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Blood Pressure Variability in Clinical Practice: Past, Present and the Future. Journal of the American Heart Association Recent advances in wearable technology through convenient and cuffless systems will enable continuous, noninvasive monitoring of blood pressure (BP), heart rate, and heart rhythm on both longitudinal 24-hour measurement scales and high-frequency beat-to-beat BP variability and synchronous heart rate variability and changes in underlying heart rhythm. Clinically, BP variability is classified into 4 main types on the basis of the duration of monitoring time: very-short-term (beat to beat), short-term (within 24 hours), medium-term (within days), and long-term (over months and years). BP variability is a strong risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, chronic kidney disease, cognitive decline, and mental illness. The diagnostic and therapeutic value of measuring and controlling BP variability may offer critical targets in addition to lowering mean BP in hypertensive populations. 10.1161/JAHA.122.029297
Visit-to-visit blood pressure variability in children and adolescents with renal disease. Fujita Hisayo,Matsuoka Seiji,Awazu Midori Clinical and experimental nephrology BACKGROUND:Increase in blood pressure (BP) variability (BPV) is associated with cardiovascular events, target organ damage, and arterial stiffness in adults. We previously reported that 24-h BPV may be associated with arterial stiffness and underlie white-coat hypertension (WCH). In this study, we examined whether visit-to-visit variability (VVV) could predict WCH and whether VVV correlated with eGFR, eGFR slope, and albuminuria/proteinuria in children and adolescents with renal diseases. METHODS:VVV was determined as average real variability of office BP measurements between visits, and 24-h BPV as the standard deviation of 24-h ambulatory BP. In 35 renal patients (25 boys and 10 girls, 7-18 years of age), divided into normotension (NT), WCH, and hypertension (HTN), the relationships between VVV and 24-h BPV and VVV in each BP category were studied. In separate 48 renal patients (24 boys and 24 girls, 2-18 years of age), the correlation between VVV and eGFR, eGFR slope, urine albumin or protein excretion was examined. RESULTS:Systolic VVV was significantly correlated with systolic office BP index. There was no correlation between VVV and 24-h BPV or 24-h pulse pressure. In addition, VVV was not different among NT, WCH, and HTN. Systolic VVV was significantly negatively correlated with eGFR but not with eGFR slope, albuminuria, or proteinuria. A cut-off value of systolic VVV for detecting eGFR < 60 ml/min per 1.73 m was 8.5. CONCLUSION:VVV could not predict WCH. Systolic VVV correlated with eGFR but not with eGFR slope, albuminuria/proteinuria. Increased VVV could be a marker of decreased eGFR. 10.1007/s10157-018-1557-3
Blood pressure variability with different measurement methods: Reliability and predictors. A proof of concept cross sectional study in elderly hypertensive hospitalized patients. Medicine Blood pressure variability (BPV) is an independent cardiovascular risk factor in hypertensive patients. The best method for quantifying BPV is still an object of debate. The existence of different BPV patterns, particularly age and arterial stiffness related, is postulated. Our aims were:Cross-sectional study in 108 elderly hypertensive hospitalized patients. Each patient underwent blood pressure measurements with 5 different modalities: 24 hour BP and pulse wave velocity (PWV) monitoring (24hBPM), measurement by nurses or physicians, self-measurement and beat-to-beat monitoring. Differences between maximum and minimum values (ΔBP), averages of the absolute differences between consecutive values (ARV) and coefficients of variation (CV) were calculated.ΔBP showed the wider values' dispersion (Δ systolic blood pressure (SBP): 66.4 ± 22.9 and Δ diastolic blood pressure [DBP]: 45.0 ± 13.5 mmHg). ARV and CV were highest with nurses' measurements (SBP-ARV 9.2 ± 6.2; DBP-ARV 6.9 ± 5.2; SBP-CV 7.6 ± 5.3; DBP-CV 9.6 ± 5.5). The strongest correlation was found comparing physicians' SBP measurements and 24hBPM ARVs (R2 0.23, P <.05). 24hBPM ΔSBP in a multivariate analysis was significantly associated with age (β -3.85, SE 0.83; P <.001) and PWV (β 20.29, SE 3.70; P <.001). Calcium antagonists were associated with a lower ΔSBP (β -14.6, SE 6.1, P <.05) while diuretics and alpha-blockers with a significant increase (β 14.4 SE 5.4, P <.01; β 26.9 SE 11.7, P <.05).Age, PWV, diuretics, alpha-blockers, but also measurements obtained by nurses, increase BP variability while calcium antagonists reduce it. BP profiles in elderly in-hospital patients potentially provide important information; they should, however, be interpreted cautiously. 10.1097/MD.0000000000016347
Blood pressure measurements, blood pressure variability and endothelial function in renal transplant recipients. Ozkayar Nihal,Altun Bulent,Yildirim Tolga,Yilmaz Rahmi,Dede Fatih,Arik Gunes,Turkmen Ercan,Hayran Mutlu,Aki Fazil Tuncay,Arici Mustafa,Erdem Yunus Clinical and experimental hypertension (New York, N.Y. : 1993) BACKGROUND/AIMS:Hypertension is an important cardiovascular risk factor in renal transplant recipients. Elevated blood pressure variability (BPV) during 24-h ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) is associated with increased risk of target organ damage and cardiovascular events, independent of mean blood pressure levels. We aimed to evaluate the relationship between endothelial function, blood pressure levels obtained by various measurement methods, and BPV in renal transplant recipients. METHODS:In total, 73 hypertensive renal transplant recipients were included in the study. Office blood pressure measurements, central blood pressure measurements, home blood pressure measurements and 24-h ABPM were obtained from the subjects. BPV was calculated using the average real variability index. All patients underwent brachial flow-mediated vasodilatation tests. Predictive values of blood pressures obtained by different measurement techniques and BPV on endothelial functions were investigated. RESULTS:Endothelial dysfunction was present in 68.5% of the patients. No difference was found between the group with and without endothelial dysfunction with regard to office systolic or diastolic blood pressure, central blood pressure or home systolic blood pressure. In the group with endothelial dysfunction, 24-h ambulatory systolic blood pressure and night-time ambulatory systolic blood pressure were higher. In patients with endothelial dysfunction, the 24-h systolic, diastolic and mean BPV were all higher. There was also a negative correlation between the percentage of flow-mediated vasodilatation with 24-h mean and systolic BPV. CONCLUSION:Patients with endothelial dysfunction had significantly higher ambulatory blood pressure values and higher BPV. There was a significant negative correlation between endothelial function and BPV. 10.3109/10641963.2013.827706
Analysis of Systolic Blood Pressure Level and Short-Term Variability in Masked Hypertension. Journal of healthcare engineering Background:Patients with masked hypertension are at an elevated risk of cardiovascular events and all-cause death. This risk is close to that of sustained hypertension. The mean value and short-term variability of systolic blood pressure are considered to be risk factors for organ damage in hypertension. Objective:To investigate the mean value and short-term variability of systolic blood pressure in patients with masked hypertension. Methods:According to the results of in-clinic and ambulatory blood pressure measurement, participants were divided into four groups: normotension group, controlled hypertension group, masked hypertension group, and sustained hypertension group. The mean value and short-term variability of systolic blood pressure of masked hypertension group were evaluated by comparison with the other three groups. Results:A total of 250 subjects were enrolled, with an average age of 65.46 ± 8.76 years, and 166 (66.4%) were male, including 62 in the normotension group, 78 in the controlled hypertension group, 69 in the masked hypertension group, and 41 in the sustained hypertension group. Compared with the normotension group and controlled hypertension group, the mean value, blood pressure load, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation of systolic blood pressure over 24 hours and during the day and night, were all higher in the masked hypertension group ( < 0.05), while the rate of the nocturnal systolic blood pressure decline was lower ( < 0.05). There were no statistically significant differences in the above indexes between the masked hypertension group and sustained hypertension group ( > 0.05). Conclusion:There are higher mean value of systolic blood pressure and greater short-term variability in masked hypertension patients. Identification of masked hypertension is an important challenge in the clinic. 10.1155/2022/8016893
The meaning of blood pressure. Magder S Critical care (London, England) Measurement of arterial pressure is one of the most basic elements of patient management. Arterial pressure is determined by the volume ejected by the heart into the arteries, the elastance of the walls of the arteries, and the rate at which the blood flows out of the arteries. This review will discuss the three forces that determine the pressure in a vessel: elastic, kinetic, and gravitational energy. Emphasis will be placed on the importance of the distribution of arterial resistances, the elastance of the walls of the large vessels, and critical closing pressures in small arteries and arterioles. Regulation of arterial pressure occurs through changes in cardiac output and changes in vascular resistance, but these two controlled variables can sometimes be in conflict. 10.1186/s13054-018-2171-1
Blood pressure and its variability: classic and novel measurement techniques. Nature reviews. Cardiology Current hypertension guidelines recommend using the average values of several blood pressure (BP) readings obtained both in and out of the office for the diagnosis and management of hypertension. In-office BP measurement using an upper-arm cuff constitutes the evidence-based reference method for current BP classification and treatment targets. However, out-of-office BP evaluation using 24 h ambulatory or home BP monitoring is recommended by all major medical associations for obtaining further insights into the BP profile of an individual and how it relates to their daily activities. Importantly, the highly variable nature of office and out-of-office BP readings has been widely acknowledged, including the association of BP variability with cardiovascular outcomes. However, to date, the implications of BP variability on cardiovascular outcomes have largely been ignored, with limited application in clinical practice. Novel cuffless wearable technologies might provide a detailed assessment of the 24 h BP profile and behaviour over weeks or months. These devices offer many advantages for researchers and patients compared with traditional BP monitors, but their accuracy and utility remain uncertain. In this Review, we outline and compare conventional and novel methods and techniques for assessing average BP levels and BP variability, and reflect on the utility and potential of these methods for improving the treatment and management of patients with hypertension. 10.1038/s41569-022-00690-0