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A comprehensive survey of Ras mutations in cancer. Prior Ian A,Lewis Paul D,Mattos Carla Cancer research All mammalian cells express 3 closely related Ras proteins, termed H-Ras, K-Ras, and N-Ras, that promote oncogenesis when they are mutationally activated at codon 12, 13, or 61. Although there is a high degree of similarity among the isoforms, K-Ras mutations are far more frequently observed in cancer, and each isoform displays preferential coupling to particular cancer types. We examined the mutational spectra of Ras isoforms curated from large-scale tumor profiling and found that each isoform exhibits surprisingly distinctive codon mutation and amino-acid substitution biases. These findings were unexpected given that these mutations occur in regions that share 100% amino-acid sequence identity among the 3 isoforms. Of importance, many of these mutational biases were not due to differences in exposure to mutagens, because the patterns were still evident when compared within specific cancer types. We discuss potential genetic and epigenetic mechanisms, as well as isoform-specific differences in protein structure and signaling, that may promote these distinct mutation patterns and differential coupling to specific cancers. 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-11-2612
Role of oncogenic KRAS in the prognosis, diagnosis and treatment of colorectal cancer. Zhu Gongmin,Pei Lijiao,Xia Hongwei,Tang Qiulin,Bi Feng Molecular cancer Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a heterogeneous disease at the cellular and molecular levels. Kirsten rat sarcoma (KRAS) is a commonly mutated oncogene in CRC, with mutations in approximately 40% of all CRC cases; its mutations result in constitutive activation of the KRAS protein, which acts as a molecular switch to persistently stimulate downstream signaling pathways, including cell proliferation and survival, thereby leading to tumorigenesis. Patients whose CRC harbors KRAS mutations have a dismal prognosis. Currently, KRAS mutation testing is a routine clinical practice before treating metastatic cases, and the approaches developed to detect KRAS mutations have exhibited favorable sensitivity and accuracy. Due to the presence of KRAS mutations, this group of CRC patients requires more precise therapies. However, KRAS was historically thought to be an undruggable target until the development of KRAS allele-specific inhibitors. These promising inhibitors may provide novel strategies to treat KRAS-mutant CRC. Here, we provide an overview of the role of KRAS in the prognosis, diagnosis and treatment of CRC. 10.1186/s12943-021-01441-4
Mucinous epithelial tumours arising from ovarian mature teratomas: a tissue genotyping study. Snir Olivia L,Buza Natalia,Hui Pei Histopathology AIMS:The association of ovarian mucinous tumours with teratomas is well documented at tissue level, suggesting that some ovarian mucinous tumours arise from teratomas. Teratomas, being of germ cell origin, are genetically distinct from somatic cells, therefore providing a molecular basis for DNA genotyping to separate teratoma-derived mucinous tumours from metastatic ones. We assessed the diagnostic utility of DNA genotyping in ovarian mucinous tumours. METHODS AND RESULTS:Nine cases of ovarian mucinous borderline tumours and three mucinous carcinomas associated with teratomas were included, along with three mucinous tumours without associated teratoma for genotyping control. Target tissues (teratoma, mucinous tumour and paired normal tissue) were dissected microscopically, followed by genotyping at 15 short tandem repeat polymorphic loci. Of the 12 mucinous tumours with associated teratoma, tissue genotyping was informative in six cases, including four borderline tumours and two mucinous carcinomas. Homozygosity or partial homozygosity was observed in the teratomatous component in all six cases. Genotypical concordance between the teratoma and mucinous tumour was seen in five cases, including three borderline tumours and two mucinous carcinomas, suggesting clonal evolution. One mucinous borderline tumour showed an unmatched genotype with that of the corresponding teratoma, consistent with disparate tumour origins. All three mucinous tumours without teratoma displayed heterozygosity. CONCLUSIONS:When associated with a teratoma, ovarian mucinous tumours may arise frequently from the coexisting teratoma. In difficult cases, DNA genotyping may be used as a diagnostic tool in separating teratoma-derived primary ovarian mucinous tumours from those of somatic origin, particularly metastatic tumours from other sites. 10.1111/his.12959
Potential signaling pathways as therapeutic targets for overcoming chemoresistance in mucinous ovarian cancer. Niiro Emiko,Morioka Sachiko,Iwai Kana,Yamada Yuki,Ogawa Kenji,Kawahara Naoki,Kobayashi Hiroshi Biomedical reports Cases of mucinous ovarian cancer are predominantly resistant to chemotherapies. The present review summarizes current knowledge of the therapeutic potential of targeting the Wingless (WNT) pathway, with particular emphasis on preclinical and clinical studies, for improving the chemoresistance and treatment of mucinous ovarian cancer. A review was conducted of English language literature published between January 2000 and October 2017 that concerned potential signaling pathways associated with the chemoresistance of mucinous ovarian cancer. The literature indicated that aberrant activation of growth factor and WNT signaling pathways is specifically observed in mucinous ovarian cancer. An evolutionarily conserved signaling cascade system including epidermal growth factor/RAS/RAF/mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase/extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase, phosphoinositide 3-kinase/Akt and WNT signaling regulates a variety of cellular functions; their crosstalk mutually enhances signaling activity and induces chemoresistance. Novel antagonists, modulators and inhibitors have been developed for targeting the components of the WNT signaling pathway, namely Frizzled, low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 5/6, Dishevelled, casein kinase 1, AXIN, glycogen synthase kinase 3β and β-catenin. Targeted inhibition of WNT signaling represents a rational and promising novel approach to overcome chemoresistance, and several WNT inhibitors are being evaluated in preclinical studies. In conclusion, the WNT receptors and their downstream components may serve as novel therapeutic targets for overcoming chemoresistance in mucinous ovarian cancer. 10.3892/br.2018.1045
RAS Mutation in Mucinous Carcinoma of the Ovary Panyavaranant Pinyada,Teerapakpinyo Chinachote,Pohthipornthawat Natkrita,Oranratanaphan Shina,Shuangshoti Shanop,Triratanachat Surang Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP Objective: This study was designed to identify genetic mutation in mucinous carcinoma of the ovary of the patientsin King Chulalongkorn Memorial hospital, Bangkok, Thailand and study the relationship between genetic mutationand patients’ prognosis. Methods: Fifty cases of primary mucinous carcinoma of the ovary were selected. DNA wasanalyzed for genetic mutation using ColoCarta Panel v1.0 and MassArray® System. Demographic data and clinicalinformation of the participants were reviewed from electronic medical records and government data services. Results:Median of disease-free survival is 171.33 +/- 9.04 months and the median overall survival is 171.37 +/- 9.03 months.Twelve percent of the participants had recurrence and all of recurrent cases died from disease or its complication. Wefound three mutations which were KRAS (27 cases, 54%), PIK3CA (4 cases, 8%) and BRAF (1 case, 2%). Among theKRAS-mutated patients, the majority of the cases (25 cases, 92.6%) were in stage I. Recurrence and disease relatedmortality were not observed in the KRAS mutated patients. Conclusion: The genetic mutation analysis found threemutations which were KRAS 27 cases (54%), PIK3CA 4 cases (8%) and BRAF 1 case (2%) The ovarian mucinouscarcinoma patients with KRAS mutation in our study showed excellent prognosis. 10.31557/APJCP.2019.20.4.1127
Comprehensive Clinicopathologic and Updated Immunohistochemical Characterization of Primary Ovarian Mucinous Carcinoma. Bassiouny Dina,Ismiil Nadia,Dubé Valerie,Han Guangming,Cesari Matthew,Lu Fang-I,Slodkowska Elzbieta,Parra-Herran Carlos,Chiu Hak Fai,Naeim Magda,Li Nim,Khalifa Mahmoud,Nofech-Mozes Sharon International journal of surgical pathology The distinction of primary mucinous ovarian carcinoma (PMOC) from other primaries or secondaries is essential for selecting therapeutic options and prognostication. We aimed to characterize the immunohistochemical profile of 36 PMOCs using an extended immunohistochemical panel, with clinicopathologic features and outcome. PAX8 was negative in 30 (83.3%), and SATB2 was negative in 32/35. HNF1B, AMACR, and napsin-A were detected in 33 (91.7%), 35 (97.2%), and 0 (0%), respectively. MMR proteins and ARID1A were retained in 100%; PTEN was lost in 4 (11.1%). P53 was aberrant in 10 (27.8%); none overexpressed p16. HER2 was positive in 6/35 (17.1%). Most PMOCs had a favorable outcome. However, recurrence is usually fatal. The typical tumor profile was CK7+, CK20+/-, CDX2+/-, PAX8-, ER-, PgR-, and SATB2-. HER2 positivity suggests a possible target for therapy in advanced disease. 10.1177/1066896917752861
HER2 amplification and overexpression are significantly correlated in mucinous epithelial ovarian cancer. Chao Wan-Ru,Lee Ming-Yung,Lin Wea-Long,Chen Chi-Kuan,Lin Jau-Chen,Koo Chiew-Loon,Sheu Gwo-Tarng,Han Chih-Ping Human pathology HER2 gene amplification and protein over-expression are important factors in predicting clinical sensitivity to anti-HER2 therapies in breast, gastric or gastroesophageal junction cancer patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the correlation between HER2 gene copy numbers and HER2 protein expressions in mucinous epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC). Of the 49 tissue microarray samples of mucinous EOC, we applied 2010 ToGA trial (Trastuzumab for Gastric Cancer) surgical specimen scoring criteria to analyze the HER2 protein expression by an immunohistochemistry (IHC) test with Dako (Carpenteria, CA), c-erb-B2 antibody, and the HER2 gene amplification by the fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) test with Abbott/Vysis PathVysion HER2 DNA Probe Kit (Abbott Molecular Inc., Des Plaines, IA). We achieved a high overall concordance of 97.56% between nonequivocal HER2 results by IHC and FISH tests. In addition, HER2 gene copies before chromosome-17 correction increased significantly in a stepwise order through the negative, equivocal and positive IHC result categories (P<.001), as did the HER2 gene copies after chromosome-17 correction (P<.001). On the other hand, HER2 IHC results correlated significantly with both chromosome-17-uncorrected HER2 gene copy numbers (ρ=0.630, P<.001) and chromosome-17 corrected HER2 gene copy numbers (ρ=0.558, P<.001). We concluded that both chromosome-17 corrected and uncorrected HER2 gene copies correlated significantly with HER2 IHC results. Tests for the HER2 gene copies per tumor cell either before or after correction of chromosome-17 can be applied as a potentially valuable tool to analyze the HER2 status in mucinous EOC. 10.1016/j.humpath.2013.11.016
Expression of c-myc and mutation of the KRAS gene in patients with ovarian mucinous tumors. Li X S,Sun J,He X L Genetics and molecular research : GMR We examined the expression of c-myc and mutations in the KRAS gene in ovarian mucinous tumors to explore the pathogenesis of these tumors and the feasibility of targeted gene therapy. Expression of c-myc protein and mutations in the KRAS gene in 24 cases of ovarian mucinous cystadenoma, 46 cases of ovarian borderline mucinous cystadenoma, and 46 cases of ovarian mucinous cystadenocarcinoma were detected using the immunohistochemistry PV-9000 2-step method and polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism. The positive expression rates of c-myc in ovarian mucinous cystadenoma, borderline mucinous cystadenoma, and cystadenocarcinoma were 0, 39.1, and 65.2%, respectively (P < 0.01), while the mutation rates in KRAS were 0, 39.1 and 13.0%, respectively. The mutation rate of the borderline group was significantly higher, while rates in the other 2 groups were similar (P > 0.05). c-myc was not correlated with clinical stage, pathological grade, or age of patients with ovarian mucinous cystadenocarcinoma or borderline mucinous cystadenoma (P > 0.05), but was correlated with tumor size (P < 0.05). Mutations in KRAS were not correlated with clinical stage or tumor size in patients with borderline mucinous cystadenoma (P > 0.05), whereas it was correlated with age (P < 0.05). In borderline mucinous cystadenoma, c-myc expression and KRAS mutations were not correlated (P > 0.05). c-myc is involved in the formation of ovarian borderline mucinous cystadenoma and mucinous cystadenocarcinoma, and the KRAS gene may contribute to the formation of borderline mucinous cystadenoma. 10.4238/2015.September.9.14
Alteration of BRCA-1 tumor suppressor gene expression in serous and mucinous ovarian neoplasms in the benign-borderline-malignant pathway. Current problems in cancer Alteration of expression of the tumor suppressor gene BRCA-1 has been widely studied in breast and ovarian carcinoma. However, pattern of this alteration in the benign-borderline-carcinoma sequence in serous and mucinous ovarian neoplasms have not yet fully described. Tissue sections from 214 formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded ovarian specimens were stained immunohistochemically with BRCA-1 antibody. Specimens were 10 normal ovarian surface epithelium, 10 fallopian tube epithelium, 70 benign adenoma (50 serous and 20 mucinous), 28 borderline (13 serous and 15 mucinous), 78 carcinoma (58 serous and 20 mucinous), and 18 metastatic deposit (13 serous and 5 mucinous). Expression was evaluated into 0, +1, +2, and +3. Score +3 staining similar to normal tissues was considered normal and other scores were considered altered expression. Strong expression was seen in all normal epithelium specimens. Altered expression was seen in 34 serous neoplasms; 17 of 50 (34%) of benign cystadenomas, 6 of 13 (46%) of borderline tumors, 43 of 58 (74%) of primary carcinoma, and in 8 of 13 (62%) of metastatic carcinoma. This alteration was significantly associated with higher histopathologic grade (P = 0.049), presence of necrosis (P = 0.0001), and higher proliferation rate (P = 0.001). In mucinous neoplasms; altered BRCA-1 was detected in 25 specimens; 7 of 20 (41%) of benign cystadenomas, 5 of 15 (33%) of borderline neoplasms, 9 of 20 (45%) of primary carcinoma, and 4 of 5 (80%) of the metastatic deposits. This alteration was not associated with any of the clinicopathologic tumor characteristics. In conclusion, alteration of BRCA-1 expression is more frequent in serous than in mucinous carcinomas and is associated with tumors of higher grades and high proliferation rate. 10.1016/j.currproblcancer.2018.10.003
TP53 mutations are common in all subtypes of epithelial ovarian cancer and occur concomitantly with KRAS mutations in the mucinous type. Rechsteiner Markus,Zimmermann Anne-Katrin,Wild Peter J,Caduff Rosmarie,von Teichman Adriana,Fink Daniel,Moch Holger,Noske Aurelia Experimental and molecular pathology AIMS:Epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) can be classified into four major types (serous, endometrioid, clear cell, mucinous). The prevalence of driver gene mutations in the different subtypes is controversial. High-grade serous carcinomas show frequent TP53 mutations, whereas KRAS and BRAF mutations are less common. In non-serous EOC, the relevance of these gene mutations remains to be elucidated. METHODS:We investigated 142 formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded EOC, including serous (n=63), endometrioid (n=29), clear cell (n=25), mucinous (n=14), and others (n=11) for mutations in TP53 exons 5-8, KRAS exons 2 and 3, and BRAF exon 15 by pyro-sequencing using the GS Junior 454 platform. The mutational status was correlated with clinicopathological features and patient overall survival. RESULTS:We identified mutations in the coding region of TP53 in 51.4% (73/142), and of KRAS in 9.9% (14/142) but not of BRAF. TP53 mutations occurred frequently not only in high-grade serous carcinomas (58.7%), but also in mucinous (57%) and clear cell EOC (52%). TP53 mutations were associated with high-grade carcinomas (p=0.014), advanced FIGO stage (p=0.001), intraoperative residual disease >1cm (p=0.004), as well as poor overall survival (p=0.002). KRAS mutations were mainly identified in mucinous EOC (57%) and were concomitantly with TP53 mutations in five mucinous carcinomas (36%). CONCLUSIONS:TP53 gene driver mutations are a common feature of all advanced ovarian cancer subtypes, whereas BRAF mutations seem to be a rare event in EOC. KRAS mutations with synchronous TP53 mutations occur predominantly in low-grade mucinous carcinomas, suggesting a specific molecular background of this ovarian cancer type. 10.1016/j.yexmp.2013.08.004
Mutational Aberrations Detected in Mucinous Epithelial Ovarian Cancer of Asian Women. Chay Wen Yee,Kwok Li Lian,Tiong Wen Ning,Krisna Sai Sakktee,Lim Kiat Hon,Iyer N Gopalkrishna,Goh Liang Kee,Tan Daniel Shao-Weng International journal of gynecological cancer : official journal of the International Gynecological Cancer Society BACKGROUND:Mucinous epithelial ovarian cancers (mEOCs) respond poorly to conventional chemotherapy and have a poor prognosis in advanced stages. The genomic landscape for mEOC in the Asian settings is ill defined. We seek to identify various mutational aberrations present in mEOC and correlate them with clinical outcomes. METHODS:A total of 199 cases of mEOC were identified from a prospectively maintained gynecologic oncology tumor database. DNA was extracted and analyzed for KRAS mutations by using Sanger sequencing. Further MassArray sequencing was performed on 45 samples. Clinicopathologic correlation was performed with the results obtained. FINDINGS:KRAS mutation status was evaluable in 124 cases. Fifty-five percent (68/124) were KRAS negative, whereas 45% (56/124) harbored a KRAS mutation, lower than that in Western populations. Successful ascertainment of both KRAS and HER2 statuses by Sanger sequencing occurred for 105 cases. The proportion of the double-positive subtype (HER2+ and KRAS positive) was 8% (8/105); double-negative subtype (HER2- and KRAS negative), 34% (36/105); and cases with mutation in either KRAS or HER2, 58% (61/105). The KRAS mutation rate was 44%, 50%, and 29% among Chinese, Indians, and Malays, respectively. There was no significant difference in overall survival ( = 0.952) or progression-free survival ( = 0.635) between KRAS-positive and KRAS-negative patients. Similar results were observed for progression-free survival ( = 0.206) and overall survival ( = 0.440) when outcomes were examined between the 4 groups based on KRAS and HER2 mutation. Patients in the double-negative mutation subgroup had higher risk for death/progression compared with patients in the other 3 mutation subgroups. Further MassARRAY multiplexed profiling was performed in patients with sufficient DNA material (n = 45) and yielded KRAS mutations (n = 16), PDGFRA mutations (n = 3), PIK3CA (n = 1) and KIT (n = 1), and HRAS, FGFR, MET, and NRAS (n = 1 each). CONCLUSIONS:Our study provides further knowledge about the mutational aberrations in mEOC in Asian populations. Neither the presence of KRAS mutation nor their correlation with HER2 mutations influenced outcomes. 10.1097/IGC.0000000000001138
Recent Insights into Mucinous Ovarian Carcinoma. Ricci Francesca,Affatato Roberta,Carrassa Laura,Damia Giovanna International journal of molecular sciences Ovarian mucinous tumors represent a group of rare neoplasms with a still undefined cell of origin but with an apparent progression from benign to borderline to carcinoma. Even though these tumors are different from the other histological subtypes of epithelial ovarian neoplasms, they are still treated with a similar chemotherapeutic approach. Here, we review its pathogenesis, molecular alterations, (differential) diagnosis, clinical presentation and current treatment, and how recent molecular and biological information on this tumor might lead to better and more specific clinical management of patients with mucinous ovarian carcinoma. 10.3390/ijms19061569
Multipoint Kras oncogene mutations potentially indicate mucinous carcinoma on the entire spectrum of mucinous ovarian neoplasms. Lee Yi-Ju,Lee Ming-Yung,Ruan Alexandra,Chen Chi-Kuan,Liu Hao-Ping,Wang Chau-Jong,Chao Wan-Ru,Han Chih-Ping Oncotarget Kras mutation is a common phenomenon in many human neoplasms. We aimed to assess the Kras mutational status along the histological continuum from normal ovaries to the development of benign, borderline and malignant ovarian mucinous neoplasms. We analyzed 41 cases of malignant, 10 cases of borderline, 7 cases of benign mucinous ovarian tumors and 7 cases of normal ovarian tissue. The prevalence of Kras mutations in the normal ovary was 0.00% (n=0/7), while the prevalence in benign, borderline and malignant mucinous neoplasms was 57.14% (n=4/7), 90.00% (n=9/10) and 75.61% (n=31/41), respectively. Multiple Kras mutations were detected in 6 cases of mucinous carcinoma, including 5 double mutations with G13D/V14I (n=1), G12V/G13S (n=1), G12D/G13S (n=3) and one triple mutation with A11V/G13N/V14I (n=1). We identified six cases with 3 novel Kras mutations not previously described in the COSMIC database, which included A11V (n=3) and V14I (n=2) in mucinous carcinomas, and A11T (n=1) in a mucinous borderline tumor. In conclusion, Kras mutation appears to be one of the imperative events in the ovarian mucinous adenoma-borderline tumor-carcinoma sequence, as increased numbers of Kras mutations have been shown to be the strongest predictor of unequivocal malignancy in ovarian mucinous neoplasms. 10.18632/oncotarget.13449
TP53 as a Diagnostic Aid in the Distinction of Ovarian Mucinous Borderline Tumors From Mucinous Carcinoma. International journal of gynecological pathology : official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Pathologists Ovarian mucinous borderline tumors (MBTs) are clinically managed as benign neoplasms while the management of ovarian mucinous carcinomas (MC) is dependent on tumor stage. Despite the standardization of sampling of ovarian mucinous neoplasms, limited interobserver reproducibility between MBT and MC persists. Based on our recent finding that abnormal TP53 expression is associated with unfavorable outcome in MBT, we hypothesized that TP53 status might improve the reproducible distinction of MBT from MC. A virtual slide set of 85 consecutive ovarian mucinous neoplasms received at a single institution, with each case represented by 3 full sections, were reviewed by 3 pathologists in 2 iterations. The initial assessment was based solely on morphologic review, while the second iteration was performed with knowledge of TP53 status. The reproducibility of a trinary categorization (MBT, MBT with intraepithelial carcinoma [IEC], MC) significantly improved from a κ of 0.60 based on the initial morphologic assessment to a κ of 0.76 (t-test, P =0.0042) after consideration of TP53 immunohistochemistry (IHC) results. Six out of 85 patients died of disease, and in 2 of them, at least 1 pathologist assessed MBT with IEC and not MC even after integration of TP53 IHC. With the integration of TP53 IHC, substantial interobserver agreement for MBT and MC can be reached, particularly in cases with an uncertain degree of confluent growth. TP53 IHC can also be used to highlight and support the presence of IEC in MBT, however, discordances remained in 2 cases with adverse outcome. 10.1097/PGP.0000000000000967
Refined cut-off for TP53 immunohistochemistry improves prediction of TP53 mutation status in ovarian mucinous tumors: implications for outcome analyses. Modern pathology : an official journal of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Inc TP53 mutations are implicated in the progression of mucinous borderline tumors (MBOT) to mucinous ovarian carcinomas (MOC). Optimized immunohistochemistry (IHC) for TP53 has been established as a proxy for the TP53 mutation status in other ovarian tumor types. We aimed to confirm the ability of TP53 IHC to predict TP53 mutation status in ovarian mucinous tumors and to evaluate the association of TP53 mutation status with survival among patients with MBOT and MOC. Tumor tissue from an initial cohort of 113 women with MBOT/MOC was stained with optimized IHC for TP53 using tissue microarrays (75.2%) or full sections (24.8%) and interpreted using established criteria as normal or abnormal (overexpression, complete absence, or cytoplasmic). Cases were considered concordant if abnormal IHC staining predicted deleterious TP53 mutations. Discordant tissue microarray cases were re-evaluated on full sections and interpretational criteria were refined. The initial cohort was expanded to a total of 165 MBOT and 424 MOC for the examination of the association of survival with TP53 mutation status, assessed either by TP53 IHC and/or sequencing. Initially, 82/113 (72.6%) cases were concordant using the established criteria. Refined criteria for overexpression to account for intratumoral heterogeneity and terminal differentiation improved concordance to 93.8% (106/113). In the expanded cohort, 19.4% (32/165) of MBOT showed evidence for TP53 mutation and this was associated with a higher risk of recurrence, disease-specific death, and all-cause mortality (overall survival: HR = 4.6, 95% CI 1.5-14.3, p = 0.0087). Within MOC, 61.1% (259/424) harbored a TP53 mutation, but this was not associated with survival (overall survival, p = 0.77). TP53 IHC is an accurate proxy for TP53 mutation status with refined interpretation criteria accounting for intratumoral heterogeneity and terminal differentiation in ovarian mucinous tumors. TP53 mutation status is an important biomarker to identify MBOT with a higher risk of mortality. 10.1038/s41379-020-0618-9
Update on Prognostic and Predictive Markers in Mucinous Ovarian Cancer. Cancers This review includes state-of-the-art prognostic and predictive factors of mucinous ovarian cancer (MOC), a rare tumor. Clinical, pathological, and molecular features and treatment options according to prognosis are comprehensively discussed. Different clinical implications of MOC are described according to the The International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) stage: early MOC (stage I-II) and advanced MOC (stage III-IV). Early MOC is characterized by a good prognosis. Surgery is the mainstay of treatment. Fertility-sparing surgery could be performed in patients who wish to become pregnant and that present low recurrence risk of disease. Adjuvant chemotherapy is not recommended, except in patients with high-risk clinical and pathological features. Regarding the histological features, an infiltrative growth pattern is the major prognostic factor of MOC. Furthermore, novel molecular biomarkers are emerging for tailored management of early-stage MOC. In contrast, advanced MOC is characterized by poor survival. Radical surgery is the cornerstone of treatment and adjuvant chemotherapy is recommended, although the efficacy is limited by the intrinsic chemoresistance of these tumors. Several molecular hallmarks of advanced MOC have been described in recent years (e.g., HER2 amplification, distinct methylation profiles, peculiar immunological microenvironment), but target therapy for these rare tumors is not available yet. 10.3390/cancers15041172
KRAS and BRAF mutations in ovarian tumors: a comprehensive study of invasive carcinomas, borderline tumors and extraovarian implants. Mayr Doris,Hirschmann Astrid,Löhrs Udo,Diebold Joachim Gynecologic oncology OBJECTIVE:Mutations of BRAF, a downstream mediator of K-RAS, have been described in serous borderline tumors of the ovary. Data concerning other types of ovarian tumors are scarce. Therefore, we assessed KRAS and BRAF mutation in a series of more than 100 different ovarian tumors. METHODS:Paraffin-embedded material, including invasive carcinomas, borderline tumors, benign lesions and implants, was used. BRAF codon 600 in exon 15 and K-RAS codon 12 in exon 2 were analysed. RESULTS:92 cases (92%), including all serous carcinomas (100%), did not show a mutation of BRAF. Eight cases (8.0%), including five serous borderline tumors (31.25%), contained a mutation. In all serous borderline tumors, codon 600 was affected. The remaining three cases were invasive carcinomas of endometrioid (mutation on codon 600), mucinous (mutation on codon 600) and clear cell (mutation on codon 615) subtype. There was no BRAF mutation in mucinous borderline tumors. Regarding K-RAS, 89 cases (87.25%) did not show an aberration. The 11 positive borderline tumors (10.7%) were of serous (22.2%) and of mucinous type (46.6%). There was a KRAS mutation in a serous and a mucinous invasive carcinoma each. BRAF and K-RAS mutations were mutually exclusive and not seen in implants. CONCLUSION:Mutation of either K-RAS or BRAF is frequent in borderline tumors but is not found in invasive serous carcinomas and is very rare in other invasive subtypes. This supports the notion of different pathological pathways. For the development of extraovarian implants, further studies are observed. 10.1016/j.ygyno.2006.05.029
Pre-invasive ovarian mucinous tumors are characterized by CDKN2A and RAS pathway aberrations. Hunter Sally M,Gorringe Kylie L,Christie Michael,Rowley Simone M,Bowtell David D, ,Campbell Ian G Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research INTRODUCTION:Mucinous tumors are the second most common form of epithelial ovarian tumor, yet the cell of origin for this histologic subtype remains undetermined. Although these tumors are thought to arise through a stepwise progression from benign cystadenoma to borderline tumor to invasive carcinoma, few studies have attempted to comprehensively characterize the genetic changes specific to this subtype or its precursors. METHODS:To explore the spectrum of genomic alterations common to mucinous tumors we carried out high-resolution genome-wide copy number analysis, mutation screening by Sanger sequencing and immunohistochemistry on a series of primary ovarian mucinous cystadenomas (n = 20) and borderline tumors (n = 22). RESULTS:Integration of copy number data, targeted mutation screening of RAS/RAF pathway members and immunohistochemistry reveals that p16 loss and RAS/RAF pathway alterations are highly recurrent events that occur early during mucinous tumor development. The frequency of concurrence of these events was observed in 40% of benign cystadenomas and 68% of borderline tumors. CONCLUSIONS:This study is the largest and highest resolution analysis of mucinous benign and borderline tumors carried out to date and provides strong support for these lesions being precursors of primary ovarian mucinous adenocarcinoma. The high level of uniformity in the molecular events underlying the pathogenesis of mucinous ovarian tumors provides an opportunity for treatments targeting specific mutations and pathways. 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-12-1103
Mutational landscape of mucinous ovarian carcinoma and its neoplastic precursors. Ryland Georgina L,Hunter Sally M,Doyle Maria A,Caramia Franco,Li Jason,Rowley Simone M,Christie Michael,Allan Prue E,Stephens Andrew N,Bowtell David D L, ,Campbell Ian G,Gorringe Kylie L Genome medicine BACKGROUND:Mucinous ovarian tumors are an unusual group of rare neoplasms with an apparently clear progression from benign to borderline to carcinoma, yet with a controversial cell of origin in the ovarian surface epithelium. They are thought to be molecularly distinct from other ovarian tumors but there have been no exome-level sequencing studies performed to date. METHODS:To understand the genetic etiology of mucinous ovarian tumors and assess the presence of novel therapeutic targets or pathways, we undertook exome sequencing of 24 tumors encompassing benign (5), borderline (8) and carcinoma (11) histologies and also assessed a validation cohort of 58 tumors for specific gene regions including exons 4-9 of TP53. RESULTS:The predominant mutational signature was of C>T transitions in a NpCpG context, indicative of deamination of methyl-cytosines. As well as mutations in known drivers (KRAS, BRAF and CDKN2A), we identified a high percentage of carcinomas with TP53 mutations (52 %), and recurrent mutations in RNF43, ELF3, GNAS, ERBB3 and KLF5. CONCLUSIONS:The diversity of mutational targets suggests multiple routes to tumorigenesis in this heterogeneous group of tumors that is generally distinct from other ovarian subtypes. 10.1186/s13073-015-0210-y
Targeted deep sequencing of mucinous ovarian tumors reveals multiple overlapping RAS-pathway activating mutations in borderline and cancerous neoplasms. Mackenzie Robertson,Kommoss Stefan,Winterhoff Boris J,Kipp Benjamin R,Garcia Joaquin J,Voss Jesse,Halling Kevin,Karnezis Anthony,Senz Janine,Yang Winnie,Prigge Elena-Sophie,Reuschenbach Miriam,Doeberitz Magnus Von Knebel,Gilks Blake C,Huntsman David G,Bakkum-Gamez Jamie,McAlpine Jessica N,Anglesio Michael S BMC cancer BACKGROUND:Mucinous ovarian tumors represent a distinct histotype of epithelial ovarian cancer. The rarest (2-4 % of ovarian carcinomas) of the five major histotypes, their genomic landscape remains poorly described. We undertook hotspot sequencing of 50 genes commonly mutated in human cancer across 69 mucinous ovarian tumors. Our goals were to establish the overall frequency of cancer-hotspot mutations across a large cohort, especially those tumors previously thought to be "RAS-pathway alteration negative", using highly-sensitive next-generation sequencing as well as further explore a small number of cases with apparent heterogeneity in RAS-pathway activating alterations. METHODS:Using the Ion Torrent PGM platform, we performed next generation sequencing analysis using the v2 Cancer Hotspot Panel. Regions of disparate ERBB2-amplification status were sequenced independently for two mucinous carcinoma (MC) cases, previously established as showing ERBB2 amplification/overexpression heterogeneity, to assess the hypothesis of subclonal populations containing either KRAS mutation or ERBB2 amplification independently or simultaneously. RESULTS:We detected mutations in KRAS, TP53, CDKN2A, PIK3CA, PTEN, BRAF, FGFR2, STK11, CTNNB1, SRC, SMAD4, GNA11 and ERBB2. KRAS mutations remain the most frequently observed alteration among MC (64.9 %) and mucinous borderline tumors (MBOT) (92.3 %). TP53 mutation occurred more frequently in carcinomas than borderline tumors (56.8 % and 11.5 %, respectively), and combined IHC and mutation data suggest alterations occur in approximately 68 % of MC and as many as 20 % of MBOT. Proven and potential RAS-pathway activating changes were observed in all but one MC. Concurrent ERBB2 amplification and KRAS mutation were observed in a substantial number of cases (7/63 total), as was co-occurrence of KRAS and BRAF mutations (one case). Microdissection of ERBB2-amplified regions of tumors harboring KRAS mutation suggests these alterations are occurring in the same cell populations, while consistency of KRAS allelic frequency in both ERBB2 amplified and non-amplified regions suggests this mutation occurred in advance of the amplification event. CONCLUSIONS:Overall, the prevalence of RAS-alteration and striking co-occurrence of pathway "double-hits" supports a critical role for tumor progression in this ovarian malignancy. Given the spectrum of RAS-activating mutations, it is clear that targeting this pathway may be a viable therapeutic option for patients with recurrent or advanced stage mucinous ovarian carcinoma, however caution should be exercised in selecting one or more personalized therapeutics given the frequency of non-redundant RAS-activating alterations. 10.1186/s12885-015-1421-8
Genome-wide significant risk associations for mucinous ovarian carcinoma. Nature genetics Genome-wide association studies have identified several risk associations for ovarian carcinomas but not for mucinous ovarian carcinomas (MOCs). Our analysis of 1,644 MOC cases and 21,693 controls with imputation identified 3 new risk associations: rs752590 at 2q13 (P = 3.3 × 10(-8)), rs711830 at 2q31.1 (P = 7.5 × 10(-12)) and rs688187 at 19q13.2 (P = 6.8 × 10(-13)). We identified significant expression quantitative trait locus (eQTL) associations for HOXD9 at 2q31.1 in ovarian (P = 4.95 × 10(-4), false discovery rate (FDR) = 0.003) and colorectal (P = 0.01, FDR = 0.09) tumors and for PAX8 at 2q13 in colorectal tumors (P = 0.03, FDR = 0.09). Chromosome conformation capture analysis identified interactions between the HOXD9 promoter and risk-associated SNPs at 2q31.1. Overexpressing HOXD9 in MOC cells augmented the neoplastic phenotype. These findings provide the first evidence for MOC susceptibility variants and insights into the underlying biology of the disease. 10.1038/ng.3336
Profiling cancer gene mutations in longitudinal epithelial ovarian cancer biopsies by targeted next-generation sequencing: a retrospective study. Beltrame L,Di Marino M,Fruscio R,Calura E,Chapman B,Clivio L,Sina F,Mele C,Iatropoulos P,Grassi T,Fotia V,Romualdi C,Martini P,Noris M,Paracchini L,Craparotta I,Petrillo M,Milani R,Perego P,Ravaggi A,Zambelli A,Ronchetti E,D'Incalci M,Marchini S Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology BACKGROUND:The majority of patients with stage III-IV epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) relapse after initially responding to platinum-based chemotherapy, and develop resistance. The genomic features involved in drug resistance are unknown. To unravel some of these features, we investigated the mutational profile of genes involved in pathways related to drug sensitivity in a cohort of matched tumors obtained at first surgery (Ft-S) and second surgery (Sd-S). PATIENTS AND METHODS:Matched biopsies (33) taken at Ft-S and Sd-S were selected from the 'Pandora' tumor tissue collection. DNA libraries for 65 genes were generated using the TruSeq Custom Amplicon kit and sequenced on MiSeq (Illumina). Data were analyzed using a high-performance cluster computing platform (Cloud4CARE project) and independently validated. RESULTS:A total of 2270 somatic mutations were identified (89.85% base substitutions 8.19% indels, and 1.92% unknown). Homologous recombination (HR) genes and TP53 were mutated in the majority of Ft-S, while ATM, ATR, TOP2A and TOP2B were mutated in the entire dataset. Only 2% of mutations were conserved between matched Ft-S and Sd-S. Mutations detected at second surgery clustered patients in two groups characterized by different mutational profiles in genes associated with HR, PI3K, miRNA biogenesis and signal transduction. CONCLUSIONS:There was a low level of concordance between Ft-S and Sd-S in terms of mutations in genes involved in key processes of tumor growth and drug resistance. This result suggests the importance of future longitudinal analyses to improve the clinical management of relapsed EOC. 10.1093/annonc/mdv164
Pattern of HER-2 Gene Amplification and Protein Expression in Benign, Borderline, and Malignant Ovarian Serous and Mucinous Neoplasms. Mohammed Rabab A A,Makboul Rania,Elsers Dalia A H,Elsaba Tarek M A M,Thalab Abeer M A B,Shaaban Omar M International journal of gynecological pathology : official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Pathologists Amplification of HER-2 gene and overexpression of HER-2 receptor play a significant role in the progression of a number of malignancies such as breast cancer. Trastuzumab (anti-HER-2 therapeutic agent) has been used successfully in treatment of breast cancer. The aim of this study was to assess the pattern of HER-2 gene amplification and of HER-2 receptor expression in a spectrum of serous and mucinous ovarian tumors to determine whether HER-2 is altered in these neoplasms similar to that occurring in breast cancer. Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded microarray tissue sections from 212 specimens were stained with HER-2 antibody using immunohistochemistry and with anti-HER-2 DNA probe using chromogenic in situ hybridization. Specimens consisted of 65 benign tumors (50 serous and 15 mucinous), 26 borderline (13 serous and 13 mucinous), 73 malignant tumors (53 serous carcinoma and 20 mucinous carcinoma), 18 metastatic deposits (13 serous and 5 mucinous), in addition to 30 normal tissues (16 ovarian surface and 14 normal fallopian tube). HER-2 protein-positive expression was not detected in the normal or the benign tissues. Borderline neoplasms showed positive staining, but no overexpression. HER-2 overexpression was seen only in 4 carcinoma specimens: 1/53 (1.8%) primary serous carcinomas and 3/20 (15%) primary mucinous carcinomas. HER-2 gene amplification was seen in 4 specimens: 2 primary mucinous carcinomas and 2 malignant deposits of these 2 mucinous carcinomas. In conclusion, alteration of HER-2 was not detected in ovarian serous neoplasms; however, in mucinous carcinoma, HER-2 amplification and overexpression occur. 10.1097/PGP.0000000000000302
Regulation of multidrug resistance 1 expression by CDX2 in ovarian mucinous adenocarcinoma. Koh Iemasa,Hinoi Takao,Sentani Kazuhiro,Hirata Eiji,Nosaka Suguru,Niitsu Hiroaki,Miguchi Masashi,Adachi Tomohiro,Yasui Wataru,Ohdan Hideki,Kudo Yoshiki Cancer medicine Epithelial ovarian cancer is an aggressive gynecological malignancy with a high mortality rate. Resistance against chemotherapeutic agents often develops in ovarian cancer patients, contributing to high recurrence rates. The multidrug resistance 1 (MDR1/ABCB1) gene encodes P-glycoprotein, which affects the pharmacokinetic properties of anticancer agents. We previously reported that the Caudal-related homeobox transcription factor CDX2 transcriptionally regulates MDR1 expression in colorectal cancer. CDX2 is a factor that influences cancer cell differentiation, malignancy, and cancer progression. We hypothesized that profiling of CDX2 and MDR1 expression could be an effective strategy for predicting anticancer drug resistance. We studied the expression of these factors in clinical samples from ovarian cancer patients. We found that endogenous MDR1 expression was positively associated with CDX2 expression in ovarian mucinous adenocarcinoma. Using ovarian mucinous adenocarcinoma cell lines, we also observed decreased MDR1 expression following inhibition of CDX2 by RNA interference. In addition, CDX2 overexpression in MN-1 cells, which display low endogenous CDX2, resulted in upregulation of MDR1 expression. CDX2 induced MDR1-dependent resistance to vincristine and paclitaxel, which was reversed by treatment with the MDR1-specific inhibitor verapamil. Our findings show that CDX2 promotes upregulation of MDR1 expression, leading to drug resistance in ovarian mucinous adenocarcinoma. Therefore, our study demonstrates the potential of novel chemotherapy regimens based on CDX2 status and MDR1 expression in ovarian mucinous adenocarcinoma. 10.1002/cam4.697
Whole-exome sequencing identified the genetic origin of a mucinous neoplasm in a mature cystic teratoma. Choi Youn Jin,Lee Sung Hak,Kim Min Sung,Jung Seung-Hyun,Hur Soo Young,Chung Yeun-Jun,Lee Sug Hyung Pathology Mucinous tumour arising from a mature cystic teratoma associated with pseudomyxoma peritonei (PMP) is a rare disease and its tissue origin is not easy to specify by conventional histological and immunohistochemical analyses. To identify the origin of a secondary tumour arising from a mature teratoma, we performed whole-exome sequencing of a PMP secondary to a primary ovarian mucinous tumour. The mucinous tumour was CK20 (+), CK7 (-) and CDX2 (+). Its genome harboured 28 somatic non-silent mutations (27 missense and 1 nonsense) that included eight putative driver gene mutations catalogued in COSMIC database (KRAS, GNAS, ZBTB38, ENAM, HTR5A, BAI1, ADAMTS8 and RASA3). KRAS mutation as well as mutations in genes that antagonise RAS signalling (RASA3 and ADAMTS8) suggest that alterations in RAS signalling may play a role in its development. More importantly, the concurrent KRAS and GNAS hotspot mutations, and CK20 (+), CK7 (-) and CDX2 (+) expression strongly indicated its appendiceal origin. Our results indicate that next-generation sequencing combined with histological and immunohistochemical analyses may be a better strategy than the conventional analyses alone to identify the origin of a secondary tumour arising from a mature teratoma. Also, the data suggest that a PMP secondary to a primary ovarian mucinous tumour genome arising in the teratoma may recapitulate the mutational features of appendiceal mucinous tumours. 10.1016/j.pathol.2016.02.017
Toward the molecular dissection of peritoneal pseudomyxoma. Pietrantonio F,Perrone F,Mennitto A,Gleeson E M,Milione M,Tamborini E,Busico A,Settanni G,Berenato R,Caporale M,Morano F,Bossi I,Pellegrinelli A,Di Bartolomeo M,de Braud F,Baratti D,Bowne W B,Kusamura S,Deraco M Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology BACKGROUND:Outcome of pseudomyxoma peritonei (PMP) after cytoreductive surgery (CRS) and hypertermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) is heterogeneous even after adjusting for clinico-pathological prognostic variables. The identification of additional prognostic or even predictive biomarkers is an unmet clinical need. PATIENTS AND METHODS:Forty patients with mucinous appendiceal tumors and PMP were clinically eligible and had evaluable tumor samples obtained after CRS and HIPEC. We carried out next-generations sequencing (NGS) of 50 gene's hotspot regions contained in the Hotspot Cancer Panel v2 using the Ion Torrent Personal Genome Machine platform (Life Technologies). RESULTS:KRAS and GNAS mutations were found in 72% and 52%, and their allelic frequency was below 10% in 55% and 43% of samples, respectively. KRAS and GNAS mutations were associated with worse progression-free survival (PFS) at univariate analysis (P = 0.006 and 0.011, respectively). At multivariate analysis, only KRAS mutations were independently associated with PFS (P = 0.012); GNAS mutations were not-being significantly associated with other poor prognostic features such as incomplete cytoreduction or KRAS mutations. Validation of results was carried out in an independent bi-institutional cohort of 25 patients and the prognostic effect of KRAS mutations was again confirmed in the multivariate model (P = 0.029). NGS approach allowed the discovery of other potentially druggable mutations such as those in PI3K, AKT, LKB1, FGFR3 and PDGFRA. CONCLUSIONS:Given the homogeneity of this series and the sensitivity of NGS in this low-cellularity tumor, we demonstrated for the first time a poor prognostic role of KRAS mutations. 10.1093/annonc/mdw314
Gene set-based analysis of mucinous ovarian carcinoma. Chang Chia-Ming,Wang Peng-Hui,Horng Huann-Cheng Taiwanese journal of obstetrics & gynecology OBJECTIVE:Mucinous ovarian carcinoma (MOC) is an uncommon subtype of epithelial ovarian cancers, and the pathogenesis is still poorly understood because of its rarity. We conducted a gene set-based analysis to investigate the pathogenesis of MOC by integrating microarray gene expression datasets based on the regularity of functions defined by gene ontology or canonical pathway databases. MATERIALS AND METHODS:Forty-five pairs of MOC and normal ovarian tissue sample gene expression profiles were downloaded from the National Center for Biotechnology Information Gene Expression Omnibus database. The gene expression profiles were converted to the gene set regularity indexes by measuring the change of gene expression ordering in a gene set. Then the pathogenesis of MOC was investigated with the differences of function regularity with the gene set regularity indexes between the MOC and normal control samples. RESULTS:The informativeness of the gene set regularity indexes was sufficient for machine learning to accurately recognize and classify the functional regulation patterns with an accuracy of 99.44%. The statistical analysis revealed that the GTPase regulators and receptor tyrosine kinase erbB-2 (ERBB2) were the most important aberrations; the exploratory factor analysis revealed phosphoinositide 3-kinase-activating kinase, G-protein coupled receptor pathway, oxidoreductase activity, immune response, peptidase activity, regulation of translation, and transport and channel activity were also involved in the pathogenesis of MOC. CONCLUSION:Investigating the pathogenesis of MOC with the functionome provided a comprehensive view of the deregulated functions of this disease. In addition to GTPase regulators and ERBB2, a plenty of deregulated functions such as phosphoinositide 3-kinase, G-protein coupled receptor pathway, and immune response also participated in the interaction network of MOC pathogenesis. 10.1016/j.tjog.2016.12.016
Molecular Profiling Reveals a Clonal Relationship Between Ovarian Mucinous Tumors and Corresponding Mural Carcinomatous Nodules. Mesbah Ardakani Nima,Giardina Tindaro,Amanuel Benhur,Stewart Colin J The American journal of surgical pathology Benign or malignant mural nodules rarely occur in mucinous tumors (MTs) of the ovary and malignant nodules can show mesenchymal or epithelial differentiation. The histogenesis of mural nodules is unclear and it has been suggested that these may evolve through divergent differentiation of the mucinous neoplasm or alternatively represent a collision phenomenon. To test these possibilities we compared the molecular profile of 7 ovarian MTs with their matched mural carcinomatous nodules (MCNs) by next-generation sequencing. We found identical KRAS mutations in paired MTs and MCNs in 6 cases, one of which also showed identical CDH1 mutations in both components. In 1 tumor a KRAS mutation was detected in the mucinous neoplasm but not in the MCN; however, identical p53 mutations were present in both tumor elements. Unpaired p53 and PTEN mutations were detected only in the MCN in 2 cases, while mutations in p53 and PIK3CA genes were observed only in the MT in 2 cases. The overall comparative genomic profile was consistent with the neoplastic nature of the MCNs and strongly supported their clonal relationship with the more differentiated mucinous neoplasms. MCNs possibly develop through the acquisition of additional genomic alterations, such as p53 and PTEN mutations, resulting in an anaplastic morphologic phenotype. Our findings also suggest that ovarian MTs with MCNs often arise in KRAS mutant neoplasms. However, mutations in other genes such as PIK3CA and CDH1 may play a role in the neoplastic evolution of a subset of these tumors. 10.1097/PAS.0000000000000875
Endometrial Adenocarcinomas With Significant Mucinous Differentiation: A Characterization of Intratumoral Heterogeneity of KRAS Mutations in Mucinous and Endometrioid Histologic Components. Jackson Cynthia L,Hang Steven,Hansen Katrine,He Mai,Sung C James,Quddus M Ruhul,Xiong Michelle,Wang Yihong,Patel Nimesh R,Lawrence W Dwayne,Xiong Jinjun International journal of gynecological cancer : official journal of the International Gynecological Cancer Society OBJECTIVE:KRAS mutations are frequently seen in malignancies with mucinous morphology. In our previous study, mucinous endometrial carcinomas were associated with a significantly higher frequency of KRAS mutations as compared with matched conventional endometrioid carcinomas. This study expands our previous report by exploring possible intratumoral heterogeneity for KRAS gene mutations in the mucinous components of mucinous carcinomas (MCs) and endometrioid carcinomas with significant mucinous differentiation (ECSMD) versus their associated "usual" endometrioid components. MATERIALS AND METHODS:KRAS-positive cases from our previous report were studied, including 10 MCs and 10 ECSMDs. The specimens were microscopically dissected to separately isolate morphologically mucinous and endometrioid components. Direct DNA sequencing for KRAS mutations at codons 12 and 13 using capillary electrophoresis were performed. RESULTS:KRAS mutations were detected in the endometrioid components of 8 (80%) of 10 MCs and 3 (30%) of 10 ECSMDs. The endometrioid component of the ECSMD group was less frequently associated with KRAS mutation than the endometrioid component of the MC group, even when the mucinous component of the same tumor contained a mutation; the difference is statistically significant (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS:Our current study shows that intratumoral heterogeneity for KRAS gene mutation was associated with ECSMD, but less frequently with MC. It is possible that when the mucinous component predominates, qualifying for an MC, KRAS mutations appear to be widespread, irrespective of the mucinous or nonmucinous differentiation of the tumor cells. The findings suggest that multiple samples for KRAS tests may be useful, especially in endometrioid carcinoma with significant mucinous differentiation. 10.1097/IGC.0000000000001168
Ovarian cancer risk, ALDH2 polymorphism and alcohol drinking: Asian data from the Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium. Cancer science The aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2) polymorphism rs671 (Glu504Lys) causes ALDH2 inactivation and adverse acetaldehyde exposure among Asians, but little is known of the association between alcohol consumption and rs671 and ovarian cancer (OvCa) in Asians. We conducted a pooled analysis of Asian ancestry participants in the Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium. We included seven case-control studies and one cohort study comprising 460 invasive OvCa cases, 37 borderline mucinous OvCa and 1274 controls of Asian descent with information on recent alcohol consumption. Pooled odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) for OvCa risk associated with alcohol consumption, rs671 and their interaction were estimated using logistic regression models adjusted for potential confounders. No significant association was observed for daily alcohol intake with invasive OvCa (OR comparing any consumption to none = 0.83; 95% CI = 0.58-1.18) or with individual histotypes. A significant decreased risk was seen for carriers of one or both Lys alleles of rs671 for invasive mucinous OvCa (OR = 0.44; 95% CI = 0.20-0.97) and for invasive and borderline mucinous tumors combined (OR = 0.48; 95% CI = 0.26-0.89). No significant interaction was observed between alcohol consumption and rs671 genotypes. In conclusion, self-reported alcohol consumption at the quantities estimated was not associated with OvCa risk among Asians. Because the rs671 Lys allele causes ALDH2 inactivation leading to increased acetaldehyde exposure, the observed inverse genetic association with mucinous ovarian cancer is inferred to mean that alcohol intake may be a risk factor for this histotype. This association will require replication in a larger sample. 10.1111/cas.13470
Clinicopathological Characteristics and Mutation Status of Endometrial Mucinous Metaplasia and Carcinoma. Sung Ji-Youn,Jung Yoon Yang,Kim Hyun-Soo Anticancer research BACKGROUND/AIM:Mucinous metaplasia of the endometrium occurs as a spectrum of epithelial alterations ranging from the formation of simple, tubular glands to architecturally complex glandular proliferation with intraglandular papillary projection and cellular tufts. Endometrial mucinous metaplasia often presents a diagnostic challenge in endometrial curettage. MATERIALS AND METHODS:We analyzed the clinicopathological characteristics and the mutation status for V-Ki-ras2 Kirsten rat sarcoma viral oncogene homolog (KRAS) of 11 cases of endometrial mucinous metaplasia. Electronic medical record review and histopathological examination were performed. KRAS mutation status was analyzed using a pyrosequencing technique. RESULTS:Cases were classified histopathologically into simple (5/11) or papillary (6/11) mucinous metaplasias. All (6/6) papillary mucinous metaplasias were associated with atypical hyperplasia/endometrioid intraepithelial neoplasia (AH/EIN; 1/6) or carcinoma (5/6), whereas in a single patient with simple mucinous metaplasia, grade 1 endometrioid carcinoma was incidentally detected. The difference in frequency of association of the metaplasia with AH/EIN or carcinoma was significant (p=0.015). KRAS mutations were identified in five out of six cases of papillary mucinous metaplasias, comprising three cases with G12D and two with G12V mutations; the frequency of KRAS mutation was significantly higher (p=0.015) than in cases of simple mucinous metaplasia (0/5). CONCLUSION:Papillary mucinous metaplasia is frequently associated with endometrial neoplastic lesions. The high incidence of KRAS mutations in papillary mucinous metaplasia suggests that papillary mucinous metaplasia may be a precancerous lesion of a certain subset of mucinous carcinomas of the endometrium. 10.21873/anticanres.12521
Mutational Aberrations Detected in Mucinous Epithelial Ovarian Cancer of Asian Women. Chay Wen Yee,Kwok Li Lian,Tiong Wen Ning,Krisna Sai Sakktee,Lim Kiat Hon,Iyer N Gopalkrishna,Goh Liang Kee,Tan Daniel Shao-Weng International journal of gynecological cancer : official journal of the International Gynecological Cancer Society BACKGROUND:Mucinous epithelial ovarian cancers (mEOCs) respond poorly to conventional chemotherapy and have a poor prognosis in advanced stages. The genomic landscape for mEOC in the Asian settings is ill defined. We seek to identify various mutational aberrations present in mEOC and correlate them with clinical outcomes. METHODS:A total of 199 cases of mEOC were identified from a prospectively maintained gynecologic oncology tumor database. DNA was extracted and analyzed for KRAS mutations by using Sanger sequencing. Further MassArray sequencing was performed on 45 samples. Clinicopathologic correlation was performed with the results obtained. FINDINGS:KRAS mutation status was evaluable in 124 cases. Fifty-five percent (68/124) were KRAS negative, whereas 45% (56/124) harbored a KRAS mutation, lower than that in Western populations. Successful ascertainment of both KRAS and HER2 statuses by Sanger sequencing occurred for 105 cases. The proportion of the double-positive subtype (HER2+ and KRAS positive) was 8% (8/105); double-negative subtype (HER2- and KRAS negative), 34% (36/105); and cases with mutation in either KRAS or HER2, 58% (61/105). The KRAS mutation rate was 44%, 50%, and 29% among Chinese, Indians, and Malays, respectively. There was no significant difference in overall survival (P = 0.952) or progression-free survival (P = 0.635) between KRAS-positive and KRAS-negative patients. Similar results were observed for progression-free survival (P = 0.206) and overall survival (P = 0.440) when outcomes were examined between the 4 groups based on KRAS and HER2 mutation. Patients in the double-negative mutation subgroup had higher risk for death/progression compared with patients in the other 3 mutation subgroups. Further MassARRAY multiplexed profiling was performed in patients with sufficient DNA material (n = 45) and yielded KRAS mutations (n = 16), PDGFRA mutations (n = 3), PIK3CA (n = 1) and KIT (n = 1), and HRAS, FGFR, MET, and NRAS (n = 1 each). CONCLUSIONS:Our study provides further knowledge about the mutational aberrations in mEOC in Asian populations. Neither the presence of KRAS mutation nor their correlation with HER2 mutations influenced outcomes. 10.1097/IGC.0000000000001138
Distinct methylation profile of mucinous ovarian carcinoma reveals susceptibility to proteasome inhibitors. Liew Phui-Ly,Huang Rui-Lan,Weng Yu-Chun,Fang Chia-Lang,Hui-Ming Huang Tim,Lai Hung-Cheng International journal of cancer Mucinous type of epithelial ovarian cancer (MuOC) is a unique subtype with a poor survival outcome in recurrent and advanced stages. The role of type-specific epigenomics and its clinical significance remains uncertain. We analyzed the methylomic profiles of 6 benign mucinous adenomas, 24 MuOCs, 103 serous type of epithelial ovarian cancers (SeOCs) and 337 nonepithelial ovarian cancers. MuOC and SeOC exhibited distinct DNA methylation profiles comprising 101 genes, 81 of which exhibited low methylation in MuOC and were associated with the response to glucocorticoid, ATP hydrolysis-coupled proton transport, proteolysis involved in the cellular protein catabolic process and ion transmembrane transport. Hierarchical clustering analysis showed that the profiles of MuOC were similar to colorectal adenocarcinoma and stomach adenocarcinoma. Genetic interaction network analysis of differentially methylated genes in MuOC showed a dominant network module is the proteasome subunit beta (PSMB) family. Combined functional module and methylation analysis identified PSMB8 as a candidate marker for MuOC. Immunohistochemical staining of PSMB8 used to validate in 94 samples of ovarian tumors (mucinous adenoma, MuOC or SeOC) and 62 samples of gastrointestinal cancer. PSMB8 was commonly expressed in MuOC and gastrointestinal cancer samples, predominantly as strong cytoplasmic and occasionally weak nuclei staining, but was not expressed in SeOC samples. Carfilzomib, a second-generation proteasome inhibitor, suppressed MuOC cell growth in vitro. This study unveiled a mucinous-type-specific methylation profile and suggests the potential use of a proteasome inhibitor to treat MuOC. 10.1002/ijc.31324
The microRNA miR-192/215 family is upregulated in mucinous ovarian carcinomas. Agostini Antonio,Brunetti Marta,Davidson Ben,Tropé Claes G,Eriksson Ane Gerda Z,Heim Sverre,Panagopoulos Ioannis,Micci Francesca Scientific reports Different microRNAs are dysregulated in ovarian cancer where some of them have proved to be valid biomarkers. miRNA profiling analyses have shown that the different histotypes of ovarian carcinoma display differential expression of specific miRNAs. In the present study, we used miRNA-sequencing and Real-Time qPCR to detect the expression levels of miRNAs belonging to the miRNA-192/215 family, namely miR-192, miR-194, and miR-215, in different types of ovarian neoplasia, finding that miR-192, miR-194, and miR-215 were upregulated in ovarian carcinomas of the mucinous subtype, but downregulated in other types of carcinoma and in sex cord-stromal tumors. The expression of the said miRNAs was 6-fold higher in mucinous tumors compared to the other histotypes making them candidates for a possible role as diagnostic biomarkers. 10.1038/s41598-018-29332-7
Does the primary site really matter? Profiling mucinous ovarian cancers of uncertain primary origin (MO-CUP) to personalise treatment and inform the design of clinical trials. Meagher Nicola S,Schuster Klaus,Voss Andreas,Budden Timothy,Pang Chi Nam Ignatius,deFazio Anna,Ramus Susan J,Friedlander Michael L Gynecologic oncology OBJECTIVE:Advanced stage mucinous ovarian cancers are diagnostically and therapeutically challenging. Histotype specific trials have failed due to low recruitment after excluding non-ovarian primaries. Mucinous ovarian cancers are commonly metastatic from other sites however lack definitive diagnostic markers. We suggest a classification of mucinous ovarian cancers of uncertain primary origin 'MO-CUPs' in clinical trials. This study aims to identify drug targets to guide treatment and future trials. METHODS:We analyzed a large de-identified, multi-platform tumor profiling dataset of MO-CUPs enriched for advanced stage and recurrent cases submitted to Caris Life Sciences. Available data included a 45-gene next-generation sequencing (NGS) panel, gene amplification of HER2 and cMET and 18 immunohistochemical (IHC) markers of drug sensitivity/resistance. RESULTS:Mucinous tumors from 333 patients were analyzed, including 38 borderline tumors and 295 invasive cancers. The most common mutations in a subset (n = 128) of invasive cancers were KRAS (60%), TP53 (38%), PIK3CA (13%) and PTEN (9%). Borderline tumors had higher rates of BRAF mutations, and PGP and TOP2A overexpression than invasive cases. KRAS mutant invasive cancers had lower expression of thymidylate synthase (p = 0.01) and higher expression of TUBB3 (p = 0.01) than KRAS wildtype tumors. CONCLUSIONS:To our knowledge, this is the largest series profiling mucinous ovarian cancers and almost certainly includes cases of ovarian and non-ovarian origin. Given the difficulty recruiting patients to histotype-specific trials in rare subsets of ovarian cancer, it may be more important to focus on identifying potential treatment targets and to personalise treatment and design clinical trials in MO-CUPS agnostic of primary site to overcome these issues. 10.1016/j.ygyno.2018.07.013
rs495139 in the TYMS-ENOSF1 Region and Risk of Ovarian Carcinoma of Mucinous Histology. International journal of molecular sciences Thymidylate synthase (TYMS) is a crucial enzyme for DNA synthesis. TYMS expression is regulated by its antisense mRNA, ENOSF1. Disrupted regulation may promote uncontrolled DNA synthesis and tumor growth. We sought to replicate our previously reported association between rs495139 in the 3' gene region and increased risk of mucinous ovarian carcinoma (MOC) in an independent sample. Genotypes from 24,351 controls to 15,000 women with invasive OC, including 665 MOC, were available. We estimated per-allele odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) using unconditional logistic regression, and meta-analysis when combining these data with our previous report. The association between rs495139 and MOC was not significant in the independent sample (OR = 1.09; 95% CI = 0.97⁻1.22; = 0.15; N = 665 cases). Meta-analysis suggested a weak association (OR = 1.13; 95% CI = 1.03⁻1.24; = 0.01; N = 1019 cases). No significant association with risk of other OC histologic types was observed ( = 0.05 for tumor heterogeneity). In expression quantitative trait locus (eQTL) analysis, the rs495139 allele was positively associated with ENOSF1 mRNA expression in normal tissues of the gastrointestinal system, particularly esophageal mucosa ( = 0.51, = 1.7 × 10), and nonsignificantly in five MOC tumors. The association results, along with inconclusive tumor eQTL findings, suggest that a true effect of rs495139 might be small. 10.3390/ijms19092473
Mucinous Ovarian Carcinoma. Morice Philippe,Gouy Sebastien,Leary Alexandra The New England journal of medicine 10.1056/NEJMra1813254
The molecular origin and taxonomy of mucinous ovarian carcinoma. Nature communications Mucinous ovarian carcinoma (MOC) is a unique subtype of ovarian cancer with an uncertain etiology, including whether it genuinely arises at the ovary or is metastatic disease from other organs. In addition, the molecular drivers of invasive progression, high-grade and metastatic disease are poorly defined. We perform genetic analysis of MOC across all histological grades, including benign and borderline mucinous ovarian tumors, and compare these to tumors from other potential extra-ovarian sites of origin. Here we show that MOC is distinct from tumors from other sites and supports a progressive model of evolution from borderline precursors to high-grade invasive MOC. Key drivers of progression identified are TP53 mutation and copy number aberrations, including a notable amplicon on 9p13. High copy number aberration burden is associated with worse prognosis in MOC. Our data conclusively demonstrate that MOC arise from benign and borderline precursors at the ovary and are not extra-ovarian metastases. 10.1038/s41467-019-11862-x
Germline and somatic mutations of homologous recombination-associated genes in Japanese ovarian cancer patients. Sugino Kentaro,Tamura Ryo,Nakaoka Hirofumi,Yachida Nozomi,Yamaguchi Manako,Mori Yutaro,Yamawaki Kaoru,Suda Kazuaki,Ishiguro Tatsuya,Adachi Sosuke,Isobe Masanori,Yamaguchi Masayuki,Kashima Katsunori,Motoyama Teiichi,Inoue Ituro,Yoshihara Kosuke,Enomoto Takayuki Scientific reports We explored the frequency of germline and somatic mutations in homologous recombination (HR)-associated genes in major histological types of ovarian cancer. We performed targeted sequencing to assess germline and somatic mutations of 16 HR-associated genes and 4 mismatch repair (MMR) genes among 207 ovarian cancer patients (50 high-grade serous carcinomas (HGSC), 99 clear cell carcinomas (CCC), 39 endometrioid carcinomas (EC), 13 mucinous carcinomas (MC), and 6 low-grade serous carcinomas (LGSC)). Germline or somatic mutations of HR-associated genes were detected in 44% of HGSC, 28% of CCC, 23% of EC, 16% of MC, and 17% of LGSC patients. The profile of HR-associated gene mutations was remarkably different among each histological type. Germline BRCA1/2 mutations were frequently detected in HGSC and were rarely observed in CCC, EC, and MC patients. ATM somatic mutation was more frequently detected in CCC (9%) and EC patients (18%) than in HGSC patients (4%). There was a positive correlation between MMR gene mutations and HR-associated gene mutations (p = 0.0072). Our findings might be useful in selection of ovarian cancer patients that should be treated with PARP inhibitors. 10.1038/s41598-019-54116-y
Therapeutic options for mucinous ovarian carcinoma. Gynecologic oncology OBJECTIVE:Mucinous ovarian carcinoma (MOC) is an uncommon ovarian cancer histotype that responds poorly to conventional chemotherapy regimens. Although long overall survival outcomes can occur with early detection and optimal surgical resection, recurrent and advanced disease are associated with extremely poor survival. There are no current guidelines specifically for the systemic management of recurrent MOC. We analyzed data from a large cohort of women with MOC to evaluate the potential for clinical utility from a range of systemic agents. METHODS:We analyzed gene copy number (n = 191) and DNA sequencing data (n = 184) from primary MOC to evaluate signatures of mismatch repair deficiency and homologous recombination deficiency, and other genetic events. Immunohistochemistry data were collated for ER, CK7, CK20, CDX2, HER2, PAX8 and p16 (n = 117-166). RESULTS:Molecular aberrations noted in MOC that suggest a match with current targeted therapies include amplification of ERBB2 (26.7%) and BRAF mutation (9%). Observed genetic events that suggest potential efficacy for agents currently in clinical trials include: KRAS/NRAS mutations (66%), TP53 missense mutation (49%), RNF43 mutation (11%), ARID1A mutation (10%), and PIK3CA/PTEN mutation (9%). Therapies exploiting homologous recombination deficiency (HRD) may not be effective in MOC, as only 1/191 had a high HRD score. Mismatch repair deficiency was similarly rare (1/184). CONCLUSIONS:Although genetically diverse, MOC has several potential therapeutic targets. Importantly, the lack of response to platinum-based therapy observed clinically corresponds to the lack of a genomic signature associated with HRD, and MOC are thus also unlikely to respond to PARP inhibition. 10.1016/j.ygyno.2019.12.015
Two types of primary mucinous ovarian tumors can be distinguished based on their origin. Modern pathology : an official journal of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Inc The origin of primary mucinous ovarian tumors is unknown. We explore the hypothesis that they originate from either Brenner tumors or teratomas and examine differences between the tumors that arise in these settings. A total of 104 Brenner tumor-associated mucinous tumors and 58 teratoma-associated mucinous tumors were analyzed. Immunohistochemistry for 21 antigens and fluorescence in situ hybridization for ERBB2 and MYC were performed. Genome-wide copy number analysis and mutation analysis for 56 cancer-related genes was carried out on a subset of mucinous ovarian tumors and their complementary Brenner tumor or teratoma. Patients with teratoma-associated mucinous tumors were significantly younger than patients with Brenner tumor-associated mucinous tumors (43 vs. 61 years). During progression from cystadenoma to atypical proliferative mucinous (borderline) tumor to carcinoma expression of typical gastrointestinal markers was increased in both Brenner tumor-associated and teratoma-associated mucinous tumors. Brenner tumor-associated mucinous tumors showed more frequently calcifications and Walthard cell nests, rarely expressed SATB2 and showed more often co-deletion of CDKN2A and MTAP. Teratoma-associated mucinous tumors were characterized by mucinous stromal dissection, SATB2 expression and RNF43 mutations. Other frequent mutations in both Brenner tumor-associated and teratoma-associated mucinous tumors were TP53 and KRAS mutations. Based on identical mutations or copy number profiles clonal relationships were indicated in two mucinous tumors and their associated Brenner tumor. Teratomas and Brenner tumors give rise to different subtypes of mucinous ovarian tumors. Subsequent progression pathways are comparable since both Brenner tumor-associated and teratoma-associated mucinous tumors develop a gastrointestinal immunophenotype during progression and show early mutations in KRAS and TP53. Teratoma-associated mucinous tumors may more closely resemble true gastrointestinal tumors, indicated by their expression of SATB2 and the presence of RNF43 mutations. 10.1038/s41379-019-0401-y
The Her2 gene aberrations in mucinous ovarian carcinoma: Analysis of twenty-one cases. Chiu Hsiu-Hsiu,Chao Wan-Ru,Chen Chi-Kuan,Lee Yi-Ju,Lee Ming-Yung,Han Chih-Ping Taiwanese journal of obstetrics & gynecology 10.1016/j.tjog.2020.01.031
Mucinous borderline ovarian tumors with BRAF mutation may have low risk for progression to invasive carcinomas. Ohnishi Kaori,Nakayama Kentaro,Ishikawa Masako,Ishibashi Tomoka,Yamashita Hitomi,Nakamura Kohei,Minamoto Toshiko,Iida Kouji,Razia Sultana,Ishikawa Noriyoshi,Kyo Satoru Archives of gynecology and obstetrics PURPOSE:Mucinous ovarian carcinomas (MOCs) are relatively rare. It has been proposed that a subset of mucinous cystadenomas (MCAs) may progress to mucinous borderline tumors (MBTs), and then to MOCs. KRAS is the predominantly mutated gene in MOC; however, other associated mutations and the mechanism underlying carcinogenesis in MOC remain unclear. Here, we assessed molecular genetic alterations in mucinous ovarian tumors and constructed mutation profiles. METHODS:Using the Sanger sequencing method, we assessed genetic mutations (KRAS, BRAF, TP53, and PIK3CA) in 16 cases of MOC, 10 cases of MBT, and 12 cases of MCA. RESULTS:Among MOC cases, the prevalence of G12D and G13D KRAS mutations was 43.8% (7/16). No MOC cases showed V600E BRAF and TP53 mutations. Among MBT cases, the prevalence of G12D KRAS mutation was 20.0% (2/10), those of TP53 and PIK3CA mutations were nil, and that of V600E BRAF mutation was 40% (4/10). None of the genetic mutations assessed were detected among MCA cases. CONCLUSION:These results suggest that MBT with V600E BRAF mutation may rarely progress to MOC, while MBT with G12D or G13D KRAS mutation may more commonly progress to MOC. 10.1007/s00404-020-05638-8
Histological classification of mucinous ovarian tumors: inter-observer reproducibility, clinical relevance, and role of genetic biomarkers. Genestie Catherine,Auguste Aurélie,Al Battal Miriam,Scoazec Jean-Yves,Gouy Sébastien,Lacroix Ludovic,Morice Philippe,Pautier Patricia,Leary Alexandra,Devouassoux-Shisheboran Mojgan Virchows Archiv : an international journal of pathology The morphological distinction between the various types of mucinous ovarian tumors has major prognostic implications but may be challenging. The aims of our study were to describe inter-observer reproducibility in the morphological diagnosis of mucinous ovarian tumors, to evaluate the clinical relevance of possible diagnostic discrepancies, and to identify molecular abnormalities correlated with the histological type. Seventy-nine ovarian mucinous borderline tumors (MOB) and either expansile or infiltrative carcinomas (MOC) were independently reviewed by two gynecological pathologists. Molecular analysis was performed in 32 cases. Concordance between the two pathologists was reached in 67 cases (k: 0.78). The main discrepancies (8/12) were the evaluation of nuclear grade 3 or that of microfoci (< 5 mm) of infiltrative-type carcinoma in an otherwise typical expansile MOC. Our follow-up analysis showed that infiltrative MOC had a lower overall survival (OS) (p < 0.0024) and progression-free survival (PFS) (p = 0.0060) as compared with MOB and expansile MOC. The presence of nuclear grade 3 or microfoci (< 5 mm) of infiltrative-type pattern of invasion in an otherwise typical expansile MOC did not alter the prognosis as compared with expansile MOC without these features, in terms of OS (p < 0.0028) and PFS (p = 0.0074). KRAS mutations were more frequent in MOB (71%), than in expansile (50%) and infiltrative MOC (14%). In contrast, the prevalence of TP53 mutation was lower in MOB (43%), than in expansile (58%) and infiltrative MOC (71%). Our results confirm that in MOC, the expansile pattern of invasion is associated with a better prognosis than extensive (> 5 mm) infiltrative-type pattern of invasion. No specific or sensitive molecular profile might help in the differential diagnosis of mucinous ovarian tumors. 10.1007/s00428-020-02939-w
Analysis of blood group antigens on MUC5AC in mucinous ovarian cancer tissues using in situ proximity ligation assay. Mateoiu Constantina,Vitiazeva Varvara,Kristjansdottir Björg,Weijdegård Birgitta,Örnros Jessica,Gallini Radiosa,Kamali-Moghaddam Masood,Sundfeldt Karin,Karlsson Niclas G Glycobiology MUC5AC has been indicated to be a marker for mucinous ovarian cancer (OC). We investigated the use of in situ proximity ligation assay (PLA) for blood group ABH expressing MUC5AC to differentiate between serous and mucinous OC, to validate preceding observations that also MUC5AC ABH expression is increased in mucinous OC. We developed PLA for anti-A, B, and H/anti-MUC5AC and a PLA using a combined lectin Ulex europaeus agglutinin I (UEA I)/anti-MUC5AC assay. The PLAs were verified with mass spectrometry, where mucinous OC secretor positive patients' cysts fluids containing ABH O-linked oligosaccharides also showed positive OC tissue PLA staining. A nonsecretor mucinous OC cyst fluid was negative for ABH and displayed negative PLA staining of the matched tissue. Using the UEA I/MUC5AC PLA, we screened a tissue micro array of 410 ovarian tissue samples from patients with various stages of mucinous or serous OC, 32 samples with metastasis to the ovaries and 34 controls. The PLA allowed differentiating mucinous tumors with a sensitivity of 84% and a specificity of 97% both against serous cancer but also compared to tissues from controls. This sensitivity is close to the expected incidence of secretor individuals in a population. The recorded sensitivity was also found to be higher compared to mucinous type cancer with metastasis to the ovaries, where only 32% were positive. We conclude that UEA 1/MUC5AC PLA allows glycospecific differentiation between serous and mucinous OC in patients with positive secretor status and will not identify secretor negative individuals with mucinous OC. 10.1093/glycob/cwab090
The genomic landscape of carcinomas with mucinous differentiation. Nguyen Bastien,Sanchez-Vega Francisco,Fong Christopher J,Chatila Walid K,Boroujeni Amir Momeni,Pareja Fresia,Weigelt Britta,Sotiriou Christos,Larsimont Denis,Reis-Filho Jorge S,Desmedt Christine,Schultz Nikolaus Scientific reports Mucinous carcinomas can arise in any organ with epithelial cells that produce mucus. While mucinous tumors from different organs are histologically similar, it remains to be elucidated whether they share molecular alterations. Here we analyzed a total of 902 patients across six cancer types by comparing mucinous and non-mucinous samples, integrating text mining of pathology reports, gene expression, methylation, mutational and copy-number profiling. We found that, in addition to genes involved in mucin processing and secretion, MUC2 up-regulation is a multi-cancer biomarker of mucinous histology and is regulated by DNA methylation in colorectal, breast and stomach cancer. The majority of carcinomas with mucinous differentiation had fewer DNA copy-number alterations than non-mucinous tumors. The tumor mutational burden was lower in breast and lung with mucinous differentiation compared to their non-mucinous counterparts. We found several differences in the frequency of oncogenic gene and pathway alterations between mucinous and non-mucinous carcinomas, including a lower frequency of p53 pathway alterations in colorectal and lung cancer, and a lower frequency of PI-3-Kinase/Akt pathway alterations in breast and stomach cancer with mucinous differentiation. This study shows that carcinomas with mucinous differentiation originating from different organs share transcriptomic and genomic similarities. These results might pave the way for a more biologically relevant taxonomy for these rare cancers. 10.1038/s41598-021-89099-2
Methylation profile of imprinted genes provides evidence for teratomatous origin of a subset of mucinous ovarian tumours. Kato Noriko,Kamataki Akihisa,Kurotaki Hidekachi The Journal of pathology Mucinous ovarian tumours are sometimes associated with mature teratomas. It is suggested that the mucinous tumours in this setting are derived from teratomas, but there remains the possibility of collision or metastasis from extra-ovarian sites. Because mature ovarian teratomas are considered to be parthenogenetic tumours that arise from a single oocyte/ovum, they have only a maternal genome and therefore show maternal genome imprinting. If mucinous ovarian tumours originate from teratomas, their genome imprinting is theoretically maternal. One of the most important mechanisms of genome imprinting is DNA methylation. In the present study, we analysed a total of 28 mucinous ovarian tumours (7 with teratomas, 21 without teratomas; 14 malignant, 14 borderline) to clarify the methylation profiles of their imprinted genes using methylation-specific multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MS-MLPA) of 21 imprinting control regions (ICRs) of nine imprinted genes/gene clusters using formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded samples. All cases lacked evidence of an extra-ovarian primary mucinous tumour. In all seven mucinous tumours with teratomas, the overall methylation profile of mucinous tumours was comparable to that of teratomas, although some ICRs showed aberrant methylation. In contrast, all but one of the mucinous tumours without teratomas showed somatic or irregular methylation patterns. Morphologically, there was little teratomatous tissue in some mucinous tumours carrying teratoma-type methylation profiles, suggesting that mucinous tumours overwhelmed ancestral teratomas. In conclusion, the methylation profile of imprinted genes provides evidence that a subset of mucinous ovarian tumours originated from mature teratomas. Genome imprinting-based analysis is a promising strategy to verify the teratomatous origin of human tumours. © 2021 The Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 10.1002/path.5702
Polycomb Protein BMI-1 as a Potential Therapeutic Target in Mucinous Ovarian Cancer. Anticancer research BACKGROUND/AIM:Mucinous ovarian carcinoma (mOC) is a rare subtype with distinct clinical characteristics and biological behavior that differentiate them from other epithelial ovarian cancers. This study aimed to evaluate BMI-1 expression as a potential target for therapeutic approaches in advanced stage mOC. MATERIALS AND METHODS:We performed gene set, as well as transcription factor enrichment analysis and immunohistochemistry assessing of the BMI-1 protein levels in tissue specimens of eighteen mucinous ovarian cancer patients. To validate the clinical relevance of the findings, we performed cell viability assays and western blot analysis utilizing high-grade serous (HGSC) and mOC cell lines. RESULTS:BMI1 expression was not significantly associated with patient age, FIGO stage, lymph node status, and family history. With regard to progression-free survival, there was also no significant association (p=0.418). Cell viability was significant decreased in response to carboplatin in HGSC cells TYK-nu and OVHASO, and in mOC cell lines COV644 and EFO-27. Western blot analysis demonstrated various expression levels across all cell lines. CONCLUSION:BMI-1 could be a useful potential therapeutic target in some ovarian cancer patients, including mOC patients. 10.21873/anticanres.15650
Genetic diagnosis of pseudomyxoma peritonei originating from mucinous borderline tumor inside an ovarian teratoma. BMC medical genomics BACKGROUND:Pseudomyxoma peritonei is a rare disease condition mainly caused by primary mucinous tumors from the appendix and rarely from the ovary, such as when mucinous ovarian tumors arise from within a teratoma. Molecular analyses of pseudomyxoma from the appendix showed that KRAS and GNAS pathogenic variants are common genetic features of pseudomyxoma peritonei. However, the origin of the tumors is difficult to be identified via genetic variants alone. This study presents a case of pseudomyxoma peritonei of ovarian origin, which was diagnosed by comprehensive genomic profiling with ploidy analysis in a series of primary, recurrent, and autopsy tumor specimens. CASE PRESENTATION:A 40-year-old woman was diagnosed with Stage IC2 mucinous ovarian tumor of borderline malignancy with mature cystic teratoma, upon clinical pathology. Immunohistochemical analysis suggested that the mucinous tumor was derived from the intestinal component of an ovarian teratoma. Three years later, intraperitoneal recurrence was detected, which subsequently progressed to pseudomyxoma peritonei. Genomic analysis detected KRAS (G12D), GNAS (R201C), and FBXW7 (R367*) variants in the primary tumor. In addition, the tumor showed aneuploidy with loss of heterozygosity (LOH) in all its chromosomes, which suggested that the primary ovarian tumor was derived from germ cells. Existence of one Barr body suggested the existence of uniparental disomy of the tumors throughout the genome, instead of a haploid genotype. All three pathogenic variants remained positive in the initial recurrent tumor, as well as in the paired DNA from the whole blood in pseudomyxoma peritonei. The pathogenic variant of KRAS (G12D) was also identified in the autopsy specimen of the appendix by droplet digital polymerase chain reaction. CONCLUSIONS:This study pathologically and genetically confirmed that the primary ovarian borderline tumor was derived from the intestinal component of an ovarian teratoma, and that the subsequent pseudomyxoma peritonei progressed from the primary ovarian tumor. Integrative genomic analysis was useful to identify cellular origin of tumors, as well as to precisely interpret the process of disease progression. 10.1186/s12920-022-01188-x
Metastatic Small Bowel Adenocarcinoma Mimicking a Primary Ovarian Mucinous Tumour - Clinical, Radiologic, Pathologic and Molecular Correlation. International journal of surgical pathology We describe an interesting case of a patient who presented with a large adnexal mass, first favored to be mucinous carcinoma of the gynecologic origin. The primary tumour site was ascertained after the patient's small bowel was resected by identifying an adenomatous component evolving into an invasive adenocarcinoma identical in morphology and immunophenotype to the ovarian tumour. Notably, both tumours were found to harbor a K601E mutation, which is extremely rare for a primary of the ovary. mutations are present in a subset of large bowel and small bowel adenocarcinoma, but our case shows the first instance of a K601E mutation being present in a small bowel adenocarcinoma, to the best of our knowledge. This case serves as a great illustration of the pivotal role of molecular diagnostics in modern pathology in arriving at the correct diagnosis. Additionally, it is an excellent example of how clinical-radiologic-pathologic-molecular correlation plays into the landscape of molecular pathology to deliver optimal care for the patient. 10.1177/10668969221098083
Both gene mutation and gene mutation tend to exist in an inverse manner but not mutually exclusive in mucinous ovarian carcinoma: An analysis of 21 taiwanese women. Journal of cancer research and therapeutics 10.4103/jcrt.JCRT_1358_20
Absence of PIK3CA mutation in primary mucinous ovarian carcinoma: An analysis of 20 Taiwanese cases by FemtoPath PIK3CA mutation screen kit. Taiwanese journal of obstetrics & gynecology 10.1016/j.tjog.2022.03.033
Gene-Expression Profiling of Mucinous Ovarian Tumors and Comparison with Upper and Lower Gastrointestinal Tumors Identifies Markers Associated with Adverse Outcomes. Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research PURPOSE:Advanced-stage mucinous ovarian carcinoma (MOC) has poor chemotherapy response and prognosis and lacks biomarkers to aid stage I adjuvant treatment. Differentiating primary MOC from gastrointestinal (GI) metastases to the ovary is also challenging due to phenotypic similarities. Clinicopathologic and gene-expression data were analyzed to identify prognostic and diagnostic features. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN:Discovery analyses selected 19 genes with prognostic/diagnostic potential. Validation was performed through the Ovarian Tumor Tissue Analysis consortium and GI cancer biobanks comprising 604 patients with MOC (n = 333), mucinous borderline ovarian tumors (MBOT, n = 151), and upper GI (n = 65) and lower GI tumors (n = 55). RESULTS:Infiltrative pattern of invasion was associated with decreased overall survival (OS) within 2 years from diagnosis, compared with expansile pattern in stage I MOC [hazard ratio (HR), 2.77; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.04-7.41, P = 0.042]. Increased expression of THBS2 and TAGLN was associated with shorter OS in MOC patients (HR, 1.25; 95% CI, 1.04-1.51, P = 0.016) and (HR, 1.21; 95% CI, 1.01-1.45, P = 0.043), respectively. ERBB2 (HER2) amplification or high mRNA expression was evident in 64 of 243 (26%) of MOCs, but only 8 of 243 (3%) were also infiltrative (4/39, 10%) or stage III/IV (4/31, 13%). CONCLUSIONS:An infiltrative growth pattern infers poor prognosis within 2 years from diagnosis and may help select stage I patients for adjuvant therapy. High expression of THBS2 and TAGLN in MOC confers an adverse prognosis and is upregulated in the infiltrative subtype, which warrants further investigation. Anti-HER2 therapy should be investigated in a subset of patients. MOC samples clustered with upper GI, yet markers to differentiate these entities remain elusive, suggesting similar underlying biology and shared treatment strategies. 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-22-1206
L1-CAM in Mucinous Ovarian Carcinomas and Borderline Tumors: Impact on Tumor Recurrence and Potential Role in Tumor Progression. The American journal of surgical pathology Mucinous ovarian carcinoma (MOC) is a rare histotype of primary ovarian carcinoma. Frequent pathogenic molecular alterations include mutations in KRAS , TP53 , and overexpression of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2, but without having prognostic relevance. As L1-CAM (cell adhesion molecule) has previously shown prognostic relevance in other epithelial tumors of the female genital tract, we analyzed whether L1-CAM expression affected MOC prognosis. In addition, we investigated L1-CAM expression in mucinous borderline tumors (MBOTs) with and without adjacent MOC to identify its potential role in the pathogenesis of MOC. We examined a well-characterized collective of 39 MOCs by immunohistochemistry and compared their expression with clinicopathologic data. L1-CAM positivity was defined as any (even single-cell) positivity. Furthermore, we compared the L1-CAM expression in 20 MBOT regions adjacent to a MOC with that of 15 pure MBOTs. L1-CAM expression in MOC was significantly associated with recurrence, independent of tumor stage. Overall, 7/20 positive cases recurred versus 0/19 L1-CAM-negative cases ( P =0.032), showing a significant difference in time to progression. Furthermore, the presence of at least 1 defined molecular alteration (L1-CAM, aberrant p53, or human epidermal growth factor receptor 2) was found more frequently in the MBOT regions adjacent to a MOC (14/20) than in pure MBOTs (3/15) ( P =0.024). Expression of the tumor marker L1-CAM is frequent (51%) in MOC and is associated with tumor recurrence. The lack of L1-CAM may serve to characterize cases with a low risk of recurrence. Furthermore, the presence of specific molecular alterations in MBOTs is associated with adjacent carcinomas and may define potential pathways in tumor progression. 10.1097/PAS.0000000000002027
Single-cell profiling reveals differences between human classical adenocarcinoma and mucinous adenocarcinoma. Communications biology Colorectal cancer is a highly heterogeneous disease. Most colorectal cancers are classical adenocarcinoma, and mucinous adenocarcinoma is a unique histological subtype that is known to respond poorly to chemoradiotherapy. The difference in prognosis between mucinous adenocarcinoma and classical adenocarcinoma is controversial. Here, to gain insight into the differences between classical adenocarcinoma and mucinous adenocarcinoma, we analyse 7 surgical tumour samples from 4 classical adenocarcinoma and 3 mucinous adenocarcinoma patients by single-cell RNA sequencing. Our results indicate that mucinous adenocarcinoma cancer cells have goblet cell-like properties, and express high levels of goblet cell markers (REG4, SPINK4, FCGBP and MUC2) compared to classical adenocarcinoma cancer cells. TFF3 is essential for the transcriptional regulation of these molecules, and may cooperate with RPS4X to eventually lead to the mucinous adenocarcinoma mucus phenotype. The observed molecular characteristics may be critical in the specific biological behavior of mucinous adenocarcinoma. 10.1038/s42003-023-04441-w
Primary Mucinous Tumors of the Ovary: An Interobserver Reproducibility and Detailed Molecular Study Reveals Significant Overlap Between Diagnostic Categories. Modern pathology : an official journal of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Inc Primary ovarian mucinous tumors represent a heterogeneous group of neoplasms, and their diagnosis may be challenging. We analyzed 124 primary ovarian mucinous tumors originally diagnosed as mucinous borderline tumors (MBTs) or mucinous carcinomas (MCs), with an emphasis on interobserver diagnostic agreement and the potential for diagnostic support by molecular profiling using a next-generation sequencing targeted panel of 727 DNA and 147 RNA genes. Fourteen experienced pathologists independently assigned a diagnosis from preset options, based on a review of a single digitized slide from each tumor. After excluding 1 outlier participant, there was a moderate agreement in diagnosing the 124 cases when divided into 3 categories (κ = 0.524, for mucinous cystadenoma vs MBT vs MC). A perfect agreement for the distinction between mucinous cystadenoma/MBT as a combined category and MC was found in only 36.3% of the cases. Differentiating between MBTs and MCs with expansile invasion was particularly problematic. After a reclassification of the tumors into near-consensus diagnostic categories on the basis of the initial participant results, a comparison of molecular findings between the MBT and MC groups did not show major and unequivocal differences between MBTs and MCs or between MCs with expansile vs infiltrative pattern of invasion. In contrast, HER2 overexpression or amplification was found only in 5.3% of MBTs and in 35.3% of all MCs and in 45% of MCs with expansile invasion. Overall, HER2 alterations, including mutations, were found in 42.2% of MCs. KRAS mutations were found in 65.5% and PIK3CA mutations in 6% of MCs. In summary, although the diagnostic criteria are well-described, diagnostic agreement among our large group of experienced gynecologic pathologists was only moderate. Diagnostic categories showed a molecular overlap. Nonetheless, molecular profiling may prove to be therapeutically beneficial in advanced-stage, recurrent, or metastatic MCs. 10.1016/j.modpat.2022.100040
Genetic analysis for mucinous ovarian carcinoma with infiltrative and expansile invasion and mucinous borderline tumor: a retrospective analysis. Diagnostic pathology BACKGROUND:Mucinous carcinoma (MC) is a histological subtype of ovarian cancer that has a worse prognosis at advanced stages than the most prevalent histological subtype, high-grade serous carcinomas. Invasive patterns have been recognized as prognostic factors for MCs. MCs with infiltrative invasion were more aggressive than those with expansile invasion. MC with an expansile pattern exhibited behavior similar to mucinous borderline tumors (MBT). However, genomic analysis of invasive patterns is insufficient. This study aimed to compare genetic information between groups with MC and infiltrative invasion (Group A) and those with MC with expansile invasion or MBT (Group B). METHODS:Ten cases each of MC with infiltrative invasion, MC with expansile invasion, and MBT between 2005 and 2020 were identified. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) extraction from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues was performed, and cases with DNA fragmentation or the possibility of DNA fragmentation were excluded. Mutant base candidates and tumor mutation burden (TMB) values (mutations/megabase) were calculated. RESULTS:After assessing the quality of purified DNA, seven cases of MC with infiltrative invasion, five cases of MC with expansile invasion, and three cases of MBT were included. More patients in group A experienced recurrence or progression (p < 0.01) and died of disease (p = 0.03). Moreover, the TMB value was statistically higher in group A than in group B (p = 0.049). There were no statistical differences in the incidence of the mutations of KRAS, TP53, and CREBBP. KRAS, TP53, and CREBBP mutations were discovered in 8/15 (53.3%), 6/15 (40.0%), and 5/15 (33.3%) cases, respectively. CONCLUSIONS:Genetic analysis revealed that Group A had higher TMB than Group B. Therefore, this result might be useful for future treatment. 10.1186/s13000-023-01340-w
Histological and Genetic Diversity in Ovarian Mucinous Carcinomas: A Pilot Study. Current oncology (Toronto, Ont.) Tumor heterogeneity remains an ongoing challenge in the field of cancer therapy. Intratumor heterogeneity significantly complicates the diagnosis of cancer and presents challenging clinical problems due to resistance to drug therapy. This study aimed to elucidate the genetic changes histologically (mucinous cystadenoma (MCA), mucinous borderline tumor (MBT), and mucinous ovarian carcinoma (MOC)) in a portion of mucinous ovarian tumors within the same sample. Seven tumor samples obtained from different patients were used to evaluate the genetic mutations in each component. Intratumor genetic heterogeneity was observed in all patients; among them, (V600E) and (T118I, P142S, T150I, and T170M) point mutations were observed in the MBT component, while (G12D and G13D) and (E545K) mutations were found in the MOC component. The current findings suggest that diverse genetic alterations occur in mucinous tumors, according to tumor histology. Tumor heterogeneity and genetic diversity in mucinous ovarian tumors might be the cause of treatment failure. Knowledge of intertumor heterogeneity may lead to an increased understanding of the tumor response to treatment. 10.3390/curroncol30040307
Rare Epithelial Ovarian Cancers: Low Grade Serous and Mucinous Carcinomas. Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in medicine The ovarian epithelial cancer histotypes can be divided into common and rare types. Common types include high-grade serous ovarian carcinomas and the endometriosis-associated cancers, endometrioid and clear-cell carcinomas. The less common histotypes are mucinous and low-grade serous, each comprising less than 10% of all epithelial carcinomas. Although histologically and epidemiologically distinct from each other, these histotypes share some genetic and natural history features that distinguish them from the more common types. In this review, we will consider the similarities and differences of these rare histological types, and the clinical challenges they pose. 10.1101/cshperspect.a038190
HER2/ ERBB2 Immunohistochemical Expression and Copy Number Status in Ovarian Mucinous Tumors. International journal of gynecological pathology : official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Pathologists Primary mucinous ovarian carcinoma (MOC) is a rare ovarian epithelial cancer, which is often refractory to chemotherapy. HER2-targeting therapy is being increasingly considered in gynecologic malignancies. Although there have been limited studies examining the HER2 status of such tumors, the criteria for HER2 expression scoring have not been standardized for MOC as it has for other sites. This study aimed to survey immunohistochemical HER2 expression patterns in MOC and its precursor, mucinous borderline tumor in correlation with fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Immunohistochemistry (IHC) for HER2 was performed on 12 cases of MOC and 15 mucinous borderline tumors, including 7 with intraepithelial carcinoma. HER2 expression was quantified using the gastric/gastroesophageal carcinoma protocol. Cases were considered 3+ if the tumor cells displayed strong complete or basolateral/lateral membranous staining in ≥10% of tumor cells. Cases (2+) had weak to moderate staining in ≥10% of tumor cells. Cases (1+) had faint staining in ≥10% of tumor cells. Cases considered 0 had no staining or faint staining in <10% of tumor cells. HER2 expression was also quantified with the endometrial serous carcinoma protocol, which uses a 30% tumor cell positivity cutoff. FISH for HER2 was performed on all 3+ and 2+ and a subset of 1+ cases. Of the MOC cases, 25% were 3+ and 1 mucinous borderline tumor with intraepithelial carcinoma had 3+ staining. All 3+ IHC MOC cases had >30% basolateral membranous staining. HER2 amplification was confirmed by FISH on all 3+ IHC cases and in one 2+ IHC case of MOC. Up to 25% of mucinous ovarian tumors showed HER2 IHC overexpression with an excellent correlation between IHC and FISH using the HER2 scoring protocol for either gastric/gastroesophageal carcinoma or uterine serous carcinoma. 10.1097/PGP.0000000000000966
Refined criteria for p53 expression in ovarian mucinous tumours are highly concordant with TP53 mutation status, but p53 expression/TP53 status lack prognostic significance. Pathology In gynecological neoplasms, immunohistochemical (IHC) expression of p53 is generally an accurate predictor of TP53 mutation status if correctly interpreted by the pathologist. However, the literature concerning cut-offs, frequency and prognostic significance of p53 staining in ovarian mucinous tumours is limited and heterogeneous. We performed an analysis of 123 primary ovarian mucinous tumours including mucinous borderline tumours (MBT), mucinous carcinomas (MC), and tumours with equivocal features between MBT and MC. We assessed p53 expression for the three recognised patterns of aberrant staining in ovarian carcinoma [overexpression ('all'), null and cytoplasmic] but using a recently suggested cut-off for aberrant overexpression in ovarian mucinous tumours (strong nuclear p53 staining in ≥12 consecutive tumour cells) and correlated the results with next generation sequencing (NGS) in all qualitatively sufficient cases (92/123). Aberrant p53 expression was present in 25/75 (33.3%) MBT, 23/33 (69.7%) MC (75% of MC with expansile invasion and 61.5% with infiltrative invasion), and 10/15 (66.7%) tumours equivocal between MBT and MC. Regarding the 92 tumours with paired IHC and mutation results, 86 showed concordant results and six cases were discordant. Three discordant MBT cases showed aberrant expression but were TP53 wild-type on sequencing. Three cases had normal p53 expression but contained a TP53 mutation. Overall, IHC predicted the TP53 mutation status with high sensitivity (94.1%) and specificity (92.7%). The accuracy of IHC was 93.5% with a positive predictive value of 94.1% and a negative predictive value of 92.7%. When comparing MC cases with wild-type TP53 versus those with TP53 mutation, there were no significant differences concerning disease-free survival, local recurrence-free survival, or metastases-free survival (p>0.05). In the MBT subgroup, there were no events for survival analyses. In conclusion, using an independent large sample set of ovarian mucinous tumours, the results of our study confirm that the suggested refined cut-off of strong nuclear p53 staining in ≥12 consecutive tumour cells reflect high accuracy, sensitivity and specificity for an underlying TP53 mutation but the TP53 mutation status has no prognostic significance in either MC or MBT. 10.1016/j.pathol.2023.04.008
Synergy of the microRNA Ratio as a Promising Diagnosis Biomarker for Mucinous Borderline and Malignant Ovarian Tumors. International journal of molecular sciences Epithelial ovarian cancers (EOCs) are a heterogeneous collection of malignancies, each with their own developmental origin, clinical behavior and molecular profile. With less than 5% of EOC cases, mucinous ovarian carcinoma is a rare form with a poor prognosis and a 5-year survival of 11% for advanced stages (III/IV). At the early stages, these malignant forms are clinically difficult to distinguish from borderline (15%) and benign (80%) forms with a better prognosis due to the large size and heterogeneity of mucinous tumors. Improving their diagnosis is therefore a challenge with regard to the risk of under-treating a malignant form or of unnecessarily undertaking radical surgical excision. The involvement of microRNAs (miRNAs) in tumor progression and their potential as biomarkers of diagnosis are becoming increasingly recognized. In this study, the comparison of miRNA microarray expression profiles between malignant and borderline tumor FFPE samples identified 10 down-regulated and 5 up-regulated malignant miRNAs, which were validated by individual RT-qPCR. To overcome normalization issues and to improve the accuracy of the results, a ratio analysis combining paired up-regulated and down-regulated miRNAs was performed. Although 21/50 miRNA expression ratios were significantly different between malignant and borderline tumor samples, any ratio could perfectly discriminate the two groups. However, a combination of 14 pairs of miRNA ratios (double ratio) showed high discriminatory potential, with 100% of accuracy in distinguishing malignant and borderline ovarian tumors, which suggests that miRNAs may hold significant clinical potential as a diagnostic tool. In summary, these ratio miRNA-based signatures may help to improve the precision of histological diagnosis, likely to provide a preoperative diagnosis in order to adapt surgical procedures. 10.3390/ijms242116016