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Regulation of Pain Perception by Microbiota in Parkinson Disease. Pharmacological reviews Pain perception involves current stimulation in peripheral nociceptive nerves and the subsequent stimulation of postsynaptic excitatory neurons in the spinal cord. Importantly, in chronic pain, the neural activity of both peripheral nociceptors and postsynaptic neurons in the central nervous system is influenced by several inflammatory mediators produced by the immune system. Growing evidence has indicated that the commensal microbiota plays an active role in regulating pain perception by either acting directly on nociceptors or indirectly through the modulation of the inflammatory activity on immune cells. This symbiotic relationship is mediated by soluble bacterial mediators or intrinsic structural components of bacteria that act on eukaryotic cells, including neurons, microglia, astrocytes, macrophages, T cells, enterochromaffin cells, and enteric glial cells. The molecular mechanisms involve bacterial molecules that act directly on neurons, affecting their excitability, or indirectly on non-neuronal cells, inducing changes in the production of proinflammatory or anti-inflammatory mediators. Importantly, Parkinson disease, a neurodegenerative and inflammatory disorder that affects mainly the dopaminergic neurons implicated in the control of voluntary movements, involves not only a motor decline but also nonmotor symptomatology, including chronic pain. Of note, several recent studies have shown that Parkinson disease involves a dysbiosis in the composition of the gut microbiota. In this review, we first summarize, integrate, and classify the molecular mechanisms implicated in the microbiota-mediated regulation of chronic pain. Second, we analyze the changes on the commensal microbiota associated to Parkinson disease and propose how these changes affect the development of chronic pain in this pathology. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: The microbiota regulates chronic pain through the action of bacterial signals into two main locations: the peripheral nociceptors and the postsynaptic excitatory neurons in the spinal cord. The dysbiosis associated to Parkinson disease reveals increased representation of commensals that potentially exacerbate chronic pain and reduced levels of bacteria with beneficial effects on pain. This review encourages further research to better understand the signals involved in bacteria-bacteria and bacteria-host communication to get the clues for the development of probiotics with therapeutic potential. 10.1124/pharmrev.122.000674
Microbiota-gut-brain axis drives overeating disorders. Cell metabolism Overeating disorders (ODs), usually stemming from dieting history and stress, remain a pervasive issue in contemporary society, with the pathological mechanisms largely unresolved. Here, we show that alterations in intestinal microbiota are responsible for the excessive intake of palatable foods in OD mice and patients with bulimia nervosa (BN). Stress combined with a history of dieting causes significant changes in the microbiota and the intestinal metabolism, which disinhibit the vagus nerve terminals in the gut and thereby lead to a subsequent hyperactivation of the gut-brain axis passing through the vagus, the solitary tract nucleus, and the paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus. The transplantation of a probiotic Faecalibacterium prausnitzii or dietary supplement of key metabolites restores the activity of the gut-to-brain pathway and thereby alleviates the OD symptoms. Thus, our study delineates how the microbiota-gut-brain axis mediates energy balance, unveils the underlying pathogenesis of the OD, and provides potential therapeutic strategies. 10.1016/j.cmet.2023.09.005
Gut bacteria-derived serotonin promotes immune tolerance in early life. Science immunology The gut microbiota promotes immune system development in early life, but the interactions between the gut metabolome and immune cells in the neonatal gut remain largely undefined. Here, we demonstrate that the neonatal gut is uniquely enriched with neurotransmitters, including serotonin, and that specific gut bacteria directly produce serotonin while down-regulating monoamine oxidase A to limit serotonin breakdown. We found that serotonin directly signals to T cells to increase intracellular indole-3-acetaldehdye and inhibit mTOR activation, thereby promoting the differentiation of regulatory T cells, both ex vivo and in vivo in the neonatal intestine. Oral gavage of serotonin into neonatal mice resulted in long-term T cell-mediated antigen-specific immune tolerance toward both dietary antigens and commensal bacteria. Together, our study has uncovered an important role for specific gut bacteria to increase serotonin availability in the neonatal gut and identified a function of gut serotonin in shaping T cell response to dietary antigens and commensal bacteria to promote immune tolerance in early life. 10.1126/sciimmunol.adj4775
Gut Microbiota Promotes Tumor Growth in Mice by Modulating Immune Response. Sethi Vrishketan,Kurtom Saba,Tarique Mohammad,Lavania Shweta,Malchiodi Zoe,Hellmund Leonor,Zhang Li,Sharma Umakant,Giri Bhuwan,Garg Bharti,Ferrantella Anthony,Vickers Selwyn M,Banerjee Sulagna,Dawra Rajinder,Roy Sabita,Ramakrishnan Sundaram,Saluja Ashok,Dudeja Vikas Gastroenterology We studied the effects of gut microbiome depletion by oral antibiotics on tumor growth in subcutaneous and liver metastases models of pancreatic cancer, colon cancer, and melanoma. Gut microbiome depletion significantly reduced tumor burden in all the models tested. However, depletion of gut microbiome did not reduce tumor growth in Rag1-knockout mice, which lack mature T and B cells. Flow cytometry analyses demonstrated that gut microbiome depletion led to significant increase in interferon gamma-producing T cells with corresponding decrease in interleukin 17A and interleukin 10-producing T cells. Our results suggest that gut microbiome modulation could emerge as a novel immunotherapeutic strategy. 10.1053/j.gastro.2018.04.001
Oral bacteria accelerate pancreatic cancer development in mice. Gut OBJECTIVE:Epidemiological studies highlight an association between pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) and oral carriage of the anaerobic bacterium , a species highly linked to periodontal disease. We analysed the potential for to promote pancreatic cancer development in an animal model and probed underlying mechanisms. DESIGN:We tracked bacterial translocation from the oral cavity to the pancreas following administration to mice. To dissect the role of in PDAC development, we administered bacteria to a genetically engineered mouse PDAC model consisting of inducible acinar cell expression of mutant ( /LSL-G12D; Ptf1a-CreER, iKC mice). These mice were used to study the cooperative effects of mutation and on the progression of pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PanIN) to PDAC. The direct effects of on acinar cells and PDAC cell lines were studied in vitro. RESULTS: migrated from the oral cavity to the pancreas in mice and can be detected in human PanIN lesions. Repetitive administration to wild-type mice induced pancreatic acinar-to-ductal metaplasia (ADM), and altered the composition of the intrapancreatic microbiome. In iKC mice, accelerated PanIN to PDAC progression. In vitro, infection induced acinar cell ADM markers SOX9 and CK19, and intracellular bacteria protected PDAC cells from reactive oxygen species-mediated cell death resulting from nutrient stress. CONCLUSION:Taken together, our findings demonstrate a causal role for in pancreatic cancer development in mice. 10.1136/gutjnl-2023-330941