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Microfluidic techniques for studying the nervous system. Gross Pamela G,Weiner Leslie P,Kartalov Emil P,Scherer Axel Critical reviews in neurobiology Recent advances in micro- and nano-fabrication techniques have led to the development of microfluidic platforms designed for in vitro biological studies. Based on their capability of precise control of the environment surrounding individual cells, these microfluidic platforms have been increasingly utilized to investigate physiologic responses at the single-cell level. It is likely that these devices will continue to gain popularity as a tool to study the behavior of individual cells as they are exposed to extrinsic agents and other cells. This article reviews microfluidic technology and its application to single-cell research, with emphasis on advances that are particularly useful for neuronal studies, such as platforms with patterned physical and chemical cues, integrated electrophysiology and other sensors, architecture for isolation of axons, and delivery of precisely controlled chemical factors. 10.1615/critrevneurobiol.v17.i3-4.10