PTFJ injury on the knee joint. This study was performed to describe the biomechanical effects of PTFJ on the knee joint according to a three-dimensional finite element model. METHODS:The knee joint of a healthy volunteer was scanned by CT and MRI. CT and MRI scanning data in DICOM format were imported into Mimics software. Subsequently, 3D models of the normal and PTFJ injured knee, including the bone, cartilage, meniscus and ligament structures were established, and their validity was verified on the basis of available studies in literature. The biomechanical changes in the two knee models under different conditions were compared. RESULTS:The validity of the intact model was verified. No significant difference was observed in tibial mobility in the two models under the conditions of 134 N forward, 10 N·m internal rotation and 10 N·m valgus load. After application of 134 N backward, 10 N·m varus and external rotation load with respect to the tibia, the posterior movement of the tibia and the varus and external rotation angles of the tibia were 3.583±0.892 mm, 4.799±0.092° and 18.963±0.027° in the normal knee model, and 5.127±1.224 mm, 5.277±0.104° and 21.399±0.031° in the PTFJ injury model, respectively, and a significant statistical difference was observed. CONCLUSIONS:PTFJ played an important role in maintaining the posterolateral stability of the knee joint and thus deserves more attention in clinical operations. 10.1016/j.injury.2022.05.027
Subject-specific biomechanical analysis to estimate locations susceptible to osteoarthritis-Finite element modeling and MRI follow-up of ACL reconstructed patients. Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society The aims of this case-control study were to: (1) Identify cartilage locations and volumes at risk of osteoarthritis (OA) using subject-specific finite element (FE) models; (2) Quantify the relationships between the simulated biomechanical parameters and T and T relaxation times of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). We created subject-specific FE models for seven patients with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction and six controls based on a previous proof-of-concept study. We identified locations and cartilage volumes susceptible to OA, based on maximum principal stresses and absolute maximum shear strains in cartilage exceeding thresholds of 7 MPa and 32%, respectively. The locations and volumes susceptible to OA were compared qualitatively and quantitatively against 2-year longitudinal changes in T and T relaxation times. The degeneration volumes predicted by the FE models, based on excessive maximum principal stresses, were significantly correlated (r = 0.711, p < 0.001) with the degeneration volumes determined from T relaxation times. There was also a significant correlation between the predicted stress values and changes in T relaxation time (r = 0.649, p < 0.001). Absolute maximum shear strains and changes in T relaxation time were not significantly correlated. Five out of seven patients with ACL reconstruction showed excessive maximum principal stresses in either one or both tibial cartilage compartments, in agreement with follow-up information from MRI. Expectedly, for controls, the FE models and follow-up information showed no degenerative signs. Our results suggest that the presented modelling methodology could be applied to prospectively identify ACL reconstructed patients at risk of biomechanically driven OA, particularly by the analysis of maximum principal stresses of cartilage. 10.1002/jor.25218
Finite element analysis of knee and ankle joint during gait based on motion analysis. Park Sangbaek,Lee Seungju,Yoon Jeongro,Chae Soo-Won Medical engineering & physics Contact pressures in the articular cartilage during gait affect injuries and the degenerative arthritis of knee and ankle joints. However, only contact forces at the knee and ankle joints during gait can be estimated by using a rigid body dynamic model. The contact pressure distribution can be obtained quantitatively for a static posture by using finite element (FE) analysis in most cases. The purpose of this study is to develop a new method to obtain the contact pressure distribution at the knee and ankle joints during gait by integrating FE analysis with rigid body dynamic analysis. In this method, a reference FE model of the lower extremity is constructed first and is then transformed to each stance phase of the gait obtained from dynamic analysis by using homogeneous transformation. The muscle forces and ground reaction force (GRF) during gait obtained from the dynamic analysis were used as loading conditions for FE analysis. Finally, the contact pressure distribution at the tibia plateau cartilage and talus cartilage were estimated at the 1st peak, mid-stance, and the 2nd peak at the same time. The present method can provide the contact pressure distribution at the knee and ankle joints over the entire gait. 10.1016/j.medengphy.2018.11.003
Finite element model of the knee for investigation of injury mechanisms: development and validation. Journal of biomechanical engineering Multiple computational models have been developed to study knee biomechanics. However, the majority of these models are mainly validated against a limited range of loading conditions and/or do not include sufficient details of the critical anatomical structures within the joint. Due to the multifactorial dynamic nature of knee injuries, anatomic finite element (FE) models validated against multiple factors under a broad range of loading conditions are necessary. This study presents a validated FE model of the lower extremity with an anatomically accurate representation of the knee joint. The model was validated against tibiofemoral kinematics, ligaments strain/force, and articular cartilage pressure data measured directly from static, quasi-static, and dynamic cadaveric experiments. Strong correlations were observed between model predictions and experimental data (r &gt; 0.8 and p &lt; 0.0005 for all comparisons). FE predictions showed low deviations (root-mean-square (RMS) error) from average experimental data under all modes of static and quasi-static loading, falling within 2.5 deg of tibiofemoral rotation, 1% of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and medial collateral ligament (MCL) strains, 17 N of ACL load, and 1 mm of tibiofemoral center of pressure. Similarly, the FE model was able to accurately predict tibiofemoral kinematics and ACL and MCL strains during simulated bipedal landings (dynamic loading). In addition to minimal deviation from direct cadaveric measurements, all model predictions fell within 95% confidence intervals of the average experimental data. Agreement between model predictions and experimental data demonstrates the ability of the developed model to predict the kinematics of the human knee joint as well as the complex, nonuniform stress and strain fields that occur in biological soft tissue. Such a model will facilitate the in-depth understanding of a multitude of potential knee injury mechanisms with special emphasis on ACL injury. 10.1115/1.4025692
The Effect of Articular Cartilage Focal Defect Size and Location in Whole Knee Biomechanics Models. Journal of biomechanical engineering Articular cartilage focal defects are common soft tissue injuries potentially linked to osteoarthritis (OA) development. Although several defect characteristics likely contribute to osteoarthritis, their relationship to local tissue deformation remains unclear. Using finite element models with various femoral cartilage geometries, we explore how defects change cartilage deformation and joint kinematics assuming loading representative of the maximum joint compression during the stance phase of gait. We show how defects, in combination with location-dependent cartilage mechanics, alter deformation in affected and opposing cartilages, as well as joint kinematics. Small and average sized defects increased maximum compressive strains by approximately 50% and 100%, respectively, compared to healthy cartilage. Shifts in the spatial locations of maximum compressive strains of defect containing models were also observed, resulting in loading of cartilage regions with reduced initial stiffnesses supporting the new, elevated loading environments. Simulated osteoarthritis (modeled as a global reduction in mean cartilage stiffness) did not significantly alter joint kinematics, but exacerbated tissue deformation. Femoral defects were also found to affect healthy tibial cartilage deformations. Lateral femoral defects increased tibial cartilage maximum compressive strains by 25%, while small and average sized medial defects exhibited decreases of 6% and 15%, respectively, compared to healthy cartilage. Femoral defects also affected the spatial distributions of deformation across the articular surfaces. These deviations are especially meaningful in the context of cartilage with location-dependent mechanics, leading to increases in peak contact stresses supported by the cartilage of between 11% and 34% over healthy cartilage. 10.1115/1.4044032
The application of human medical image-based finite element analysis in the construction of mouse osteoarthritis models. Heliyon The anterior cruciate ligament plays an important role in maintaining the stability of the knee joint. Its injury is a common cause of articular cartilage degeneration and osteoarthritis (OA). The anterior cruciate ligament transection (ACLT) method is commonly employed to construct animal models for studying osteoarthritis pathogenesis. However, the precise mechanism of how anterior cruciate ligament injury leads to osteoarthritis is not fully understood. This study utilized finite element analysis (FEA) with human medical images to simulate the biomechanical characteristics of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury. Osteoarthritis models were subsequently established in C57BL/6 mice using ACLT to explore the link between ACL injury and osteoarthritis development. The results of FEA showed that, after an anterior cruciate ligament injury, abnormal stress was concentrated in the medial and lateral of the femoral and tibial articular cartilage during knee flexion and extension. In order to better display the pathological changes of articular cartilage in the stress areas, the medial tibial cartilage was selected as a representative area to observe the continuous pathological changes of articular cartilage in ACLT-induced OA mice. The articular cartilage degeneration was most dramatic at four weeks post ACLT operation and then remained relatively stable. This study may have significant implications for the development of animal models of osteoarthritis and provide a reference for histopathological research on osteoarthritis. 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e26226
Predicting the effects of knee focal articular surface injury with a patient-specific finite element model. Papaioannou George,Demetropoulos Constantine K,King Yang H The Knee Successful focal articular surface injury (FAI) repair depends on appropriate matching of the geometrical/material properties of the repaired site, and on the overall dynamic response of the knee to in-vivo loading. There is evidence linking the pathogenesis of lesion progression (e.g. osteoarthritis) to weightbearing site and defect size. The paper investigates further this link by studying the effects of osteochondral defect size on the load distribution at the human knee. Experimental data from cadaver knees (n=8) loaded at 30 degrees of flexion was used as input to a validated finite element (FE) model. Contact pressure was assessed for the intact knees and over a range of circular osteochondral defects (5 mm to 20 mm) at 30 degrees of flexion with 700 N axial load. Patient specific FE models and the specific boundary conditions of the experimental set-up were used to analyze the osteochondral defects. Stress concentration around the rims of defects 8 mm and smaller was not significant and pressure distribution was dominated by the menisci. Experimental data was confirmed by the model. For defects 10 mm and greater, distribution of peak pressures followed the rim of the defect with a mean distance from the rim of 2.64 mm on the medial condyle and 2.90 mm on the lateral condyle (model predictions were 2.63 and 2.87 mm respectively). Statistical significance was reported when comparing defects that differed by 4 mm or greater (except for the 5 mm case). Peak rim pressure did not significantly increase as defects were enlarged from 10 mm to 20 mm. Peak values were always significantly higher over the medial femoral condyle. Although the decision to treat osteochondral lesions is multifactorial, the results of this finite element analysis indicate that a size threshold of 10 mm, may be a useful early adjunct to guide clinical decision-making. This modified FE method can be employed for in-vivo studies. 10.1016/j.knee.2009.05.001
Cartilage thickness mismatches in patellar osteochondral allograft transplants affect local cartilage stresses. Journal of orthopaedic research : official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society Osteochondral allograft implantation is a form of cartilage transplant in which a cylindrical graft of cartilage and subchondral bone from a donor is implanted into a patient's prepared articular defect site. No standard exists for matching the cartilage thickness of the donor and recipient. The goal of this study was to use finite element (FE) analysis to identify the effect of cartilage thickness mismatches between donor and recipient cartilage on cartilage stresses in patellar transplants. Two types of FE models were used: patient-specific 3D models and simplified 2D models. 3D models highlighted which geometric features produced high-stress regions in the patellar cartilage and provided ranges for the parameter sweeps that were conducted with 2D models. 2D models revealed that larger thickness mismatches, thicker recipient cartilage, and a donor-to-recipient cartilage thickness ratio (DRCR) < 1 led to higher stresses at the interface between the donor and recipient cartilage. A surface angle between the donor-recipient cartilage interface and cartilage surface normal near the graft boundary increased stresses when DRCR > 1, with the largest increase observed for an angle of 15°. A surface angle decreased stresses when DRCR < 1. Clinical Significance: This study highlights a potential mechanism to explain the high rates of failure of patellar OCAs. Additionally, the relationship between geometric features and stresses explored in this study led to a hypothetical scoring system that indicates which transplanted patellar grafts may have a higher risk of failure. 10.1002/jor.25569
The effect of distance between holes on the structural stability of subchondral bone in microfracture surgery: a finite element model study. Yin Xiang Yun,Park Do Young,Kim Young Jick,Ahn Hye Jung,Yoo Seung-Hyun,Min Byoung-Hyun BMC musculoskeletal disorders BACKGROUND:Microfracture is a surgical technique that involves creating multiple holes of 3-4 mm depth in the subchondral bone to recruit stem cells in the bone marrow to the lesion, inducing fibrocartilage repair and knee cartilage regeneration. Recently, it has been reported that increasing the exposed area of the lower cartilaginous bone (drilling a lot of holes) increases the outflow of stem cells, which is expected to affect the physical properties of the subchondral bone when the exposed area is large. The purpose of this study was to analyse the effect of the distance between the holes in the microfracture procedure on the structural stability of the osteochondral bone using a finite element method. METHODS:In this study, lateral aspects of the femoral knee, which were removed during total knee arthroplasty were photographed using microtomography. The model was implemented using a solitary walks program, which is a three-dimensional simplified geometric representation based on the basic microtomography data. A microfracture model was created by drilling 4 mm-deep holes at 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, and 5 mm intervals in a simplified three-dimensional (3D) geometric femoral model. The structural stability of these models was analysed with the ABAQUS program. We compared the finite element model (FEM) based on the microtomography image and the simplified geometric finite element model. RESULTS:Von Mises stress of the subchondral bone plate barely increased, even when the distance between holes was set to 1 mm. Altering the distance between the holes had little impact on the structural stability of the subchondral bone plate. Safety factors were all below 1. CONCLUSIONS:Although we did not confirm an optimal distance between holes, this study does provide reference data and an epidemiological basis for determining the optimal distance between the holes used in the microfracture procedure. 10.1186/s12891-020-03467-z
Subchondral bone remodeling patterns in larger animal models of meniscal injuries inducing knee osteoarthritis - a systematic review. Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy : official journal of the ESSKA PURPOSE:Elucidating subchondral bone remodeling in preclinical models of traumatic meniscus injury may address clinically relevant questions about determinants of knee osteoarthritis (OA). METHODS:Studies on subchondral bone remodeling in larger animal models applying meniscal injuries as standardizing entity were systematically analyzed. Of the identified 5367 papers reporting total or partial meniscectomy, meniscal transection or destabilization, 0.4% (in guinea pigs, rabbits, dogs, minipigs, sheep) remained eligible. RESULTS:Only early or mid-term time points were available. Larger joint sizes allow reporting higher topographical details. The most frequently reported parameters were BV/TV (61%), BMD (41%), osteophytes (41%) and subchondral bone plate thickness (39%). Subchondral bone plate microstructure is not comprehensively, subarticular spongiosa microstructure is well characterized. The subarticular spongiosa is altered shortly before the subchondral bone plate. These early changes involve degradation of subarticular trabecular elements, reduction of their number, loss of bone volume and reduced mineralization. Soon thereafter, the previously normal subchondral bone plate becomes thicker. Its porosity first increases, then decreases. CONCLUSION:The specific human topographical pattern of a thinner subchondral bone plate in the region below both menisci is present solely in the larger species (partly in rabbits), but absent in rodents, an important fact to consider when designing animal studies examining subchondral consequences of meniscus damage. Large animal models are capable of providing high topographical detail, suggesting that they may represent suitable study systems reflecting the clinical complexities. For advanced OA, significant gaps of knowledge exist. Future investigations assessing the subchondral bone in a standardized fashion are warranted. 10.1007/s00167-023-07579-6
Establishment and Simulation of 3D Geometric Models of Mini-Pig and Sheep Knee Joints Using Finite Element Analysis. Han Peng-Fei,Zhang Rong,Gao Yang-Yang,Li Pengcui,Wei Xiao-Chun,Lv Zhi Medical science monitor : international medical journal of experimental and clinical research BACKGROUND Our objective was to establish and compare three-dimensional models of knee joints of mini-pigs and sheep, the 2 most commonly used animal models of osteoarthritis. MATERIAL AND METHODS Three-dimensional geometric models of knee joints were used to assess their biomechanical properties by analysis of the three-dimensional finite element stress load for flexion at 30° and 60°. RESULTS Analysis of multiple tissues indicated that the sheep knee had greater stress peaks than the mini-pig knee at 30° flexion (range: 12.5 to 30.4 Mpa for sheep vs. 11.1 to 20.2 Mpa for mini-pig) and at 60° flexion (range: 17.9 to 43.5 Mpa for sheep vs. 15.9 to 28.9 Mpa for mini-pig). In addition, there was uneven distribution of stress loads in the surrounding ligaments during flexion. CONCLUSIONS Our three-dimensional finite element analysis indicated that the mini-pig knee joint had stress values and changes of cartilage, meniscus, and peripheral ligaments that were similar to those of the human knee. 10.12659/MSM.921540
Autologous stem cell-derived chondrocyte implantation with bio-targeted microspheres for the treatment of osteochondral defects. Bozkurt Murat,Aşık Mehmet Doğan,Gürsoy Safa,Türk Mustafa,Karahan Siyami,Gümüşkaya Berrak,Akkaya Mustafa,Şimşek Mehmet Emin,Cay Nurdan,Doğan Metin Journal of orthopaedic surgery and research BACKGROUND:Chondral injury is a common problem around the world. Currently, there are several treatment strategies for these types of injuries. The possible complications and problems associated with conventional techniques lead us to investigate a minimally invasive and biotechnological alternative treatment. Combining tissue-engineering and microencapsulation technologies provide new direction for the development of biotechnological solutions. The aim of this study is to develop a minimal invasive tissue-engineering approach, using bio-targeted microspheres including autologous cells, for the treatment of the cartilage lesions. METHOD:In this study, a total of 28 sheeps of Akkaraman breed were randomly assigned to one of the following groups: control (group 1), microfracture (group 2), scaffold (group 3), and microsphere (group 4). Microspheres and scaffold group animals underwent adipose tissue collection prior to the treatment surgery. Mesenchymal cells collected from adipose tissue were differentiated into chondrocytes and encapsulated with scaffolds and microspheres. Osteochondral damage was conducted in the right knee joint of the sheep to create an animal model and all animals treated according to study groups. RESULTS:Both macroscopic and radiologic examination showed that groups 3 and 4 have resulted better compared to the control and microfracture groups. Moreover, histologic assessments indicate hyaline-like cartilage formations in groups 3 and 4. CONCLUSION:In conclusion, we believe that the bio-targeted microspheres can be a more effective, easier, and safer approach for cartilage tissue engineering compared to previous alternatives. 10.1186/s13018-019-1434-0
Surgical preparation for articular cartilage regeneration without penetration of the subchondral bone plate: in vitro and in vivo studies in humans and sheep. Mika Joerg,Clanton Thomas O,Pretzel David,Schneider Gerlind,Ambrose Catherine G,Kinne Raimund W The American journal of sports medicine BACKGROUND:To prevent hemorrhage, fibrin clot formation, and subsequent activation of the inflammatory response, surgical preparation for articular cartilage regeneration should avoid penetration of the subchondral bone plate. HYPOTHESIS:Current surgical procedures with ring curettes do not violate the subchondral bone plate. STUDY DESIGN:Controlled laboratory study. METHODS:The subchondral bone plates of normal human (n = 5) or sheep (n = 12) cadaver femoral condyles were prepared in vitro using either traditional debridement for autologous chondrocyte implantation/transplantation (ACI/ACT) or a modified approach aimed at deliberately violating the subchondral bone plate (ie, brute force). Effects were analyzed by light microscopy. In addition, subchondral bone plates of osteoarthritic (OA) human knees undergoing total knee arthroplasty (n = 5) or normal sheep knees (n = 5) were prepared in vivo. To approximate normal/regular wear, in humans, only OA samples with maximally grade 3A (International Cartilage Repair Society score) were used. RESULTS:In both human and sheep (in vitro), no penetration of the subchondral bone plate was observed by either standard preparation or brute force. In vivo, standard preparation of human or sheep knees also did not violate the tidemark line. Human and sheep specimens prepared by brute force, however, occasionally showed areas with an open bone marrow space. CONCLUSION:Traditional debridement techniques for ACI/ACT using a ring curette do not violate the normal subchondral bone plate in vitro or in vivo. Even in OA knee joints, the bone plate is only violated by brute force. Therefore, the standard technique appears suitable for studies on cartilage regeneration in cases of traumatic and possibly even osteoarthritic defects. CLINICAL RELEVANCE:The described surgical preparation technique is the traditional debridement technique for the ACI/ACT. The classic indication for the ACI/ACT is an articular cartilage injury, common in athletes. 10.1177/0363546510388876
Fresh Femoral Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation Using a Single-Plug Technique for Large Osteochondral Defects of the Knee. Arthroscopy techniques Osteochondral allograft (OCA) transplantation has been used to treat a wide spectrum of cartilage deficiencies in the knee, including spontaneous necrosis of the knee. Studies reporting outcomes after OCA transplantation have shown reliable improvement in pain and return to activities of daily living. We describe a single-plug, press-fit technique for OCA transplantation with concomitant high tibial osteotomy to treat femoral condyle chondral defects in a varus knee. Pearls and pitfalls of this technique are presented; attention should be paid to correction of concomitant joint pathology and malalignment to facilitate osseointegration and survivorship of the allograft plug into host bone. Appropriate surgical timing and prompt allograft implantation help to maximize chondrocyte viability. 10.1016/j.eats.2022.10.012
Osteochondral Allograft Transplantation in the Knee. Arthroscopy : the journal of arthroscopic & related surgery : official publication of the Arthroscopy Association of North America and the International Arthroscopy Association Osteochondral injuries of the knee can be a frequent source of debilitating pain and dysfunction. Significant chondral (>1.5-2 cm) lesions of the femoral condyles can be especially difficult to manage with nonsurgical measures. Fresh osteochondral allograft (OCA) transplantation has been shown to be a reliable surgical procedure to manage a wide array of high-grade focal chondral lesions, with or without subchondral bone involvement. OCA transplantation affords the transfer of a size-matched allograft of mature hyaline cartilage with its associated subchondral bony scaffold. Indications include primary or secondary management of large, high-grade chondral or osteochondral defects secondary to trauma, developmental malformation, osteonecrosis, or other focal degenerative disease. Contraindications include end-stage osteoarthritis, uncorrected malalignment, ligament or meniscus deficiency, and inflammatory joint disease. Improvements in surgical technique, allograft storage, and tissue availability have created more reproducible clinical results and increased chondrocyte viability. Long-term (>10 year) graft survival rates have been shown to be between 70% and 91%, and the procedure has been shown to be cost-effective based on cost per quality-adjusted life year. Finally, OCA transplantation has been shown to provide excellent return to play rate for athletes with medium-to-large cartilage lesions. OCA transplantation is therefore an important option in the treatment algorithm of articular cartilage injuries. 10.1016/j.arthro.2024.01.006
Small Cartilage Defect Management. Hacken Brittney A,LaPrade Matthew D,Stuart Michael J,Saris Daniel B F,Camp Christopher L,Krych Aaron J The journal of knee surgery Cartilage defects in the knee are common resulting in significant pain and morbidity over time. These defects can arise in isolation or concurrently with other associated injuries to the knee. The treatment of small (< 2-3 cm) cartilage deficiencies has changed as our basic science knowledge of tissue healing has improved. Advancements have led to the development of new and more effective treatment modalities. It is important to address any associated knee injuries and limb malalignment. Surgical options are considered when nonoperative treatment fails. The specific procedure depends on individual patient characteristics, lesion size, and location. Debridement/chondroplasty, microfracture, marrow stimulation plus techniques, fixation of unstable osteochondral fragments, osteochondral autograft transfer, and osteochondral allograft transplantation, all have roles in the treatment of small cartilage defects. 10.1055/s-0040-1716359
Development of robust finite element models to investigate the stability of osteochondral grafts within porcine femoral condyles. Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most prevalent chronic rheumatic disease worldwide with knee OA having an estimated lifetime risk of approximately 14%. Autologous osteochondral grafting has demonstrated positive outcomes in some patients, however, understanding of the biomechanical function and how treatments can be optimised remains limited. Increased short-term stability of the grafts allows cartilage surfaces to remain congruent prior to graft integration. In this study methods for generating specimen specific finite element (FE) models of osteochondral grafts were developed, using parallel experimental data for calibration and validation. Experimental testing of the force required to displace osteochondral grafts by 2 mm was conducted on three porcine knees, each with four grafts. Specimen specific FE models of the hosts and grafts were created from registered μCT scans captured from each knee (pre- and post-test). Material properties were based on the μCT background with a conversion between μCT voxel brightness and Young's modulus. This conversion was based on the results of the separate testing of eight porcine condyles and optimization of specimen specific FE models. The comparison between the experimental and computational push-in forces gave a strong agreement with a concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) = 0.75, validating the modelling approach. The modelling process showed that homogenous material properties based on whole bone BV/TV calculations are insufficient for accurate modelling and that an intricate description of the density distribution is required. The robust methodology can provide a method of testing different treatment options and can be used to investigate graft stability in full tibiofemoral joints. 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2022.105411
The effect of talus osteochondral defects of different area size on ankle joint stability: a finite element analysis. BMC musculoskeletal disorders BACKGROUND:Osteochondral lesion of the talus (OLT) is one of the most common ankle injuries, which will lead to biomechanical changes in the ankle joint and ultimately affect ankle function. Finite element analysis (FEA) is used to clarify the effect of talus osteochondral defects on the stability of the ankle joint at different depths. However, no research has been conducted on talus osteochondral defect areas that require prompt intervention. In this research, FEA was used to simulate the effect of the area size of talus osteochondral defect on the stress and stability of the ankle joint under a specific depth defect. METHODS:Different area sizes (normal, 2 mm* 2 mm, 4 mm* 4 mm, 6 mm* 6 mm, 8 mm* 8 mm, 10 mm* 10 mm, and 12 mm* 12 mm) of the three-dimensional finite element model of osteochondral defects were established. The model was used to simulate and calculate joint stress and displacement of the articular surface of the distal tibia and the proximal talus when the ankle joint was in the heel-strike, midstance, and push-off phases. RESULTS:When OLT occurred, the contact pressure of the articular surface, the equivalent stress of the proximal talus, the tibial cartilage, and the talus cartilage did not change significantly with an increase in the size of the osteochondral defect area when the heel-strike phase was below 6 mm * 6 mm. Gradual increases started at 6 mm * 6 mm in the midstance and push-off phases. Maximum changes were reached when the defect area size was 12 mm * 12 mm. The same patterns were observed in the talus displacement. CONCLUSIONS:The effect of the defect area of the ankle talus cartilage on the ankle biomechanics is evident in the midstance and push-off phases. When the size of the defect reaches 6 mm * 6 mm, the most apparent change in the stability of the ankle joint occurs, and the effect does not increase linearly with the increase in the size of the defect. 10.1186/s12891-022-05450-2
Osteochondritis Dissecans Development. Semevolos Stacy A The Veterinary clinics of North America. Equine practice This article reviews current knowledge of osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) development in horses, including normal cartilage development, early osteochondrosis pathogenesis, and factors that result in healing or advancement to OCD fragments. Discussion includes current theories, detection, and therapeutic options. 10.1016/j.cveq.2017.03.009
Osteochondritis Dissecans Lesions of the Knee: Evidence-Based Treatment. The Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) of the knee is a potentially disabling condition in adolescent and young adults, which is likely multifactorial in origin. In recent years, there have been notable improvements in identification and treatment. Clinical presentation varies based mostly on OCD lesion stability. Patients with stable lesions generally present with vague knee pain and altered gait while mechanical symptoms and effusion are more common with unstable lesions. Lesions most commonly occur on the lateral aspect of the medial femoral condyle in patients aged 10 to 20 years. Magnetic resonance imaging is vital to diagnose and predict clinical treatment, which is largely based on stability of the fragment. Conservative treatment of stable lesions in patients with open physis is recommended with protected weight-bearing and gradual progression of activities over the course of 3 to 6 months. Stable OCD lesions which failed a nonsurgical course can be treated with transarticular or retrograde drilling while unstable lesions usually require fixation, autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI), osteochondral autograft transfer (OATS), or osteochondral allograft transplantation. This review highlights the most current understanding of knee OCD lesions and treatment options with the goal of optimizing outcomes in this difficult pathology. 10.5435/JAAOS-D-23-00494
Osteochondritis dissecans of the knee: pathoanatomy, epidemiology, and diagnosis. Grimm Nathan L,Weiss Jennifer M,Kessler Jeffrey I,Aoki Stephen K Clinics in sports medicine Although several hypotheses have been described to explain the cause of osteochondritis dissecans, no single hypothesis has been accepted in the orthopedic community. Given its increased incidence among athletes, most in the sports medicine community agree that repetitive microtrauma plays at least some role in its development. Knowledge regarding the epidemiology and pathoanatomy of osteochondritis dissecans has helped the understanding of osteochondritis dissecans; however, much is still to be learned about this condition and its cause. This article reviews the history of osteochondritis as it pertains to the current understanding of its pathoanatomy, epidemiology, and diagnostic features. 10.1016/j.csm.2013.11.006
The nonoperative treatment of osteochondritis dissecans of the knee. Wall Eric J,Brtko Karen Current opinion in pediatrics PURPOSE OF REVIEW:The purpose of this review is to update the reader on the controversial subject of osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) with a focus on nonoperative treatment indications, methods, and success rate. RECENT FINDINGS:Work by an international multicenter study group ROCK (Research in OsteoChondritis of the Knee) will be reviewed including new classifications systems of healing, arthroscopy, radiographs, and MRI, along with new evidence on off-loading bracing compared to restricted weight bearing. SUMMARY:The paucity of evidence behind OCD treatment of the knee can lead to confusion for doctors, patients, and parents. The present review will bring more clarity to the subject. 10.1097/MOP.0000000000000976
Osteochondritis Dissecans of the Knee in Young Athletes. Clinics in sports medicine Osteochondritis dissecans of the knee is a relatively rare disorder in young athletes that can lead to premature osteoarthritis. It may be caused by multiple factors, including repetitive stress, local ischemia, aberrant endochondral ossification of the subarticular physis, and hereditary disposition. Nonoperative treatment is typically attempted for patients with open physes, stable lesions, and minimal symptoms. Operative treatment is offered to patients with closed physes, unstable lesions, mechanical symptoms, and failure of nonoperative treatment. Customized rehabilitation and return to sport programs are important for successful outcomes regardless of treatment type. 10.1016/j.csm.2022.06.001
Osteochondritis dissecans. British journal of hospital medicine (London, England : 2005) Osteochondritis dissecans is a condition characterised by acquired pathological subchondral bone lesions and its incidence is unknown. It has a multifactorial aetiology, with a combination of genetic and acquired risk factors. It commonly presents in adolescents and young adults. Patients have variable presentations, including trauma, insidious onset and pain exacerbated by exercise. The joints primarily affected are the knee, ankle and elbow joint. Early identification is key to treatment and to prevent future osteoarthritis of the joint. This article gives an overview of the presentation, assessment and management of the juvenile form of osteochondritis dissecans. 10.12968/hmed.2023.0044
Osteochondritis dissecans of the knee. Accadbled F,Vial J,Sales de Gauzy J Orthopaedics & traumatology, surgery & research : OTSR Osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) of the knee is an idiopathic, focal, subchondral-bone abnormality that can cause instability or detachment of a bone fragment and overlying articular cartilage, with subsequent progression to osteoarthritis. The diagnosis is usually made during adolescence. Mechanical factors play a major role in the pathophysiology of OCD. When the radiographic diagnosis is made early in a patient with open physes, healing can often be obtained simply by restricting sports activities. The degree of lesion instability can be assessed by magnetic resonance imaging. When the lesion remains unstable and the pain persists despite a period of rest, surgery is indicated. Arthroscopic exploration is always the first step. Drilling of the lesion produces excellent outcomes if the lesion is stable. Unstable lesions require fixation and, in some cases, bone grafting. Defects must be filled, depending on their surface area. Although many surgical techniques are available, the therapeutic indications are now standardized. 10.1016/j.otsr.2017.02.016
Osteochondritis Dissecans: Current Understanding of Epidemiology, Etiology, Management, and Outcomes. The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume ➤:Osteochondritis dissecans occurs most frequently in the active pediatric and young adult populations, commonly affecting the knee, elbow, or ankle, and may lead to premature osteoarthritis. ➤:While generally considered an idiopathic phenomenon, various etiopathogenetic theories are being investigated, including local ischemia, aberrant endochondral ossification of the secondary subarticular physis, repetitive microtrauma, and genetic predisposition. ➤:Diagnosis is based on the history, physical examination, radiography, and advanced imaging, with elbow ultrasonography and novel magnetic resonance imaging protocols potentially enabling early detection and in-depth staging. ➤:Treatment largely depends on skeletal maturity and lesion stability, defined by the presence or absence of articular cartilage fracture and subchondral bone separation, as determined by imaging and arthroscopy, and is typically nonoperative for stable lesions in skeletally immature patients and operative for those who have had failure of conservative management or have unstable lesions. ➤:Clinical practice guidelines have been limited by a paucity of high-level evidence, but a multicenter effort is ongoing to develop accurate and reliable classification systems and multimodal decision-making algorithms with prognostic value. 10.2106/JBJS.20.01399