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Advances in the treatment of neurofibromatosis-associated tumours. Lin Andrew L,Gutmann David H Nature reviews. Clinical oncology Neurofibromatosis (NF) comprises two distinct genetic disorders-neurofibromatosis type 1 and 2 (NF1 and NF2)-in which affected individuals develop both benign and malignant tumours. NF1 results from germline mutations in the NF1 gene that encodes neurofibromin, while NF2 results from germline mutations in the NF2 gene that encodes merlin (or schwannomin). The major tumour types arising in individuals with NF1 include neurofibromas, malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumours, and gliomas, whereas NF2 is characterized by the formation of schwannomas, meningiomas, and ependymomas. With the identification of the NF1 and NF2 genes and the generation of robust preclinical mouse models of NF-associated neoplasms, novel treatments that specifically target the growth control pathways deregulated in these tumours have been discovered, some of which are now being tested in clinical trials in individuals with NF1 and NF2. In this Review, we will highlight the key clinical features of NF1 and NF2 and the advances in future clinical management based on an improved understanding of the function of the NF1 and NF2 genes and the development of small-animal models. 10.1038/nrclinonc.2013.144
CNS Tumors in Neurofibromatosis. Campian Jian,Gutmann David H Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology Neurofibromatosis (NF) encompasses a group of distinct genetic disorders in which affected children and adults are prone to the development of benign and malignant tumors of the nervous system. The purpose of this review is to discuss the spectrum of CNS tumors arising in individuals with NF type 1 (NF1) and NF type 2 (NF2), their pathogenic etiologies, and the rational treatment options for people with these neoplasms. This article is a review of preclinical and clinical data focused on the treatment of the most common CNS tumors encountered in children and adults with NF1 and NF2. Although children with NF1 are at risk for developing low-grade gliomas of the optic pathway and brainstem, individuals with NF2 typically manifest low-grade tumors affecting the cranial nerves (vestibular schwannomas), meninges (meningiomas), and spinal cord (ependymomas). With the identification of the NF1 and NF2 genes, molecularly targeted therapies are beginning to emerge, as a result of a deeper understanding of the mechanisms underlying NF1 and NF2 protein function. As we enter into an era of precision oncology, a more comprehensive awareness of the factors that increase the risk of developing CNS cancers in affected individuals, coupled with a greater appreciation of the cellular and molecular determinants that maintain tumor growth, will undoubtedly yield more effective therapies for these cancer predisposition syndromes. 10.1200/JCO.2016.71.7199
Focal Adhesion Kinase as a Therapeutic Target for Meningiomas With Somatic Neurofibromatosis Type 2 Mutations. Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology 10.1200/JCO.22.01914
Efficacy and Biomarker Study of Bevacizumab for Hearing Loss Resulting From Neurofibromatosis Type 2-Associated Vestibular Schwannomas. Blakeley Jaishri O,Ye Xiaobu,Duda Dan G,Halpin Chris F,Bergner Amanda L,Muzikansky Alona,Merker Vanessa L,Gerstner Elizabeth R,Fayad Laura M,Ahlawat Shivani,Jacobs Michael A,Jain Rakesh K,Zalewski Christopher,Dombi Eva,Widemann Brigitte C,Plotkin Scott R Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology PURPOSE:Neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2) is a tumor predisposition syndrome characterized by bilateral vestibular schwannomas (VSs) resulting in deafness and brainstem compression. This study evaluated efficacy and biomarkers of bevacizumab activity for NF2-associated progressive and symptomatic VSs. PATIENTS AND METHODS:Bevacizumab 7.5 mg/kg was administered every 3 weeks for 46 weeks, followed by 24 weeks of surveillance after treatment with the drug. The primary end point was hearing response defined by word recognition score (WRS). Secondary end points included toxicity, tolerability, imaging response using volumetric magnetic resonance imaging analysis, durability of response, and imaging and blood biomarkers. RESULTS:Fourteen patients (estimated to yield > 90% power to detect an alternative response rate of 50% at alpha level of 0.05) with NF2, with a median age of 30 years (range, 14 to 79 years) and progressive hearing loss in the target ear (median baseline WRS, 60%; range 13% to 82%), were enrolled. The primary end point, confirmed hearing response (improvement maintained ≥ 3 months), occurred in five (36%) of 14 patients (95% CI, 13% to 65%; P < .001). Eight (57%) of 14 patients had transient hearing improvement above the 95% CI for WRS. No patients experienced hearing decline. Radiographic response was seen in six (43%) of 14 target VSs. Three grade 3 adverse events, hypertension (n = 2) and immune-mediated thrombocytopenic purpura (n = 1), were possibly related to bevacizumab. Bevacizumab treatment was associated with decreased free vascular endothelial growth factor (not bound to bevacizumab) and increased placental growth factor in plasma. Hearing responses were inversely associated with baseline plasma hepatocyte growth factor (P = .019). Imaging responses were associated with high baseline tumor vessel permeability and elevated blood levels of vascular endothelial growth factor D and stromal cell-derived factor 1α (P = .037 and .025, respectively). CONCLUSION:Bevacizumab treatment resulted in durable hearing response in 36% of patients with NF2 and confirmed progressive VS-associated hearing loss. Imaging and plasma biomarkers showed promising associations with response that should be validated in larger studies. 10.1200/JCO.2015.64.3817
Multicenter, Prospective, Phase II and Biomarker Study of High-Dose Bevacizumab as Induction Therapy in Patients With Neurofibromatosis Type 2 and Progressive Vestibular Schwannoma. Plotkin Scott R,Duda Dan G,Muzikansky Alona,Allen Jeffrey,Blakeley Jaishri,Rosser Tena,Campian Jian L,Clapp D Wade,Fisher Michael J,Tonsgard James,Ullrich Nicole,Thomas Coretta,Cutter Gary,Korf Bruce,Packer Roger,Karajannis Matthias A Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology PURPOSE:Bevacizumab treatment at 7.5 mg/kg every 3 weeks results in improved hearing in approximately 35%-40% of patients with neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2) and progressive vestibular schwannomas (VSs). However, the optimal dose is unknown. In this multicenter phase II and biomarker study, we evaluated the efficacy and safety of high-dose bevacizumab in pediatric and adult patients with NF2 with progressive VS. PATIENTS AND METHODS:Bevacizumab was given for 6 months at 10 mg/kg every 2 weeks, followed by 18 months at 5 mg/kg every 3 weeks. The primary end point was hearing response defined by word recognition score (WRS) at 6 months. Secondary end points included toxicity, radiographic response, quality of life (QOL), and plasma biomarkers. RESULTS:Twenty-two participants with NF2 (median age, 23 years) with progressive hearing loss in the target ear (median baseline WRS, 53%) were enrolled. Nine (41%) of 22 participants achieved a hearing response at 6 months (1 of 7 children and 8 of 15 adults; = .08). Radiographic response was seen in 7 (32%) of 22 patients with VS at 6 months (7 of 15 adults and 0 of 7 children; = .05). Common mild to moderate adverse events included hypertension, fatigue, headache, and irregular menstruation. Improvement in NF2-related QOL and reduction in tinnitus-related distress were reported in 30% and 60% of participants, respectively. Paradoxically, high-dose bevacizumab treatment was not associated with a significant decrease in free vascular endothelial growth factor but was associated with increased carbonic anhydrase IX, hepatocyte growth factor, placental growth factor, stromal cell-derived factor 1α, and basic fibroblast growth factor concentrations in plasma. CONCLUSION:High-dose bevacizumab seems to be no more effective than standard-dose bevacizumab for treatment of patients with NF2 with hearing loss. In contrast to adults, pediatric participants did not experience tumor shrinkage. However, adult and pediatric participants reported similar improvement in QOL during induction. Novel approaches using bevacizumab should be considered for children with NF2. 10.1200/JCO.19.01367
Targetable ERBB2 mutations identified in neurofibroma/schwannoma hybrid nerve sheath tumors. Ronellenfitsch Michael W,Harter Patrick N,Kirchner Martina,Heining Christoph,Hutter Barbara,Gieldon Laura,Schittenhelm Jens,Schuhmann Martin U,Tatagiba Marcos,Marquardt Gerhard,Wagner Marlies,Endris Volker,Brandts Christian H,Mautner Victor-Felix,Schröck Evelin,Weichert Wilko,Brors Benedikt,von Deimling Andreas,Mittelbronn Michel,Steinbach Joachim P,Reuss David E,Glimm Hanno,Stenzinger Albrecht,Fröhling Stefan The Journal of clinical investigation BACKGROUNDNeurofibroma/schwannoma hybrid nerve sheath tumors (N/S HNSTs) are neoplasms associated with larger nerves that occur sporadically and in the context of schwannomatosis or neurofibromatosis type 2 or 1. Clinical management of N/S HNSTs is challenging, especially for large tumors, and established systemic treatments are lacking.METHODSWe used next-generation sequencing and array-based DNA methylation profiling to determine the clinically actionable genomic and epigenomic landscapes of N/S HNSTs.RESULTSWhole-exome sequencing within a precision oncology program identified an activating mutation (p.Asp769Tyr) in the catalytic domain of the ERBB2 receptor tyrosine kinase in a patient with schwannomatosis-associated N/S HNST, and targeted treatment with the small-molecule ERBB inhibitor lapatinib led to prolonged clinical benefit and a lasting radiographic and metabolic response. Analysis of a multicenter validation cohort revealed recurrent ERBB2 mutations (p.Leu755Ser, p.Asp769Tyr, p.Val777Leu) in N/S HNSTs occurring in patients who met diagnostic criteria for sporadic schwannomatosis (3 of 7 patients), but not in N/S HNSTs arising in the context of neurofibromatosis (6 patients) or outside a tumor syndrome (1 patient), and showed that ERBB2-mutant N/S HNSTs cluster in a distinct subgroup of peripheral nerve sheath tumors based on genome-wide DNA methylation patterns.CONCLUSIONThese findings uncover a key biological feature of N/S HNSTs that may have important diagnostic and therapeutic implications.FUNDINGThis work was supported by grant H021 from DKFZ-HIPO, the University Cancer Center Frankfurt, and the Frankfurt Research Funding Clinician Scientist Program. 10.1172/JCI130787
The genomic landscape of schwannoma. Nature genetics Schwannomas are common peripheral nerve sheath tumors that can cause debilitating morbidities. We performed an integrative analysis to determine genomic aberrations common to sporadic schwannomas. Exome sequence analysis with validation by targeted DNA sequencing of 125 samples uncovered, in addition to expected NF2 disruption, recurrent mutations in ARID1A, ARID1B and DDR1. RNA sequencing identified a recurrent in-frame SH3PXD2A-HTRA1 fusion in 12/125 (10%) cases, and genomic analysis demonstrated the mechanism as resulting from a balanced 19-Mb chromosomal inversion on chromosome 10q. The fusion was associated with male gender predominance, occurring in one out of every six men with schwannoma. Methylation profiling identified distinct molecular subgroups of schwannomas that were associated with anatomical location. Expression of the SH3PXD2A-HTRA1 fusion resulted in elevated phosphorylated ERK, increased proliferation, increased invasion and in vivo tumorigenesis. Targeting of the MEK-ERK pathway was effective in fusion-positive Schwann cells, suggesting a possible therapeutic approach for this subset of tumors. 10.1038/ng.3688
An update on the CNS manifestations of neurofibromatosis type 2. Acta neuropathologica Neurofibromatosis type II (NF2) is a tumor predisposition syndrome characterized by the development of distinctive nervous system lesions. NF2 results from loss-of-function alterations in the NF2 gene on chromosome 22, with resultant dysfunction of its protein product merlin. NF2 is most commonly associated with the development of bilateral vestibular schwannomas; however, patients also have a predisposition to development of other tumors including meningiomas, ependymomas, and peripheral, spinal, and cranial nerve schwannomas. Patients may also develop other characteristic manifestations such as ocular lesions, neuropathies, meningioangiomatosis, and glial hamartia. NF2 has a highly variable clinical course, with some patients exhibiting a severe phenotype and development of multiple tumors at an early age, while others may be nearly asymptomatic throughout their lifetime. Despite the high morbidity associated with NF2 in severe cases, management of NF2-associated lesions primarily consists of surgical resection and treatment of symptoms, and there are currently no FDA-approved systemic therapies that address the underlying biology of the syndrome. Refinements to the diagnostic criteria of NF2 have been proposed over time due to increasing understanding of clinical and molecular data. Large-population studies have demonstrated that some features such as the development of gliomas and neurofibromas, currently included as diagnostic criteria, may require further clarification and modification. Meanwhile, burgeoning insights into the molecular biology of NF2 have shed light on the etiology and highly variable severity of the disease and suggested numerous putative molecular targets for therapeutic intervention. Here, we review the clinicopathologic features of NF2, current understanding of the molecular biology of NF2, particularly with regard to central nervous system lesions, ongoing therapeutic studies, and avenues for further research. 10.1007/s00401-019-02029-5
Inhibition of YAP/TAZ-driven TEAD activity prevents growth of NF2-null schwannoma and meningioma. Brain : a journal of neurology Schwannoma tumours typically arise on the eighth cranial nerve and are mostly caused by loss of the tumour suppressor Merlin (NF2). There are no approved chemotherapies for these tumours and the surgical removal of the tumour carries a high risk of damage to the eighth or other close cranial nerve tissue. New treatments for schwannoma and other NF2-null tumours such as meningioma are urgently required. Using a combination of human primary tumour cells and mouse models of schwannoma, we have examined the role of the Hippo signalling pathway in driving tumour cell growth. Using both genetic ablation of the Hippo effectors YAP and TAZ as well as novel TEAD palmitoylation inhibitors, we show that Hippo signalling may be successfully targeted in vitro and in vivo to both block and, remarkably, regress schwannoma tumour growth. In particular, successful use of TEAD palmitoylation inhibitors in a preclinical mouse model of schwannoma points to their potential future clinical use. We also identify the cancer stem cell marker aldehyde dehydrogenase 1A1 (ALDH1A1) as a Hippo signalling target, driven by the TAZ protein in human and mouse NF2-null schwannoma cells, as well as in NF2-null meningioma cells, and examine the potential future role of this new target in halting schwannoma and meningioma tumour growth. 10.1093/brain/awac342
Current Understanding of Neurofibromatosis Type 1, 2, and Schwannomatosis. Tamura Ryota International journal of molecular sciences Neurofibromatosis (NF) is a neurocutaneous syndrome characterized by the development of tumors of the central or peripheral nervous system including the brain, spinal cord, organs, skin, and bones. There are three types of NF: NF1 accounting for 96% of all cases, NF2 in 3%, and schwannomatosis (SWN) in <1%. The NF1 gene is located on chromosome 17q11.2, which encodes for a tumor suppressor protein, neurofibromin, that functions as a negative regulator of Ras/MAPK and PI3K/mTOR signaling pathways. The NF2 gene is identified on chromosome 22q12, which encodes for merlin, a tumor suppressor protein related to ezrin-radixin-moesin that modulates the activity of PI3K/AKT, Raf/MEK/ERK, and mTOR signaling pathways. In contrast, molecular insights on the different forms of SWN remain unclear. Inactivating mutations in the tumor suppressor genes SMARCB1 and LZTR1 are considered responsible for a majority of cases. Recently, treatment strategies to target specific genetic or molecular events involved in their tumorigenesis are developed. This study discusses molecular pathways and related targeted therapies for NF1, NF2, and SWN and reviews recent clinical trials which involve NF patients. 10.3390/ijms22115850
LZTR1 Mutation Mediates Oncogenesis through Stabilization of EGFR and AXL. Cancer discovery LZTR1 is the substrate-specific adaptor of a CUL3-dependent ubiquitin ligase frequently mutated in sporadic and syndromic cancer. We combined biochemical and genetic studies to identify LZTR1 substrates and interrogated their tumor-driving function in the context of LZTR1 loss-of-function mutations. Unbiased screens converged on EGFR and AXL receptor tyrosine kinases as LZTR1 interactors targeted for ubiquitin-dependent degradation in the lysosome. Pathogenic cancer-associated mutations of LZTR1 failed to promote EGFR and AXL degradation, resulting in dysregulated growth factor signaling. Conditional inactivation of Lztr1 and Cdkn2a in the mouse nervous system caused tumors in the peripheral nervous system including schwannoma-like tumors, thus recapitulating aspects of schwannomatosis, the prototype tumor predisposition syndrome sustained by LZTR1 germline mutations. Lztr1- and Cdkn2a-deleted tumors aberrantly accumulated EGFR and AXL and exhibited specific vulnerability to EGFR and AXL coinhibition. These findings explain tumorigenesis by LZTR1 inactivation and offer therapeutic opportunities to patients with LZTR1-mutant cancer. SIGNIFICANCE:EGFR and AXL are substrates of LZTR1-CUL3 ubiquitin ligase. The frequent somatic and germline mutations of LZTR1 in human cancer cause EGFR and AXL accumulation and deregulated signaling. LZTR1-mutant tumors show vulnerability to concurrent inhibition of EGFR and AXL, thus providing precision targeting to patients affected by LZTR1-mutant cancer. This article is highlighted in the In This Issue feature, p. 517. 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-22-0376