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The Tricky Connection between Extracellular Vesicles and Mitochondria in Inflammatory-Related Diseases. International journal of molecular sciences Mitochondria are organelles present in almost all eukaryotic cells, where they represent the main site of energy production. Mitochondria are involved in several important cell processes, such as calcium homeostasis, OXPHOS, autophagy, and apoptosis. Moreover, they play a pivotal role also in inflammation through the inter-organelle and inter-cellular communications, mediated by the release of mitochondrial damage-associated molecular patterns (mtDAMPs). It is currently well-documented that in addition to traditional endocrine and paracrine communication, the cells converse via extracellular vesicles (EVs). These small membrane-bound particles are released from cells in the extracellular milieu under physio-pathological conditions. Importantly, EVs have gained much attention for their crucial role in inter-cellular communication, translating inflammatory signals into recipient cells. EVs cargo includes plasma membrane and endosomal proteins, but EVs also contain material from other cellular compartments, including mitochondria. Studies have shown that EVs may transport mitochondrial portions, proteins, and/or mtDAMPs to modulate the metabolic and inflammatory responses of recipient cells. Overall, the relationship between EVs and mitochondria in inflammation is an active area of research, although further studies are needed to fully understand the mechanisms involved and how they may be targeted for therapeutic purposes. Here, we have reported and discussed the latest studies focused on this fascinating and recent area of research, discussing of tricky connection between mitochondria and EVs in inflammatory-related diseases. 10.3390/ijms24098181
Mitochondrial fragmentation and donut formation enhance mitochondrial secretion to promote osteogenesis. Cell metabolism Mitochondrial components have been abundantly detected in bone matrix, implying that they are somehow transported extracellularly to regulate osteogenesis. Here, we demonstrate that mitochondria and mitochondrial-derived vesicles (MDVs) are secreted from mature osteoblasts to promote differentiation of osteoprogenitors. We show that osteogenic induction stimulates mitochondrial fragmentation, donut formation, and secretion of mitochondria through CD38/cADPR signaling. Enhancing mitochondrial fission and donut formation through Opa1 knockdown or Fis1 overexpression increases mitochondrial secretion and accelerates osteogenesis. We also show that mitochondrial fusion promoter M1, which induces Opa1 expression, impedes osteogenesis, whereas osteoblast-specific Opa1 deletion increases bone mass. We further demonstrate that secreted mitochondria and MDVs enhance bone regeneration in vivo. Our findings suggest that mitochondrial morphology in mature osteoblasts is adapted for extracellular secretion, and secreted mitochondria and MDVs are critical promoters of osteogenesis. 10.1016/j.cmet.2023.01.003
Mitochondria-containing extracellular vesicles (EV) reduce mouse brain infarct sizes and EV/HSP27 protect ischemic brain endothelial cultures. Journal of controlled release : official journal of the Controlled Release Society Ischemic stroke causes brain endothelial cell (BEC) death and damages tight junction integrity of the blood-brain barrier (BBB). We harnessed the innate mitochondrial load of BEC-derived extracellular vesicles (EVs) and utilized mixtures of EV/exogenous 27 kDa heat shock protein (HSP27) as a one-two punch strategy to increase BEC survival (via EV mitochondria) and preserve their tight junction integrity (via HSP27 effects). We demonstrated that the medium-to-large (m/lEV) but not small EVs (sEV) transferred their mitochondrial load, that subsequently colocalized with the mitochondrial network of the recipient primary human BECs. Recipient BECs treated with m/lEVs showed increased relative ATP levels and mitochondrial function. To determine if the m/lEV-meditated increase in recipient BEC ATP levels was associated with m/lEV mitochondria, we isolated m/lEVs from donor BECs pre-treated with oligomycin A (OGM, mitochondria electron transport complex V inhibitor), referred to as OGM-m/lEVs. BECs treated with naïve m/lEVs showed a significant increase in ATP levels compared to untreated OGD cells, OGM-m/lEVs treated BECs showed a loss of ATP levels suggesting that the m/lEV-mediated increase in ATP levels is likely a function of their innate mitochondrial load. In contrast, sEV-mediated ATP increases were not affected by inhibition of mitochondrial function in the donor BECs. Intravenously administered m/lEVs showed a reduction in brain infarct sizes compared to vehicle-injected mice in a mouse middle cerebral artery occlusion model of ischemic stroke. We formulated binary mixtures of human recombinant HSP27 protein with EVs: EV/HSP27 and ternary mixtures of HSP27 and EVs with a cationic polymer, poly (ethylene glycol)-b-poly (diethyltriamine): (PEG-DET/HSP27)/EV. (PEG-DET/HSP27)/EV and EV/HSP27 mixtures decreased the paracellular permeability of small and large molecular mass fluorescent tracers in oxygen glucose-deprived primary human BECs. This one-two punch approach to increase BEC metabolic function and tight junction integrity may be a promising strategy for BBB protection and prevention of long-term neurological dysfunction post-ischemic stroke. 10.1016/j.jconrel.2023.01.025
Mitochondrial-derived vesicles retain membrane potential and contain a functional ATP synthase. EMBO reports Vesicular transport is a means of communication. While cells can communicate with each other via secretion of extracellular vesicles, less is known regarding organelle-to organelle communication, particularly in the case of mitochondria. Mitochondria are responsible for the production of energy and for essential metabolic pathways in the cell, as well as fundamental processes such as apoptosis and aging. Here, we show that functional mitochondria isolated from Saccharomyces cerevisiae release vesicles, independent of the fission machinery. We isolate these mitochondrial-derived vesicles (MDVs) and find that they are relatively uniform in size, of about 100 nm, and carry selective protein cargo enriched for ATP synthase subunits. Remarkably, we further find that these MDVs harbor a functional ATP synthase complex. We demonstrate that these vesicles have a membrane potential, produce ATP, and seem to fuse with naive mitochondria. Our findings reveal a possible delivery mechanism of ATP-producing vesicles, which can potentially regenerate ATP-deficient mitochondria and may participate in organelle-to-organelle communication. 10.15252/embr.202256114