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An introduction to microfluidics and their applications. Verma Nidhi,Prajapati Parth,Singh Vijai,Pandya Alok Progress in molecular biology and translational science In the past decade, microfluidics and lab-on-chip are rapidly growing area. It has been used for number of biology to biotechnology and medicine applications. It has the potential to reduce cost of reagent and time of experiment. It has been used integrated with automation for extraction and detection of protein, nucleic acids, enzymes, metabolites and delivery of drug to target location. It has been used for drug discovery, high throughput screening of potent drug and used for delivery. Paper based microfluidics was used for point-of-care diagnosis for accurate treatment of diseases. In this chapter, we highlight advances of microfluidics devices for number of biological and translational science applications. 10.1016/bs.pmbts.2021.07.006