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Another simple regimen for perioperative management of diabetes mellitus. Raghuraman M S,Selvam Priyanka,Gopi Srividya World journal of diabetes Persons with diabetes who require surgical procedures are increasing day by day. Many of the regimens available to manage patients with diabetes perioperatively are complex. Hence, the junior doctors and the paramedics (Primary care providers on a 24/7 basis) find it difficult to execute them. We need a simple regimen that can be executed in a primary care setting/general floor as it is becoming difficult to accommodate the patients in a sophisticated setting because of the increasing burden of the disease. We suggest a simple regimen in this article (Ram's regimen) which we believe safer, economical and more effective than few simple regimens available to date. Moreover, this regimen does not require any additional equipment such as syringe pumps, measured-volume set, . Hence, this regimen can be implemented in a primary care setting/general floor easily and we hope that it will be useful for doctors of various specialties and their patients. 10.4239/wjd.v10.i9.481