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A Rare Case of Brucellosis with Multivalvular Endocarditis and Complete Heart Block. Current cardiology reviews BACKGROUND:Brucellosis is a public health concern that affects multiple organs. However, cardiovascular problems arise infrequently, affecting fewer than 2% of cases, typically presenting as endocarditis. CASE PRESENTATION:A 50-year male was admitted with low-grade fever, night sweats, weight loss (13 kg), malaise, and generalized weakness for the past 6 months. On clinical examination, he was febrile with 39.0°C, an average heart rate of 54 bpm, and 100/40 mmHg blood pressure. On cardiovascular examination, S1 and S2 were soft with pan systolic murmur present in the mitral area, and the early diastolic murmur was present in the left third intercostal space. Electrocardiography was suggestive of third-degree heart block with AV dissociation. Transthoracic echocardiography showed mobile vegetations attached to multiple valves- an aortic valve (18.2x11.9mm) and a mitral valve (2.9x7.5mm) with perivalvular abscess. He was given oral doxycycline (100mg B.D.) and rifampicin (600mg/day); the patient responded, but the AV block did not resolve. CONCLUSION:This report has drawn attention to multivalvular involvement and cardiac rhythm abnormalities in Brucellosis (in this case, A.V. dissociation was present) because early diagnosis and treatment can cause a significant decrease in morbidity as well as mortality by appropriate treatment. 10.2174/011573403X290326240703100925
Seroprevalence of human brucellosis in Turkey: A comprehensive meta-analysis. Zoonoses and public health AIMS:Brucellosis remains a common zoonotic disease, in developing countries, as well as in Turkey where it is endemic, underdiagnosed, and underreported. The aim of this meta-analysis was to provide a comprehensive estimate of seroprevalence with a large sample size, covering all regions of Turkey, including both grey literature and published studies. METHODS AND RESULTS:A systematic search was performed in MEDLINE (via PubMed), TürkMedline (National Health Sciences-Periodicals Database), and YÖKSİS database (Higher Education Council Information System) until May 5th, 2023. The quality of the studies was evaluated independently using Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) critical assessment tool for prevalence studies. A random-effects model (DerSimion and Laird) was utilized to estimate the overall pooled prevalence. A sensitivity analysis was performed, excluding studies with a high risk of bias. The subgroup analyses and meta-regression were conducted to explore sources of heterogeneity. Egger test and funnel plot were used to assess publication bias. The meta-analysis included 30 studies in total published between 1999 and 2021 with 51,560 individuals. In Turkey, the pooled seroprevalence of human brucellosis was estimated to be 4.5% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 3.8%-5.3%). According to the subgroup analysis, a higher seroprevalence was found in rural areas (8.0%, 95% CI: 5.4%-10.7%), high-risk occupational groups (9.9%, 95% CI: 5.3%-14.6%), and the Central East Anatolia Region (13%, 95% CI: 3.2%-22.8%). The meta-regression analysis identified living in rural areas and certain geographic regions as significant risk factors associated with higher seroprevalence. CONCLUSIONS:This meta-analysis revealed a significant burden of human brucellosis in Turkey. The findings highlight the need for public health measures and targeted interventions to reduce the burden of this zoonotic disease, especially in rural areas, high-risk occupational groups, and the East Anatolia Region. 10.1111/zph.13166