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Explaining pain following cancer: a practical guide for clinicians. Brazilian journal of physical therapy BACKGROUND:Pain is one of the most prevalent and debilitating symptom following cancer treatment. OBJECTIVES:This paper entails a practical guide for clinicians willing to apply pain neuroscience education (PNE) in this specific population, or clinical researchers willing to examine the effects of PNE in patients suffering from pain following cancer. RESULTS:Patient-specific information (i.e. beliefs, cognitions, pain memories, social factors) as well as identification of the dominant pain mechanism are needed to tailor the education to the specific needs and beliefs of the patient. Therapists require an in-depth understanding of pain mechanisms, the skills to explain to their patients various pain mechanisms, specific communication skills (e.g. Socratic-style dialogof education) and experience with current evidence-based biopsychosocially-driven pain management strategies for successful implementation of PNE in the clinic. Rather than purely focusing on the biomedical characteristics of pain following cancer (e.g., tissue damage due to past cancer treatment), PNE implies teaching patients about the underlying biopsychosocial mechanisms of pain. Its application is backed-up by mounting evidence supporting the effectiveness of PNE in non-cancer pain populations, and a pilot study in patients having pain following cancer. CONCLUSION:PNE is a potential solution to improve pain outcome in cancer survivors. Further research using sufficiently powered and well-designed randomized clinical trials should be conducted to examine the potential of PNE in patients having pain following cancer. 10.1016/j.bjpt.2018.12.003
Pain Neuroscience Education in cancer survivors with persistent pain: A pilot study. Journal of bodywork and movement therapies PURPOSE:To describe the Pilot Study: Pain Neuroscience Education in Cancer Survivors and describe the innovative educational component of Pain Neuroscience Education (PNE). DESIGN:Quasi experimental design. METHOD:The PNE program, encompassing a one-on-one education session and an information leaflet was given to 30 cancer survivors. At baseline and two weeks after the PNE, participants were asked to fill out following outcome measures; pain intensity, pain catastrophizing, and HRQoL. FINDINGS:Following PNE, a significant decrease on pain intensity (p = 0.001), on the SF-36 subscale pain (p = 0.003) and for the following PCS subscales: Helplessness (p < 0.001), Rumination (p = 0.002) and Total score (p < 0.001) was found compared to baseline. CONCLUSIONS:Although the current results need to be verified in a larger randomized, controlled trial, preliminary evidence shows a decrease in pain intensity and pain catastrophizing following PNE in cancer survivors with persistent pain. 10.1016/j.jbmt.2020.06.027
Persistent pain management in an oncology population through pain neuroscience education, a multimodal program: PaiNEd randomized clinical trial protocol. PloS one INTRODUCTION:Pain is one of the most persistent symptoms after cancer treatment. The central nervous system can erroneously stay in its alarm phase, altering the pain experience of patients who have cancer. Pain neuroscience education (PNE) with multimodal approaches may benefit these patients. OBJECTIVE:This protocol aims to determine the effectiveness of a PNE tool on pain, physical function and quality of life, as a supplement to a multimodal rehabilitation (MR) program in patients who had breast cancer (BC). METHODS:An 8-week double-blinded randomized controlled trial will be conducted, including 72 participants who had BC and who have persistent pain, randomized into three groups: PNE program + MR program, traditional biomedical information + MR program and control group. The PNE program will include educational content that participants will learn through a mobile app and the MR program will include a concurrent exercise program and manual therapy. The primary outcome will be the perceived pain assessed using the Visual Analogue Scale and secondary outcomes are others related to pain, physical function and quality of life. All outcomes will be evaluated at baseline, at the end of the intervention and 6 months after the end of intervention. DISCUSSION:The proposed study may help BC patients with persistent pain improve their pain experience, quality of life and provide for more adaptive pain-coping strategies. This protocol could propose an action guide to implement different integral approaches for the treatment of sequelae. This treatment option could be offered to this patient profile and it could be easily implemented in the healthcare systems due to its low costs. TRIAL REGISTRATION:ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT04877860. (February18, 2022). 10.1371/journal.pone.0290096
NEUROCANTRIAL: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial of a pain neuroscience education programme in adults with cancer pain. BMJ open INTRODUCTION:Pain is the second most frequent symptom reported in patients with cancer among the main reasons for consultation. The incorporation of educational modalities in pain intervention processes has been suggested. This study aims to examine the efficacy of neuroscience pain education (PNE) in relation to pain, biopsychosocial variables and functional capacity in comparison with conventional treatment. It is hypothesised that an intervention based on PNE achieves better outcomes than conventional management, in terms of pain, biopsychosocial variables and functional capacity in adults with oncological pain. METHODS AND ANALYSIS:This will be a single-blind, controlled clinical trial in which two groups will be compared using changes in pain as the primary measure. The first group will receive conventional treatment in addition to PNE, and participants will undergo an intervention of nine sessions (one session per week, for a total of 9 weeks), each lasting 30-40 min. Specifically, these sessions will teach biophysiological elements using metaphors that allow the adoption of these concepts related to pain. The second group will receive conventional treatment (pharmacological treatment). For this study, a sample size calculation was made based on the background, where 80 adults with oncological pain were required. An initial evaluation will be made to establish the baseline characteristics, and then, according to the randomisation, the assignment to the PNE group or the control group will be made and the two groups will be summoned again. Ten weeks later, for the intervention evaluation, the statistical analysis plan will be established by protocol and by intention-to-treat. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION:This protocol complies with all ethical considerations. The authors commit to presenting the study's results. This study was approved by the ethics committees of the Universidad Santiago de Cali, Clínica de Occidente/Angiografía de Occidente. The authors commit to presenting the study's results. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER:NCT05581784. 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-071493
Effect of perceived injustice-targeted pain neuroscience education compared with biomedically focused education in breast cancer survivors: a study protocol for a multicentre randomised controlled trial (BCS-PI trial). BMJ open INTRODUCTION:Current treatments for pain in breast cancer survivors (BCSs) are mostly biomedically focused rather than biopsychosocially driven. However, 22% of BCSs with pain are experiencing perceived injustice, which is a known predictor for adverse pain outcomes and opioid prescription due to increased maladaptive pain behaviour. Educational interventions such as pain neuroscience education (PNE) are suggested to target perceived injustice. In addition, motivational interviewing can be an effective behavioural change technique. This trial aims to examine whether perceived injustice-targeted PNE with the integration of motivational interviewing is superior to biomedically focused pain education in reducing pain after 12 months in BCS with perceived injustice and pain. In addition, improvements in quality of life, perceived injustice and opioid use are evaluated, and a cost-effectiveness analysis will finally result in a recommendation concerning the use of perceived injustice-targeted PNE in BCSs with perceived injustice and pain. METHODS AND ANALYSIS:This two-arm multicentre randomised controlled trial will recruit female BCS (n=156) with pain and perceived injustice. Participants will be randomly assigned to perceived injustice-targeted PNE or biomedically focused pain education in each centre. Both interventions include an online session, an information leaflet and three one-to-one sessions. The primary outcome (pain), secondary outcomes (quality of life, perceived injustice and outcomes for cost-effectiveness analysis) and explanatory outcomes (pain phenotyping, sleep, fatigue and cognitive-emotional factors) will be assessed at baseline and at 0, 6, 12 and 24 months postintervention using self-reported questionnaires online. Treatment effects over time will be evaluated using linear mixed model analyses. Additionally, a cost-utility analysis will be done from a healthcare payer and societal perspective. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION:The ethical agreement was obtained from the Main Ethics Committee (B.U.N.1432020000068) at the University Hospital Brussels and all other participating hospitals. Study results will be disseminated through presentations, conferences, social media, press and journals. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER:NCT04730154. 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-075779
Online pain neuroscience education and graded exposure to movement in breast cancer survivors: protocol of a randomized controlled trial. Frontiers in medicine Introduction:Cancer-related chronic pain is an important sequelae that damages the quality of life of breast cancer survivors. Pain neuroscience education and graded exposure to movement are therapeutic tools that have been shown to be effective in the management of chronic pain in other populations. However, there are no previous studies that combine them after breast cancer. Objective:To evaluate the effectiveness of an online physiotherapy focused-person program which combines pain neuroscience education and graded exposure to movement for quality of life improvement in breast cancer survivors. Methodology:This protocol is a randomized controlled trial with a sample size of 40 breast cancer survivors with pain in the last 6 months. Participants will be allocated to the experimental or control group using a fixed size block randomization method. The evaluator and statistician will be blinded to participant allocation. Participants in the experimental group will receive a 12-week intervention based on pain neuroscience education and therapeutic yoga as a graded exposure to movement exercise; participants in the control group will continue with their usual cancer-related symptoms care. Both groups will receive an education booklet. The main outcome will be quality of life, measured by the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy - Breast (FACT-B+4); secondary, four outcomes related to pain experience (catastrophising, self-efficacy, kinesiophobia and fear-avoidance behaviors) will be also assessed. All variables will be assessed by two blinded evaluators at four timepoints. A mixed-model analyses of variance ANOVA (2 × 4) will be used to study the effects of the treatment on the dependent variables. All statistical tests will be performed considering a confidence interval of 95%. SPSS program will be used for the data analysis. Discussion:This research is expected to contribute to breast cancer rehabilitation field. The proposed intervention is also expected to improve self-care skills related to chronic pain and to empower women regarding the management of their symptoms and quality of life. https://clinicaltrials.gov/, NCT04965909. 10.3389/fmed.2024.1355964