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Exploring apple pectic polysaccharides: Extraction, characterization, and biological activities - A comprehensive review. International journal of biological macromolecules Apple (Malus domestica) is a popular and ancient fruit of the Myrtaceae family. Apple fruit is well-known for its great nutritional and phytochemical content consisted of beneficial compounds such as polyphenols, polysaccharides, sterols, and organic acids. Polysaccharides extracted from different parts of the apple fruit, including the peel, pomace, or the whole fruit, have been extensively studied. Researchers have investigated the structural characteristics of these polysaccharides, such as molecular weight, type of monosaccharide unit, type of linkage and its position and arrangement. Besides this, functional properties and physicochemical and of apple polysaccharides have also been studied, along with the effects of extraction procedures, storage, and processing on cell wall polysaccharides. Various extraction techniques, including hot water extraction, enzymatic extraction, and solvent-assisted extraction, have been studied. From the findings, it was evident that apple polysaccharides are mainly composed of (1 → 3), (1 → 6): α-β-glycosidic linkage. Moreover, the apple polysaccharides were demonstrated to exhibit antioxidant, hepatoprotective, anti-cancer, hypoilipidemic, and enzyme inhibitory properties in vitro and in vivo. The potential applications of apple polysaccharides in the food, cosmetic, pharmaceutical, nutraceutical industries have also been explored in the present review. Overall, the research on apple polysaccharides highlights their significant potential as a source of biologically active compounds with various health benefits and practical applications. 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.128011
Microalgae as feedstock for bioactive polysaccharides. International journal of biological macromolecules Due to the increase in industrial demand for new biosourced molecules (notably bioactive exopolysaccharides (EPS)), microalgae are gaining popularity because of their nutraceutical potential and benefits health. Such health effects are delivered by specific secondary metabolites, e.g., pigments, exopolysaccharides, polyunsaturated fatty acids, proteins, and glycolipids. These are suitable for the subsequent uses in cosmetic, nutraceutical, pharmaceutical, biofuels, biological waste treatment, animal feed and food fields. In this regard, a special focus has been given in this review to describe the various methods used for extraction and purification of polysaccharides. The second part of the review provides an up-to-date and comprehensive summary of parameters affecting the microalgae growth and insights to maximize the metabolic output by understanding the intricacies of algal development and polysaccharides production. In the ultimate part, the health and nutraceutical claims associated with marine algal bioactive polysaccharides, explaining their noticeable potential for biotechnological applications, are summarized and comprehensively discussed. 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2022.08.206
Fingerprint profiling and gut microbiota regulation of polysaccharides from Fritillaria species. International journal of biological macromolecules Few studies reported the quality evaluation and gut microbiota regulation effect of polysaccharides from Fritillaria species. In this study, polysaccharides extracted from ten Fritillaria species were compared and distinguished through multi-levels evaluation strategy and data fusion. Furthermore, the gut microbiota regulation effect of polysaccharides among different species was analyzed and evaluated. The fingerprint profiling of IR, molecular weight distribution of polysaccharides, chromatogram of partially hydrolyzed polysaccharides (oligosaccharides) and completely hydrolyzed polysaccharides (monosaccharides) were similar, and no exclusive signals were observed. However, the signal strength of functional group, oligosaccharides abundance and monosaccharides proportion showed obvious differences in inter- and intra-species. Glucan may be the main component of polysaccharides in Fritillaria species, CIRR derived from CIR, PRZ, DEL, TAI, UNI possessed higher total polysaccharides content, polymerization degree, oligosaccharides abundance (DP 2-4), and glucose content than the others. Meanwhile, data fusion model was established for identification of affinis and multi-original species, the accuracy of which proved to be 100 %. In addition, Fritillaria polysaccharides could increase the bacterial community richness and diversity, regulate the gut microbiota composition and possessed potential therapeutic effects on gastrointestinal diseases and nervous system diseases. 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.123844
Structure and drug delivery relationship of acidic polysaccharides: A review. International journal of biological macromolecules Scientists from across the world are being inspired by recent development in polysaccharides and their use in medical administration. Due to their extraordinary physical, chemical, and biological characteristics, polysaccharides are excellent materials for use in medicine. Acidic polysaccharides, which include Pectin, Xanthan gum, Carrageenan, Alginate, and Glycosaminoglycan, are natural polymers with carboxyl groups that are being researched for their potential as drug delivery systems. Most publications do not discuss how the different polysaccharides interact structurally in terms of drug delivery, which limits the scope of their use. The purpose of this review is to inform readers about the structural activity correlations between acidic polysaccharides, their different modification process and effects of combination of various acidic polysaccharides which have been used in drug delivery systems and expanding their potential applications, and bringing new perspectives to the fore. 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.125092
Natural polysaccharides and their derivatives targeting the tumor microenvironment: A review. International journal of biological macromolecules Polysaccharides have gained attention as valuable supplements and natural medicinal resources, particularly for their anti-tumor properties. Their low toxicity and potent anti-tumor effects make them promising candidates for cancer prevention and treatment. The tumor microenvironment is crucial in tumor development and offers potential avenues for novel cancer therapies. Research indicates that polysaccharides can positively influence the tumor microenvironment. However, the structural complexity of most anti-tumor polysaccharides, often heteropolysaccharides, poses challenges for structural analysis. To enhance their pharmacological activity, researchers have modified the structure and properties of natural polysaccharides based on structure-activity relationships, and they have discovered that many polysaccharides exhibit significantly enhanced anti-tumor activity after chemical modification. This article reviews recent strategies for targeting the tumor microenvironment with polysaccharides and briefly discusses the structure-activity relationships of anti-tumor polysaccharides. It also summarises the main chemical modification methods of polysaccharides and discusses the impact of chemical modifications on the anti-tumor activity of polysaccharides. The review aims to lay a theoretical foundation for the development of anti-tumor polysaccharides and their derivatives. 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2024.131789
Modified polysaccharides for food packaging applications: A review. International journal of biological macromolecules Development of new food packaging materials is crucial to reduce the use of single-use plastics and to limit their destructive impact on the environment. Polysaccharides provide an alternative solution to this problem. This paper summarizes and discusses recent research results on the potential of modifying polysaccharides as materials for film and coating applications. Modifications of polysaccharides significantly affect their properties, as well as their application usability. Although modifications of biopolymers for packaging applications have been widely studied, polysaccharides have attracted little attention despite being a prospective, environmentally friendly, and economically viable packaging alternative. Therefore, this paper discusses approaches to the development of biodegradable, polysaccharide-based food packaging materials and focuses on modifications of four polysaccharides, such as starch, chitosan, sodium alginate and cellulose. In addition, these modifications are presented not only in terms of the selected polysaccharide, but also in terms of specific properties, i.e. hydrophilic, barrier and mechanical properties, of polysaccharides. Such a presentation of results makes it much easier to select the modification method to improve the unsatisfactory properties of the material. Moreover, very often it happens that the applied modification improves one and worsens another property, which is also presented in this review. 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.128916
Effect of natural polysaccharides on alcoholic liver disease: A review. International journal of biological macromolecules In this study, we systematically collected relevant literature in the past five years on the intervention of natural polysaccharides in alcoholic liver disease (ALD) and reviewed the pharmacological activities and potential mechanisms of action. Natural polysaccharides are effective in preventing liver tissue degeneration, inhibiting the alcohol-induced expression of inflammatory factors, inactivation of antioxidant enzymes, and abnormal hepatic lipid deposition. Natural polysaccharides regulate the expression of proteins, such as tight junction proteins, production of small molecule metabolites, and balance of intestinal flora in the intestinal tract to alleviate ALD. Natural polysaccharides also exert therapeutic effects by modulating inflammatory, oxidative, lipid metabolism, and other pathways in the liver. Natural polysaccharides also inhibit alcohol-induced intestinal abnormalities by regulating intestinal flora and feeding back into the liver via the gut-liver axis. However, existing research on natural polysaccharides has many shortcomings: for example, most of the natural polysaccharides for testing are total polysaccharides or crude polysaccharides, progress in research on in vivo metabolic processes and mechanisms is slow, and the degree of industrialisation is insufficient. Finally, we discuss the difficulties in studying natural polysaccharides and future directions to provide a theoretical basis for their development and application. 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.126317
Biopharmaceutical applications of microbial polysaccharides as materials: A Review. International journal of biological macromolecules Biological characteristics of natural polymers make microbial polysaccharides an excellent choice for biopharmaceuticals. Due to its easy purifying procedure and high production efficiency, it is capable of resolving the existing application issues associated with some plant and animal polysaccharides. Furthermore, microbial polysaccharides are recognized as prospective substitutes for these polysaccharides based on the search for eco-friendly chemicals. In this review, the microstructure and properties of microbial polysaccharides are utilized to highlight their characteristics and potential medical applications. From the standpoint of pathogenic processes, in-depth explanations are provided on the effects of microbial polysaccharides as active ingredients in the treatment of human diseases, anti-aging, and drug delivery. In addition, the scholarly developments and commercial applications of microbial polysaccharides as medical raw materials are also discussed. The conclusion is that understanding the use of microbial polysaccharides in biopharmaceuticals is essential for the future development of pharmacology and therapeutic medicine. 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.124259
Bioactivity of polysaccharides derived from bivalves. International journal of biological macromolecules Bivalves have high diversity, widely distributed in various aquatic environments, including saltwater, brackish water and freshwater. Bivalves are known to rich in polysaccharides and have wide applications in functional foods, pharmaceuticals, and industrial research. Despite many relevant reports are available, the information is poorly organized. Therefore, in this study, we conducted a comprehensive scientific review on the potential bioactivity of polysaccharides derived from bivalves. In general, the polysaccharides derived from bivalves possess various bioactive properties, including anticancer, antioxidant, anticoagulant and immunomodulatory activities. The bioactivity of these biomolecules highly depends on the bivalve species, extraction methods, purification methods, dosages, etc. The information in this study can provide an overview of the bioactivities of bivalve polysaccharides. This is very useful to be used as a guide for identifying the health benefits of polysaccharides derived from different bivalve species. 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.126096
Advances in sulfonated modification and bioactivity of polysaccharides. International journal of biological macromolecules Polysaccharides, as biological macromolecules, are widely found in plants, animals, fungi, and bacteria and exhibit various biological activities. However, many natural polysaccharides exhibit low or non-existent biological activities because of their high molecular weights and poor water solubility, limiting their application in many fields. Sulfonation is one of the most effective chemical modification methods to improve physicochemical properties and biological activities of natural polysaccharides or even impart natural polysaccharides with new biological activities. Therefore, sulfonated polysaccharides have attracted increasing attention because of their antioxidant, anticoagulant, antiviral, and immunomodulatory properties. This paper reviews the recent advances in the sulfonation of polysaccharides, including preparation, characterization, and biological activities of sulfonated polysaccharides, and provides a theoretical basis for wide applications of sulfonated polysaccharides. 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.126400