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The role of group 3 innate lymphoid cell in intestinal disease. Frontiers in immunology Group 3 innate lymphoid cells (ILC3s), a novel subpopulation of lymphocytes enriched in the intestinal mucosa, are currently considered as key sentinels in maintaining intestinal immune homeostasis. ILC3s can secrete a series of cytokines such as IL-22 to eliminate intestinal luminal antigens, promote epithelial tissue repair and mucosal barrier integrity, and regulate intestinal immunity by integrating multiple signals from the environment and the host. However, ILC3 dysfunction may be associated with the development and progression of various diseases in the gut. Therefore, in this review, we will discuss the role of ILC3 in intestinal diseases such as enteric infectious diseases, intestinal inflammation, and tumors, with a focus on recent research advances and discoveries to explore potential therapeutic targets. 10.3389/fimmu.2023.1171826
Development of Human ILCs and Impact of Unconventional Cytotoxic Subsets in the Pathophysiology of Inflammatory Diseases and Cancer. Frontiers in immunology Innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) were firstly described by different independent laboratories in 2008 as tissue-resident innate lymphocytes mirroring the phenotype and function of T helper cells. ILCs have been subdivided into three distinct subgroups, ILC1, ILC2 and ILC3, according to their cytokine and transcriptional profiles. Subsequently, also Natural Killer (NK) cells, that are considered the innate counterpart of cytotoxic CD8 T cells, were attributed to ILC1 subfamily, while lymphoid tissue inducer (LTi) cells were attributed to ILC3 subgroup. Starting from their discovery, significant advances have been made in our understanding of ILC impact in the maintenance of tissue homeostasis, in the protection against pathogens and in tumor immune-surveillance. However, there is still much to learn about ILC ontogenesis especially in humans. In this regard, NK cell developmental intermediates which have been well studied and characterized prior to the discovery of helper ILCs, have been used to shape a model of ILC ontogenesis. Herein, we will provide an overview of the current knowledge about NK cells and helper ILC ontogenesis in humans. We will also focus on the newly disclosed circulating ILC subsets with killing properties, namely unconventional CD56 NK cells and cytotoxic helper ILCs, by discussing their possible role in ILC ontogenesis and their contribution in both physiological and pathological conditions. 10.3389/fimmu.2022.914266
Differentiation and function of group 3 innate lymphoid cells, from embryo to adult. van de Pavert Serge A,Vivier Eric International immunology Group 3 innate lymphoid cells (ILC3) represent a heterogeneous population of cells that share the nuclear hormone receptor RORγt (retinoic acid receptor-related orphan receptor γt) as a master regulator for differentiation and function. ILC3 can be divided into two major subsets based on the cell surface expression of the natural cytotoxicity receptor (NCR), NKp46. A subset of NCR(-) ILC3 includes the previously known lymphoid-tissue inducer cells that are essential for the embryonic formation of peripheral lymph nodes and Peyer's patches. After birth, the NCR(-) and NCR(+) ILC3 contribute to the maintenance of health but also to inflammation in mucosal tissues. This review will describe the differentiation pathways of ILC3, their involvement in the development of the adaptive immune system and their role in the establishment and maintenance of gut immunity. 10.1093/intimm/dxv052
Group 3 innate lymphoid cells in intestinal health and disease. Nature reviews. Gastroenterology & hepatology The gastrointestinal tract is an immunologically rich organ, containing complex cell networks and dense lymphoid structures that safeguard this large absorptive barrier from pathogens, contribute to tissue physiology and support mucosal healing. Simultaneously, the immune system must remain tolerant to innocuous dietary antigens and trillions of normally beneficial microorganisms colonizing the intestine. Indeed, a dysfunctional immune response in the intestine underlies the pathogenesis of numerous local and systemic diseases, including inflammatory bowel disease, food allergy, chronic enteric infections or cancers. Here, we discuss group 3 innate lymphoid cells (ILC3s), which have emerged as orchestrators of tissue physiology, immunity, inflammation, tolerance and malignancy in the gastrointestinal tract. ILC3s are abundant in the developing and healthy intestine but their numbers or function are altered during chronic disease and cancer. The latest studies provide new insights into the mechanisms by which ILC3s fundamentally shape intestinal homeostasis or disease pathophysiology, and often this functional dichotomy depends on context and complex interactions with other cell types or microorganisms. Finally, we consider how this knowledge could be harnessed to improve current treatments or provoke new opportunities for therapeutic intervention to promote gut health. 10.1038/s41575-024-00906-3