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Brain-wide connectivity map of mouse thermosensory cortices. Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991) In the thermal system, skin cooling is represented in the primary somatosensory cortex (S1) and the posterior insular cortex (pIC). Whether S1 and pIC are nodes in anatomically separate or overlapping thermal sensorimotor pathways is unclear, as the brain-wide connectivity of the thermal system has not been mapped. We address this using functionally targeted, dual injections of anterograde viruses or retrograde tracers into the forelimb representation of S1 (fS1) and pIC (fpIC). Our data show that inputs to fS1 and fpIC originate from separate neuronal populations, supporting the existence of parallel input pathways. Outputs from fS1 and fpIC are more widespread than their inputs, sharing a number of cortical and subcortical targets. While, axonal projections were separable, they were more overlapping than the clusters of input cells. In both fS1 and fpIC circuits, there was a high degree of reciprocal connectivity with thalamic and cortical regions, but unidirectional output to the midbrain and hindbrain. Notably, fpIC showed connectivity with regions associated with thermal processing. Together, these data indicate that cutaneous thermal information is routed to the cortex via parallel circuits and is forwarded to overlapping downstream regions for the binding of somatosensory percepts and integration with ongoing behavior. 10.1093/cercor/bhac386
A Whole-Brain Connectivity Map of VTA and SNc Glutamatergic and GABAergic Neurons in Mice. An Sile,Li Xiangning,Deng Lei,Zhao Peilin,Ding Zhangheng,Han Yutong,Luo Yue,Liu Xin,Li Anan,Luo Qingming,Feng Zhao,Gong Hui Frontiers in neuroanatomy The glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc) mediated diverse brain functions. However, their whole-brain neural connectivity has not been comprehensively mapped. Here we used the virus tracers to characterize the whole-brain inputs and outputs of glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons in VTA and SNc. We found that these neurons received similar inputs from upstream brain regions, but some quantitative differences were also observed. Neocortex and dorsal striatum provided a greater share of input to VTA glutamatergic neurons. Periaqueductal gray and lateral hypothalamic area preferentially innervated VTA GABAergic neurons. Specifically, superior colliculus provided the largest input to SNc glutamatergic neurons. Compared to input patterns, the output patterns of glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons in the VTA and SNc showed significant preference to different brain regions. Our results laid the anatomical foundation for understanding the functions of cell-type-specific neurons in VTA and SNc. 10.3389/fnana.2021.818242
A whole-brain connectivity map of mouse insular cortex. eLife The insular cortex (IC) plays key roles in emotional and regulatory brain functions and is affected across psychiatric diseases. However, the brain-wide connections of the mouse IC have not been comprehensively mapped. Here, we traced the whole-brain inputs and outputs of the mouse IC across its rostro-caudal extent. We employed cell-type-specific monosynaptic rabies virus tracings to characterize afferent connections onto either excitatory or inhibitory IC neurons, and adeno-associated viral tracings to label excitatory efferent axons. While the connectivity between the IC and other cortical regions was highly bidirectional, the IC connectivity with subcortical structures was often unidirectional, revealing prominent cortical-to-subcortical or subcortical-to-cortical pathways. The posterior and medial IC exhibited resembling connectivity patterns, while the anterior IC connectivity was distinct, suggesting two major functional compartments. Our results provide insights into the anatomical architecture of the mouse IC and thus a structural basis to guide investigations into its complex functions. 10.7554/eLife.55585